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Chapter 11: Haunted by my past

My back rested on the back of the trees and I pulled myself down to sit. I felt weak at the news. I had to save my mom. I needed to. It was me Turner wanted, not her. Poor my mom, she must be so scared, I worried.

I waited for the hunter and the protector who was still inside my house searching for any clues that could lead them to Turner. I turned around and stood once I heard them leaving the house. I listened attentively for any clue that could help me find Turner, they said nothing going their way.

"The leader partner has run away," I saw the guard Bazaar had left to watch over me, approached the three worried. I covered my mouth not wanting to reveal my hiding spot.

"For how long?" asked the protector.

"I'm not sure, she was in the bathroom and when I got tired of waiting I went to unlock the door to check on her but she was not in the bathroom," retorted the guard.

"You, stay here," the hunter ordered one of the protectors. "She might be on her way here searching for her mom or perhaps kidnapped on her way here. I'll have to inform our leader about it and also tell him, we know where Turner had taken her mother."

Where? I spoke within my mind, eager to know.

I watched the hunter run off with the others, disappointedly. I couldn't follow them for I would surely be seen. I guess I'll have to find my mother on my own. I'll have to search on my own for clues within the house. I leered at the protector eager for him to turn his back so I could somehow slide myself into the house. He didn't move, he planted himself before the house like a statue.

Finally, he had turned his back. I hurriedly ran to the back of the house, suddenly I paused seeing pieces of thread. I know that threat, it came from the bright blue dress my mom was wearing today. I followed it and it lead to a lonely path from my home. I stopped and took up a large piece of stick for protection and started back onto the path. Along the way, I felt I should have returned and gotten the protector. I didn't, I felt that I've I had not enough time to save my mom. I had to continue. The threat stopped at a corner that barely received sunlight.

I took a deep breath in and slowly exhaled before making my way around the corner. Both hands tightened around the hard stick that my fingers burned. I quickly motioned to the corner ready to protect myself from any attack. Suddenly, I froze.

"I see you have found us," I saw Tuner.

My eyes widen alarmed.

He had by mom before him, with a sharp knife around her neck. My mom was terrified.

"No, please don't hurt my mom, let her go, it's me who you want," I pleaded.

"You made me look like a fool today red," he said.

"No, I didn't," I began to cry.

My eyes never left my mom worried about losing her. I don't know what I'd do if I did.

"Everyone thinks I'm a liar all because of you," said Turner angrily as he moved the blade closer to my mom's neck, the blade bruised her skin, and instantly she began to bleed. Her eyes closed scared as she cried.

This was the second time I saw my mom so scared, the first was when the werewolf attacked the land we first lived on.

"Take me, please, and let my mom go, it's me you're angry with," I begged Turner.

"No," my mom said.

"Shut up!" Turner yelled at her.

My mom's eyes again closed scared.

I lowered myself to my knee.

"Please Turner, let go of my mom," I begged.

"Only on one condition," he said.

"Whatever you want," I agreed scared.

"You are going to let everyone know what you did 12 years ago and that I'm not a liar," said Turner.

My mother looked at me at his response. I returned her stare sadly.

Turner laughed.

"Gwen you're about to find out the dark past of your perfect daughter," Turner said as he remained to laugh.

I sobbed.

"Lead the way to the meeting square," said Turner.

I took a path that didn't lead me to the protector who was still at my house.

"Quick, before the leader discovers the clue I left was just to give me time for you to find me," said Turner.

I walked quickly.

When we arrived at the crowded area, everyone was surprised to see what was happening. Turner instructed them to stay away or they'll be hurt and to follow us for there was something they needed to hear. I glimpsed behind me and there I saw that they were obeying him.

I worried, I was about to lose my mom now once she finds out what I had done years ago.

When we got to the meeting square and onto the stage, Turner instructed me to blow the trumpet. My breath shook nervously as I took a deep breath in and out causing it to make a loud sound.

With minutes the meeting square was filled with more people. Bazaar and his men were coming to the square eager to know who blew the trumpet without their permission.

"What is the meaning of this?!" I heard Bazaar loudly.

The trumpet shivers nervously within my arms.

"Who has the audacity to blow the trumpet without me?!" I again heard Bazaar loudly as he made his way through the crowd to see who it was.

Both feet were now shivering that I could barely stand still.

Bazaar was dumbfounded when he saw it was me who blew the trumpet but even more when he saw Turner with a sharp knife at my mother's throat.

"Guards get him!" instructed Bazaar.

"No!" I cried out dropping the trumpet as I saw Turner ready to slice my mom's neck.

An evil smile appeared on Turner's face as he saw that the guards stopped.

"He'll kill my mom if any of you try to approach him," I informed Bazaar scared.

"Don't worry, my little Red, everything will be okay," Bazaar told.

I know it wasn't going to when they heard what I have done years ago.

My eyes went to Turner instantly as I heard him burst out into a peal of laughter like he was insane.

"Little Red," Turner repeated.

"You took her as yours when I wasn't even dead for a day and you even stole my little pet name for her," Turner got angry with Bazaar.

My mom screamed out. The knife was too close to her neck. Her neck was bleeding even more.

"Calm down," Bazaar told him. "Whatever you want I shall give you for her mother's safety."

"I don't want anything from you, what I want for you and everyone to know is that I am not a liar!" retorted Turner. "Tell them what you did years ago!" shouted again Turner.

I was silenced by fear as I leered at everyone now staring at me. I looked at my mom whose eyes were fixed on me waiting to hear my darkest secret.

"Tell everyone now or I swear I will cut open your mom's old throat!" warned Turner.

I nodded as I wept.

"I....," my voice trembled as I began to tell everyone my darkest secret.

"Say it quickly!" yelled Turner.

My mom again screamed out in pain.

"I was the one who saved the blood-eyed wolf 12 years ago from dying," I told everyone quickly.

They gasp surprisingly.

I shook in fear as I looked at my mom. I felt every part inside of me tearing apart at the look on her face, a look of disbelief and great disappointment.

"Now you all know that I am not a liar," laughed Turner. She is the one who made the blood-eyed werewolf who he is today, stronger and the greatest enemy to all mankind!" shouted Turner.

"No," I shook my head.

"I was only 6 when I did it, I was too young and scared to understand what I was doing," I explained to Bazaar.

"Shut up!" he yelled at me.

My entire body froze at his response.

Turner unhands my mother.

"Mom," I called as I tried to help her from the floor.

"Stay away from me!" she told me.

I was surprised by her response.

"How could you have sympathy for a beast when they have none for us!" my mom screamed angrily at me as she held her throat, stopping the bleeding.

"Mom, I was young," I told her.

"Guards, capture here!" I heard Bazaar.

I spun around terrified at all guards coming for me from all angles, ready to capture me. I couldn't escape any of them. One caught me and held both of my hands behind me.

"Take her to the cell," Bazaar instructed them as he looked at me with great disgust.

They went with me through the crowd.

"Burn her, Burn her alive!"Everyone shouted.

"She will be," I heard Bazaar.

I looked at my mom as I'm been taken away. She was now shooking her head begging not to.

I cried.

My face grimaced in pain as the guard threw me into a small cell and locked it. I ran to the iron bars gripping them scared.

"I don't belong here," I cried.

"Shut up werewolf witch," I heard him.

I looked around the cell, staring at the dirty floor, I felt like throwing up at an awful scent as if someone had died there. My eyes spotted a tiny finger emerging from the dirt. My body jumped frightened.

"Please let me go," I began to implore repeatedly.

"Shut up!" the guard quickly returned to my cell.

I ran to the back of the cell as he hit the bars of the cell wanting me to shut up. I was silent from his loathful stare.

"I've heard the news from Bazaar just now that you will be burned tonight, werewolf witch," he told me.

My eyes widen. He laughed and went away. I sat at the side of the cell away from the tiny finger, curling up scared. I was going to die not too soon. My head lowered as I cried.

"Red," I heard my mom.

"Mom," I got up running to her.

She cried for me.

"I was only 6," I again explained to her.

"Yes, baby," she retorted sullenly, touching the side of my face.

"I'm sorry," I again apologized.

"It's okay," she retorted.

We looked at each other all tearfully and hopelessly.

"They're going to burn me tonight," I told her.

"I know," she cried out.

"Your time is up," the guard began pulling her away.

"Mom," I called scared of dying.

"Red," I heard her calling until I heard her voice no more.

"A few more hours and you're dead witch," The guard returned to tell me with a bright smile.

I went over and sat back on the floor of the cell. I prayed for my life, I prayed to get away from it all.

Within a few hours, the guard was returning to my cell with food. He opened the cell and threw it all over me.

"Eat what remained," he laughed.

"An hour left and you're dead, any last words," he teased me.

"Let me speak to Bazaar," I begged him.

"Okay," he retorted with a smile.

I was quite surprised by his response.

"Will you do so for me?" I asked.

"I was just joking," he again teased me.

I looked away from him upset.

"Can't you take a joke, werewolf witch," he told me.

"I'm not a werewolf witch!" I screamed that it echoes in the cell.

I was so frightened by my own voice of anger.

The guard looked at me petrified and immediately went away from me.

"I'm not a werewolf witch, I'm not a werewolf witch," I began to cry as my head rested on my knees as I curled up, scared

I soon felt every hair stand on my skin knowing that it was time for me to be burned. My heart raced in my chest as I heard footsteps coming towards me outside of my cell. I stood up as I saw 4 hunters before my cell. One opened the cell and came for me grabbing me by my shoulder. His hand sink into my shoulder as he did. It hurts.

"No, I'm not a werewolf witch," I told him.

"Shut up, or I'll use my knife and end you now," another warned me.

I was silent scared for my life.

They took me outside the cell. My eyes went to the large full moon, and around me, it was dark. The guard dragged me until we were at an area where all witches were burned. It was crowded with people with torches. They carried me through the crowd. The crowd tried to attack me, but the hunters blocked them away.

"Burn her, Burn her a life!" the crowd shouted.

"No, please have mercy on my poor daughter, she's the only child I have living!" I heard my mom.

"Take her away," Bazaar instructed one of his hunters.

My mom cried as they went away with her. I cried out for her as well. The hunter took me to the high stony stage and tied my hand from behind to some large stick they were going to burn me with. I look at my side as they did noticing someone was already burned. My eyes widen discovering it was Turner. They burned him. I cried.

"You too are dangerous to dwell with us and needed to be put to an end," I heard Bazaar at my right side.

My eyes went to his. He was in a cape with a hood along with a torch fire.

"Tonight we shall end this werewolf witch's life who put our lives in great jeopardy by making the blood-eyed werewolf who he is today!" yelled Bazaar.

The people screamed, cheering him.

My eyes closed as they drew gasoline all over me and I spit getting rid of some of my mouths.

"It's time to die now witch," I heard Bazaar.

My eyes opened and widen as he slowly moved the blazing torch with a smile ready to burn me alive.

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