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Chapter 12: Die

I screamed feeling the heat of the fire ready to burn me alive. Suddenly a loud crashing sound made Bazaar immediately move the torch away from me. He looked around searching for where the sound came from.

"A werewolf!" one shouted within the crowd.

Soon the crowd of people began running and screaming for their lives.

"Guards find that werewolf and kill him!" Bazaar shouted angrily.

"It's you who called the werewolf didn't you, werewolf witch?" Bazaar said angrily at me as he held the torch to my face.

"No, it wasn't me" I cried scared as I turn my face aside trying to get away from the hot heat.

"It will be too late to save you, for you will be ashes," said Bazaar as he threw the flaming torch to my feet.

I screamed as I watched it make its way to the woods covered in gasoline. A huge fire appears to burn my flesh. Suddenly and strangely I found myself away from the fire. How was I freed from the fire? I looked at my hand seeing the ropes were gone, and on my dress, I was freed without any burns. I heard a growl behind me, I slowly turned around and there I saw who saved me. It was the blood-eyed werewolf. He towered above me like a dark mountain with bright red eyes that shone like the stars in the sky.

"I want them both dead!" I heard Bazaar yell.

Several werewolves protectors and hunters encircled us ready to attack. The blood-eyed werewolf howled and I saw them scattered about like dead leaves by the powerful sound that came from his mouth.

My face grimaced in pain at the sound, it was too strong for my ears. My ears felt like they were bleeding. My hand pressed hard against both ears trying to block out the dangerous and deafening sound.

"You both will not leave this wall alive," Bazaar and more of his guards aimed their weapons shooting wolfbanes arrows at us.

The blood-eyed werewolf again howled, even louder. This time the sound from his mouth was so strong. I felt myself moved, along with Bazaar and his men flying into the air. They growled in pain as they crashed hard into objects.

"Climb onto my back, now!" the blood-eyed werewolf's powerful voice said to me.

I hurriedly did.

My body lay against his furry back.

"Hold on tight!" he instructed me.

I did.

He ran with me at great speed. As I saw him about to jump over the high wall my head rested into his fur, scared. My head lifted and I looked back amazed to see that we made it, over the wall. He ran with me through the dark forest unbothered by the darkness. I could barely see where he was taking me, it was too dark.

My hand tightened around his large body and I sat up as he jumped and ran with me through the dark forest. The night was dark but not darker than his fur. My hand slowly played with his fur not wanting him to know I was admiring his furry body. His fur was soft, It was the softest I felt anything. I felt a sense of great peace running through me by his fur. His back was hard and felt strong. I again laid flat onto him, diving into his furry back, and wrapped both arms around him as if I'm home laying in my bed comfortably as he made a quick turn. Soon I felt him slow down. My head raised to look why he was and there I saw where he was taking me. I was now able to see the path. He was taking me to a cave on top of a hill. As we got there he lower his back and I slowly climbed off taking notice of my new surrounding.

"You will sleep here," his powerful voice that sounded like thunder told me.

"Thank you," I told him as I looked at him.

"Hmm..," he retorted.

His body turned away from me looking in front of him, as he did I watched his fur as it danced slowly by the night breeze.

"Go inside and hide yourself, human," he instructed me.

I immediately did I was told.

I curled up now feeling cold at the corner of the cave. As I tried to find warmth holding my body tightly. My eyes never left him, standing before the cave. He never turned to look at me not once to see if I was doing okay behind him. He sat outside the cave as of he was a statue.

There was no way I could sleep after the night I had had. I could have died but thanks to the blood-eyed werewolf I saved years ago saved me. I should be happy that I was alive but I wasn't, I was now without a home and there was no way he would allow me to travel behind him every day, I was a human and he was a beast. We had our own life to live and our own problem.

I too was now worried about my mom, praying that Bazaar doesn't hurt her because of me. I know she will not have an easy life now that everyone believes I was truly a werewolf witch after being saved by one. Everyone will scorn her and pretend as if she doesn't exist now.

The blood-eyed beast finally moved. He rested on his tummy while two of his feet stretched out before him and the other two stretched at his side with his bushy tail laying across them.

His bloody eyes closed showing darkness by his dark eyelid as if it's vanished by darkness.

I tried to get some sleep as well, taking my mind off everything that had happened to me, but I couldn't I was now shivering, I was very cold. I changed my position and lay flat on the floor of the cave resting my back against the wall. I was even colder that my teeth were now rubbing against each other. The change of position wasn't working. I wasn't used to sleeping outside in the woods. I was used to staying in a home heated with a fireplace. My body and my teeth were now shivering so much, I was irritated by the sound.

I sat up as I heard the blood-eyed werewolf awaken. It seemed to be my fault. I cautiously watched it as it slowly stood onto its feet, towering above the sky with its large body, and turned to look at me. My body was shivering even more wishing now I had furs at that moment instead of soft smooth skin like porcelain.

"Come," the blood-eyed werewolf called me as it stared at me in the cave.

It could not enter the cave, it was too small for his gigantic body.

I stared at him as if I was frozen.

"Let me give you warmth," its powerful voice again said to me.

I slowly stood up and motioned to him, my green eyes never left his blood-red eyes as he did. His body made a curve as he laid down, leaving his tummy for me to rest for the night. As I got close to him I slowly leaned into his body, instantly I felt all my coldness go away from his warm body.

His eyes moved away from me as I lay on his tummy. I felt sleep slowly come as I felt his heartbeat, it was peaceful and relaxing to hear and feel against my face. I fell asleep.

The morning when I got up. I didn't see him. He was gone. A dark cloud of fear came over me worried for my safety. I know he wasn't going to protect me forever but I didn't expect him to just leave me like this out in the open without any notice. Again, I was comparing him to a human-like I did 12 years ago when I saved him.

I hear a loud rustling sound within some trees away from the cave. I quickly ran into the cave and peeked behind some rocks. I soon came out seeing it was the blood-eyed werewolf returning. A smile emerged on my face. I was safe. I quickly got rid of it not wanting him to see how happy I was to see him. I watched him until he was next to me. At that moment I wished I could see his human side once. I desired to see the first form I saw him, within his human form. I needed to see how grown the little boy with dark-haired and thick eyebrows was now. I wanted to see how fully grown he was and the type of man he was.

"Good morning," I told him softly.

He didn't greet me back, he just turned to look at me.

I felt a bit shamed by his behavior. I was just trying to be nice to him, but he cared less.

"Thank you for keeping me warm last night," I thanked him.

I appreciated what he did for me last night.

Again he ignored me as if I wasn't there.

"I have nowhere to go, everyone knew that I saved you years ago, they'll try to burn me if I return," I told him sadly.

I loathed that I was homeless.

"Will you help me find a safe place? I can't stay in the cave forever," I begged him.

"Another human habitant is very far from here," the blood eyes beast finally answered me.

I was happy with the good news.

"Knowing how your leader is, the news will travel fast until you won't be saved with your own kind anymore," he told me.

I began to cry.

"I'm better off dead," I told him.

"I will let you stay with me until I've sorted out the issue of my kind and your kind," the blood-eyed beast said to me.

I was so happy with what he had said but curious about what the issue he was talking about.

"Are you going to stop the war of your kind with my kind?" I asked.

"You saved me once, a long time ago and for that, I will return you a favor, for being punished only because of me," he said to me instead of answering my question.

"Climb onto my back," he instructed me as he lowered himself. I went onto his back and sat.

I was starting to enjoy being carried by him. I felt free.

"Wait," I stopped him as he began to carry me away.

He paused.

"My mother has to come," I told him very worried about her safety.

He raise his head and his left ear stiffened.

"We are not far from your land and your mother is safe," he told me.

I was so surprised by his long-hearing ability. Was he sometimes listening to me over the wall? I couldn't help thinking. I wanted to ask him if he heard I was being beaten by Turner the day he came and saved me but I feared he would not answer me.

"What is my mom doing?" I asked him instead.

"She's crying," he retorted,

I was saddened by his response.

"Your mother is not harmed, be happy about that," he told me.

I nodded sullenly.

I held tightly to him as he began to run with me through the woods faster than ever. I laid onto him like a bed. I heard my belly churns hungrily. My head lifted as I felt him slow down and there I saw we were underneath an apple tree.

"Stop staring and start picking?" he instructed me.

As much as he saved my life many times, I was starting to find his behavior rather rude.

I stood on top of him and picked two large apples. I ate one and place the other into my pocket. Soon we began our journey. It was taking a long while for us to reach. I didn't care I was enjoying the wind blowing through my long red hair and seeing new places. The blood eyes werewolf again paused at a small pond. I watched him from above as he slowly dip his large pink tongue into the pond carrying water into his mouth. I enjoyed watching him. I even came off his back and drank at his side taking water into my hands to my mouth.

We began running through the hood. He started walking, I knew at that moment we had reached his destination. He carried me between two large trees. My eyes widen seeing werewolves within their human form walking from their houses and kids playing happily. I hid within his fur, scared, and peeked at the new surroundings.

"Alpha Deucalion is here!" I heard a child's voice cheering happily.

At that moment I had now known his name.

Deucalion I repeated in my head.

I felt him stop. I didn't raise my head, scared to be seen by his kind. I thought him allowing me to stay with him would just be us two, not with his entire kind. Foolish me I should have known since he was the leader of the werewolves.

"Sit up," I heard him command me.

My body shivers nervously as I did, showing myself to his kind.

They were as frightened as I was of seeing them.

"She's a human," a dark-haired she-wolf who seemed within the same age as me, 18, said surprisingly.

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