Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 14: Infatuated

"I am," I said softly as I sat up and rubbed my neck trying to release the pain.

Cali could not stop staring at me. She was surprised that I was the little girl who saved her brother 12 years ago.

"I'm sorry," she soon apologized.

I was quite surprised by her reply I just stared at her.

"You're welcome," I had finally retorted.

"My brother could have died on that day, but you a human decided to save him," she said.

I nodded.

"Why did you decide to save him?" she asked.

My head turned away, ready to give her an answer.

"I guess I saw more human within him when I saved him," I told her.

"If my mom and dad were here, they would be very pleased to meet you," she told me.

My head went back to her. And I was surprised to see a smile on her face.

"I'm sorry again for trying to kill you," she again apologized.

"Did your brother ever talk about me a lot after I'd saved him?" I asked. I just had to know.

"Yes," Cali spun around as she answered.

"You helping him, he used to draw pictures of you and tell me that not all humans were evil and that day when he was going to die, you became his guardian angel and saved him."

I smiled at her response.

"My brother did once go back to the village you once dwell to somehow see you, but when he did. Everyone had left," said Cali. Mom and dad scolded him on that day to leave the pack."

"Wait, wasn't your pack who attacked my village?" I asked curiously.

"No, and that's another story, my brother would not want me to talk about with you," she told me.

I was quite surprised at what I had just heard. Alpha Deucalion wasn't the leader of all werewolves after all. I now understand why he killed that werewolf who was going to kill me. There was another leader, controlling them.

As Cali left my room. I realized she wasn't a bad werewolf, after all, she was just protective of her brother and everyone else. I was glad I will now be getting some peace within the house. There won't be any conflict between me and her now. I hoped.

I laid down. I began to think about the art Alpha Deucalion drew of me. I wished I could see them. It would be good to see my younger self. I began to think of him returning to look for me back then, and a wonderful feeling ran through my gut, imagining his dark wolf which had been small back then with his bloody eye running to see me. I smiled. I was having a crush on a werewolf. Sadly, there will be nothing between us, for I was a human. A werewolf would never date a human and it felt wrong for a human too. I had to stop thinking about him.

The night I had awoken and went to the bathroom. On my way back to my room. I spotted a tall dark shadow walking upstairs. It was Alpha Deucalion in his human form. I got nervous and ran inside before I could see him face to face.

I was so angry with myself. I finally had a chance to meet him, to see his human form and I chickened out. I listened for his footstep. He passed my door and soon I heard his door shut.

The morning I was awakened by a knock on my door. I got out of bed. I fixed my hair and smelled my breath assuming it was alpha Deucalion. It wasn't him when I opened the door, it was Cali with a bundle of clothes in her hand.

"My brother said I should give you some of my clothes," she told me.

"Thank you," I told her as I took them from her.

She nodded.

"Breakfast will be ready downstairs," she said.

I nodded. As she went off I locked the door. I was loving the new side of Cali.

I stared at the clothes as I walked over to my bed. I laid them down on the end of my bed.

Alpha Deucalion was very thoughtful and considerate to know I needed clothes. All my life I grew up thinking werewolves were cruel creatures but it was just us humans.

I spotted a red dress within the bundle of clothes recollecting the dress with the hood my mom had given me. I wasn't much of a fan of red. I decided to wear it to remember her and too that alpha Deucalion would notice me. I felt embarrassed by my thought.

Before going downstairs I took a warm shower. I attired myself in my long red dress and let go of my hair, letting it loose. I was a beautiful sight to see, I blushed at my own image in the mirror.

I made my way slowly downstairs, ready to see his human side. When I entered the kitchen, disappointedly it was only Cali I saw.

I went to sit and ate. She had prepared raisin muffins with juice. As I ate I hoped Alpha Deucalion would somehow make his way downstairs. Getting to know him a little, I no longer had a childish crush on him. I was falling for him. I was dying to be noticed by him, the way a normal man would.

Breakfast was about to end and still, there was no sight of him.

"Where is Alpha Deucalion?" I couldn't help asking Cali as she got up to put away her plate and cup.

"I don't know," she said. "He never tells me where he had run off to."

I looked away disappointed.

"Are you through with your breakfast?" she asked.

I nodded.

She took my plate and cup from the table and began to wash them. I helped her finish by cleaning the table.

After we were through Cali decided to show me around her home. I didn't think it was a good idea. The other werewolf totally was not into me.

"It's better If I stay in the house," I told her.

"No, you're coming with me," she told me.

Her response was more of a command that I found myself heading out of the house with her. Females and men along the sideway stopped and leered at me as they saw us coming. My head lowered afraid of looking into their eyes.

"Cali, I really think I should return inside," I told her feeling uncomfortable.

Cali stopped and growled at her them.

"She's my brother and my human and if anyone tries to hurt her or make her feel uncomfortable, shall see it with me!" Cali yelled at them.

I was so surprised by the action.

A werewolf was protecting me from his own kind when my kind agreed to burn me. Werewolves were much better than us humans. Cali took my hand. I smiled thankfully at her and soon we began walking around the land.

It felt great coming from the house for I was not used to being in the house all day. I was happy I had agreed to tour her home with her. It was a long walk with her to a large field. We sat in the grass while a cool win blew past her. Back at home, I had wished to be out of the open. I couldn't believe I was experiencing it now. It felt like a dream.

"Cali," I called.

She looked at me.

"What you didn't want to tell me about the other pack of werewolves. I need to know," I tell her.

Her head went away from mine.

"Is there another alpha that is causing the war between us humans?" I asked.

She nodded.

"My brother is the one that has been protecting most of you humans and few of his members and your human doesn't even know, you all just believe that we are evil just because of our beast side," complained Cali.

Hearing what she had said I was quite touched.

"I'm sorry," I told her.

"You have no idea how many of us died trying to stop the other werewolves because of your kind and their weapons that can weaken us and kill us," she got up angry.

I understand her anger, it was not easy losing someone. I started to assume that the news that I have been hearing about Alpha Deucalion brutally killing a number of humans was never true. It could have been self-defense from their weapons or they just blamed him for he was a werewolf.

"Wait," I stopped Cali as she began to walk away.

She paused.

"My kind doesn't know about the second pack werewolf leader, what if I try to tell them about it?" I suggested to her.

"They would never believe," Cali retorted.

"I could try very hard," I was determined to help her.

"They won't!" she got angry with me.

"How are you so sure if we haven't tried?" I asked.

"Because he will turn them against you," said Cali.

"Who? I asked curiously.

"Your leader, human," said Cali. "Your leader is Alpha Deucalion and I uncle."

My eyes widen. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

All along our leader was a werewolf.

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