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Chapter 10: Turner

How could it be? how could he still be alive? I remembered seeing his lifeless body lying on the floor of his living room, covered in blood. He's supposed to be dead.

Turner was attired in a white linen shirt with short sleeves accompanied by long khaki pants. His blonde shaggy hair rested stylishly on his face. He looked as if he had never been attacked by a werewolf. I examined his body searching for any bruised or marks I could somehow see. I saw none.

Turner made his way to the front of the crowd. He was immediately surrounded by a group of werewolf protectors and hunters with arrows aimed at him.

I moved my hand from Bazaar petrified.

"I'm not a werewolf," said Turner as a single hand reached into his pocket.

"Move again and you'll be killed," warned one of the protectors.

"Be calm, I'm just searching for wolfbanes to show you I'm not one of those disgusting creatures," said Turner.

"Shut up," the protector again warned him.

"Let him show us," Bazaar walked to the end of the stage wanting to see if he was or not.

Turner leered at the leader as he took from his pocket a single purple flower.

"I'm holding wolfbanes!" Turner spun around revealing to everyone.

Everyone examined the purple flower in his right hand held above him.

"No werewolf can do such a thing, which I'm not!" he shouted to everyone.

The protectors and hunters looked at the leader waiting for his command on what to do next.

"Put down your weapon," he ordered them.

They obeyed.

Bazaar left me from the stage and approached Turner.

"Tell me how you're still alive, my men saw you were dead and buried you?" asked Bazaar curiously as his eyes steadily observed his entire body.

"It was not my time, I guess," retorted Turner. "The god above gave me a second chance to help get rid of the werewolves once and for all!" Turner shouted eager to kill all the deadly beasts.

"I see," retorted Bazaar still not trusting him.

"Protectors take him away," ordered Bazaar.

The protectors quickly grabbed him from behind.

"You can't do this to me, I'm not a werewolf," argued Turner.

"You were injured by one and a single wolfbane I will not trust to allow you to walk around freely," said Turner.

I saw everyone's head nodding agreeing with Bazaar's decision.

"Lock him up in a cell until I attend to him," Bazaar told the protectors.

"You can't do this to me, it is her that should be taken away, she's a werewolf witch!" yelled Turner as he's been dragged away.

"She's the one who made the werewolf almost kill me!"

"Take him away silently!" shouted Bazaar.

"No, she's the one who saved the werewolf beast long ago!" Turner again yelled as a protector tried to cover his mouth.

Hearing what Turner had said, my heart felt like it stopped. I looked at my mom in the crowd hoping she doesn't believe it. She didn't, she was paying attention to Turner being dragged away.

No one seemed to believe him. I was relieved.

"Everyone!" Bazaar spoke loudly.

All attention went to him.

"No one shall ever call my partner a werewolf witch," he warned all.

My mom and I eyes met with his response and I saw a smile emerge on her face. She knew I would be safe with him.

Bazaar walked back to the stage, a single hand covered in black gloves held out for me. I gently took it and he led me from the stage.

"I'm sorry that our special announcement was ruined," he apologized as he looked at me.

I nodded.

"Your partner won't bother you anymore, I assure you," he told me.

"Go home and get back to what you were doing," Bazaar instructed everyone as we went through the crowd, his hand still holding mine as he did.

"What will you do to him?" I asked softly.

"He'll have to be hung," he retorted.

I paused frightened.

"Don't be afraid my darling, it has to be done for everyone safely," he assured me.

I didn't like it.

We began to walk again.

"A werewolf witch is cruel and heartless and I know from the beginning, a beauty like you can never be," he told me.

I nodded.

"Let's go to our home now," said Bazaar.

"Wait, can't I get my clothes before I do?" I asked him.

"As my new partner, you won't need those clothes anymore, you'll need new and more beautiful clothes to be very different from all the other females," he told me.

"But can't I say goodbye to my mom?" I asked.

The truth was I didn't feel ready to come home with him. The thought of being within his home, just us two, scared me. I needed to get myself together before I do.

"Sure, I'll walk you," he retorted.

"You don't have to," I told him.

"I don't want you to walk alone, since everyone seems to be threatened by you being in my life," said Bazaar.

"You can get your guard to follow me and I'll meet you at your home soon," I told him.

He paused and his head turned to me with a smile.

"Acting shy aren't you?" he teased me.

My head lowered feeling tensed.

"Okay, my little red, I'll leave you with one of my protectors," said Bazaar as he brought one of my hands to his lips and gently kissed it.

I gave him a forced smile.

As I returned home with one of his protectors I glimpse behind me, Bazaar was leering at me as I went away.

"You can wait for me outside," I told the protector as I arrived home.

"Yes miss," he retorted and turned his back guarding the home.

I entered and locked the door behind me.

"Mom," I called.

I heard no answer.

"Mom," I again called.

It seemed she wasn't at home as yet.

I searched the home for her assuming she didn't hear me and was just busy doing some house chores.

I was the only one in the home. I went to my room and looked sadly around my room knowing that I will no longer stay there. I will be dwelling with Bazaar now.

"Ms. Red," I heard the protector calling impatiently.

"I'm coming," I retorted as I took some small items that will remind me of my home whenever I'm homesick.

Before I left I wrote a letter to my mom and placed it on her bed, allowing her to know that I came to say goodbye to her but she was not there. I then left with the guard. I walked at his side as we went to Bazaar's home.

Bazaar's home is the largest house on the land. It towers above everyone's home. I raise my head staring at the top of his large brown colored painted home as I've arrived. It was beautiful, but will never feel like home to me. I wasn't any female who appreciated fancy stuff, I liked modern things.

I looked around the hall at paintings that seemed like Bazaar's past relatives and parents, he highly appreciated and placed them along the walls. The protector led me to a large door. He knocked on it.

"Who is it?" I heard Bazaar.

I felt nervous hearing his voice.

"I brought your partner home," retorted the protector.

"You may go," Bazaar instructed him.

As the guard went away the door opened, and a welcoming smile appeared on Bazaar's face as he did.

"Did you say a proper goodbye to your mom?" he asked.

"No, I didn't, she wasn't there?" I answered softly.

"I'm sorry," he apologized.

I nodded.

"Come, walk with me," instructed Bazaar as he closed his office door and lead me along his long hallways.

What made a man build such a big house? I couldn't help thinking.

Bazaar carried me to his large kitchen and introduced me to his worker and a maid that will now be my personal worker. We then left.

"In this home, you will not do anything, you shall be my spoil partner," he told me.

"You don't have to Bazaar," I told him.

"I want to," he told me which seemed like there was nothing I can do about it than accept it.

"Now, let me show you our bedroom," he said.

I was alarmed by his comment. I slowed down very nervous, Bazaar took me by the hand and quickly lead me to his room.

He opened the door. I looked around the large room. His bedroom was larger than my home.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" he asked.

I nodded while my body began to shiver.

I wasn't ready to do whatever he needed me to do.

He made me sit on the edge of his bed, and as he sat beside me, I jumped up frightened.

Bazaar stared at me at my behavior.

"I'm sorry," I apologized as I lowered my head.

"Are you still a virgin?" he asked as I heard him get off the bed. "You and your first partner didn't share your special moment as yet, didn't you?" he again asked, curious to know.

"The werewolf had ruined it?" he was impatient for my response.

I nodded.

My eyes went to his and there I saw him smiling.

"I must say I'm the luckiest 40-year-old man to receive a young, beautiful, and yet untouched partner," he said happily.

I didn't look at him, my eyes kept away uncomfortable from him the entire time.

"Don't be shy with me now, my little red," he pulled me in his arms and wrapped his hands around my waist.

My body stiffened at his touch. I hated it.

"Look at me?" he told me.

I felt shy too.

"Come on my little Red," He begged as he played with the end of my hair.

I bit my bottom lip nervously.

"Look at me!" he yelled.

My head went to his right away frightened.

"Good girl," he said.

"You old man have no patience, so try not to allow me to wait for anything," he told me as he brushed his finger along the side of my right face.

"Your skin is so soft," he praised my beauty.

His head leaned forward to me, for a kiss.

I looked at his lips which were dry and chopped. I felt like throwing up in disgust.

"Leader Bazaar," his lips paused before they touched mine hearing one of his men calling him.

"What is it you want?" he asked upset, hating they had disrupted him.

"Turner as escaped," retorted the man.

I was so frightened by what his men had said. Bazaar could see within my eyes how worried I was.

"Don't worry my darling, I'll handle him," Bazaar kissed my hand and walked away from me.

"My mother," I stopped him, worried that her life could be in danger if Turner was looking for me and could not find me.

He turned to look at him.

"I'll find her immediately and bring her here now," Bazaar assured me.

I nodded in relief.

As Bazaar locked the door behind him, I ran to his large window and looked through it, worried for my mom's safety. I couldn't see my home from where I was but I could see the route that lead to it, waiting for when Bazaar is returning with my mom.

I stood for what seemed like an hour anxiously waiting on my mom. I grew tired of waiting and ran from the door as I did I was stopped by a protector who was guarding the door.

"The leader instructed me that you should not leave this room no matter what?" he told me.

"I need to use the bathroom," badly I lied.

"Okay," he said.

As I walked to the bathroom he followed. I went in and closed the door behind me. I saw a small window I could fit in and checked to see if I could climb through it. I could and it wasn't high. I quietly opened the window and slid through the window. I ran from the large home to my home.

"Mom," I called as I arrived knocking on the front door. It was locked.

I heard a noise, immediately I ran behind a large tree. I peeked to see who it was and there I saw two werewolf protectors. They looked disappointed, but why were they at my mom's house? I saw another werewolf hunter entering my home, and approached the two.

"Were you too lucky to find any clue where he had taken her?" he asked.

My eyes widen shocked. My mom was taken by Turner.

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