Chapter 2
Jasmine’s POV
“Some mysterious yet extremely wealthy and hot guys” she said, stating the obvious while zombie walking to her room. I sighed and went head to work, no school because we are waiting for our results.
After a perfectly uneventful day at work that feels like the longest coffe shift anyone has ever had in the history of time with no Damon checking in to say Hi, I finally checked out.
I went into the restroom to change, brush my hair, and touch up my makeup. I leave the coffee shop with a sad sigh.
Damon didn’t drop by but I suppose the wealthy have loads of chefs that make special coffee for them , why will they bother.
Walked through the side entrance, and found Damon waiting for me there, casually leaning against another green sexy looking Lamborghini.
His level of sexy glowed more in the daylight;He looks freshly groomed, and I must confess the darker shade of jeans and the blue t-shirt makes him look more alluring.
“Hey,” he says with a small nod. Apparently, he’s not much of a conversationalist, but that’s fine, because I’m not looking to do much talking tonight.
“Are you hungry?” he asks out of the blue.
“I am, but there’s no place nearby that’s open this late and I have had enough of coffee”
“I’ve got you covered,” he says. “Do you need to take your car home? I can follow you there with mine.”
“I walked here.” I said humbly, my deadass car will be a joke near his.
Damon came out of the car with that masculine aura and opened the passenger door for me . “Have you ever drove this?” he asks.
“I have,” I say with a nod and he turned to look at me with a suprised yet impressive look on his face.
“You owe one?”
“Of course not but I’m into cars and anything dangerous, adrenaline pumping … I love adventure!” I said excitedly.
“I wouldn’t expect less from a Rogue “ he said with a smirk.
He hands meee his car keys , and I put it on after pulling my hair back into a ponytail. I positioned myself waiting for him to get seated when I’m ready to ride, I straddle on the car luxiorus comfy chaaair and scoot close to him, wondering if he can feel the heat between my legs just from how good he smells, my senses hiking up when he leaned close to check something on the dashboard.
“Are you comfortable?” he asks, as he turns to check on me.
Comfortable isn’t the right word for how I’m feeling. I’m excited, lit up inside at the prospect of what the next few hours may bring, thrilled that our time together is starting with a perfect excuse for me to wrap my arms around the beautiful once in a life time ride and of course with his presence.
“I’m great,” I say, pressing my fingers round the steering wheel, wondering what he would do if I were to slide my hands under the fabric of his shirt instead.
His body is just as strong and hard as it looks, with the added appeal of a sharp, clean scent that may as well be pure pheromones, based on the response it’s eliciting from my body.
I’ve always thought I might like to own a beautiful car like this someday, but driving one would never compare to being a passenger up against a man like this.
I pulled out of the lot and onto the is Main Street. I expect he’s going to head toward the other side of town to go in search of late-night fast food, but he turns in the opposite direction and we exchanged seats agajn.
Though Damon gives off vibes of speed and danger, he’s actually a sensible driver and makes me feel safe. His body is thrilling enough; I don’t need the added boost of adrenaline that would come from reckless driving.
I laid back enjoying the music while thinking if he will take me to a restaurant or his home, he drives along the curving road that leads to one of the towns scenic overlooks that has lots of tress,it’s like a min forest.
The panoramic view is best during the day, but the stars are out, and its reflected light is shimmering on the ocean, straight out to the horizon. When Damon turns off the bike’s engine, I can hear the waves crashing below us.
I’m still not sure where food is going to come into the picture except we are going to hunt but the crescent moon is not yet out and honestly, after hugging his body during the ride, I have other things on my mind — until he pulls a white bag from a storage pouch over the seat behind and leads me to a wooden park bench along the walkway.
“Would yousome steak?” he asks. There are two bundles in his big hand, each wrapped in white paper.
“That sounds good.” All werewolves love meat, anything fleshy!
He unwraps one to check its contents, then hands me the other.
“Where are these from?” I ask.
“My chef made it , I keep food because I get hungry easily… you understand right?”
Since we weren’t meeting for a planned date, he could’ve easily just gotten dinner for himself earlier. It seems like Damon is thoughtful as well as being sinfully hot.
“My god, this is good,” I say, after I take a big bite. It’s still warm and has a perfect ratio of meat perfectly Cooked.
Damon grins at me as he chews a mouthful of the meat. “There’re fries too,” he says, tilting the bag toward me.
We eat in silence for a while, gradually moving into conversation as we near the last bites of our sandwiches.
“So you work in automobile?,” I say before bending a fry into my mouth.
Damon wipes his mouth with a paper napkin. “Among many other things of course.”
“Like what?” I wouldn’t be surprised if he told me he was a part-time model but then Alpha are known to be stinking rich from generational wealth, whatever he does will definitely just be for fun.
“Couple of business,here and there,” he says.
I don’t know exactly what that entails, but it sounds mildly impressive.
“What do you do?” he asks before I can frame a follow-up question.
“I’m a waitress and a soon graduate .”
“Been there long?”
I go for another French fry. “since I started college .”
“Do you like it?” He reaches into the bag while I’m still fishing in it, the back of his hand brushing against mine.
“It’s a job. The people I work with are nice.”
“That’s important,” he says, nodding. “And you live here in this town?”
“Yes, My whole life but my parents aren’t from here.”
“That’s why you are a rogue right?,” he says.
“How about you?” I ask before finishing off my last piece of meat.
”We lived far away but here to establish some business on this territory.” Mysterious, I see .
“I’m surprised you don’t have a boyfriend.”he asked as he watched me with an intense gaze, his eyes in my moving lips.
“Why don’t you have a mate?”
“What makes you think I don’t?”
Damon’s eyes narrow. “Do you?”
“No. I don’t believe in them.”
He leans back against the arm of the bench, appraising me. “You don’t believe in them?”
I shrug. “Something like that.” How am I supposed to explain to him that I only know of my family and I as werewolves , where on earth will I get a mate from when I haven’t moved?!
He shakes his head, the hint of a grin on his lips. “Want to have a late night ride around town?”
I move the paper bag out of the way and slide closer to Damon, putting my hand on his thigh.
“Let’s ride to your place.”