Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 16: Alpha Deucalion

"I'm punished by my strict alpha brother to keep an eye on you," Cali entered my room. It was the evening.

I watched her as she approached me and stood at the side of my bed.

"How is your head feeling now?" she asked.

I touched the back of my head, gently. My face grimaced in pain.

"I'm feeling a slight pain," I retorted.

"I'll be right back," Cali left the room.

Soon she was returning with a glass of water.

"Take this," she opened her hand.

I saw within the palm of her right hand a single round white pill.

"It will get rid of the pain," she told me.

I nodded.

I took the glass cup of water from her hand and then the pill. I placed the pill in my mouth and gentle swallow it along with the water.

My face made in disgust.

"If I'd told you it taste awful, you wouldn't have taken it," said Cali with a smile. "Anyways, it will make you feel no pain soon," she told me.

I nodded.

She took the empty glass cup from me and began to leave my room.

"Where is Alpha Deucalion?" I asked.

She paused and spun around.

"He's downstairs," she answered.

"Okay," I answered.

I began to get out of bed.

"Wait, where are you going," Cali rushed to my bed not wanting me to leave.

It felt good that she was so concerned about me. She had changed a lot from the day she had tried to strangle me.

"I'm going downstairs," I told her.

"What do you need? I can bring it," said Cali.

"You don't have to," I retorted. "I'm just going to thank Alpha Deucalion for saving me again."

"You can thank him, tomorrow," said Cali.

"I want to now," I said as I stood at the side of the bed.

I almost fainted.

Cali dropped the glass cup on the floor breaking as she caught me. She placed me back into bed.

"Why are you so stubborn," she muttered as she covered me with the sheet.

"I'm sorry," I held my head.

I was so eager to thank Alpha Deucalion for again saving me, I didn't realize my body still needed rest.

"I feel dizzy," I told Cali worried.

"Yes, the pill does make you feel so," she retorted.

The door suddenly burst open and It felt like everything around me halted at that moment as I saw Alpha Deucalion in his human form. He was the most handsome man I'd ever seen. I had never known that such beauty in a man could ever exist. My eyes adored him and were obsessed with his look I couldn't stop staring at him.

Alpha Deucalion was a giant in his human form. He was very tall that his head almost reached the ceiling.

"What happened?" his mighty voice asked as his blood-red eyes observed the shattered glasses on the floor.

My mouth tried to open to answer him, but I couldn't. His beauty made me speechless.

He was very muscular which made him look like he had muscles on top of his muscles.

His eyebrows, I will never forget, after seeing him 12 years ago in his human form when he was much younger, were much thicker and bushy, in a sexy way. His hair which was as dark as his beast fur was trimmed short and neatly. He had short facial hair. Gosh, he had a face of an angel.

"She almost fall," answered Cali.

His eyes went back to me with such a powerful stare I swallowed hard, nervous.

"She's a bit dizzy after the pain tablet you gave me," Cali again spoke to Alpha Deucalion.

His powerful stare never leaves me as she did.

"Are you fine?" heĀ asked.

I still couldn't say anything, my mouth didn't want me to.

I shook my head quickly.

"Sleep it off," he instructed me.

I leered at his teeth, they were as white as a cloud and beautiful in his mouth.

He hurriedly left the room.

I watched him as he close the door behind him.

He walked so powerfully. His large black boot was so large. I admired the tight black shirt he was in and his khaki pants. He was very fine.

From he left my room, I didn't realize Cali was calling me. I felt her shake me and my head went to her.

She gave me a smile. A smile that shows she knows what was going through my mind.

My eyes went away from her, feeling ashamed.

"Try not to fall in love," she said standing at my side.

"I won't," I retort.

"You're lying," responded Cali.

"I can hear your heartbeat missed a beat," she said.

My eyes went to hers quickly.

Can a werewolf really know when you're lying? I thought as I leered at her.

"Wait, can you read mind as well?" I asked surprisingly. I would be so ashamed if they could. The thought that was going through my mind when Alpha Deucalion entered my room. I would surely be ashamed if he heard everything in my head.

"Yes," said Cali.

My eyes widen.

"I'm just joking," she teased me.

I gave her a grave look.

She began to pick up the shattered pieces of glasses I watched her as she did feeling embarrassed about her comment, about trying not to fall in love.

"I wasn't lusting over him, I was only surprised at seeing his human form," I tried to explain to Cali.

She stood up and look at me after removing all the shattered pieces of glass from the bedroom floor.

She nodded and began to leave the room.

"All werewolves as a fated mate," she said as she turned to look at me, opening the door.

She then left.

I curled up in bed after she did. The six final words she had told me before she left, echoed in my head. I tried stopping myself from thinking of it, but I couldn't. It's like my brain didn't want me to.

Is Kate, Alpha Deucalion's fated mate? I couldn't help thinking.

No, I don't think so after having deep thought about it. If she truly was, why wasn't she dwelling in the same house as him?

Alpha Deucalion, life is none of your business, I told myself. The thought of him and Kate was too much, my head was hurting. I was starting to feel sleepy, so I went to sleep.

The night Cali came into my room and woke me up. She carried something for me to eat, beef stew. It smelled delicious. I was through with it in no time. Cali took the empty plate and went downstairs.

The morning I got up early and went to freshen up before going downstairs. I spotted Cali in the kitchen preparing breakfast. I heard Alpha Deucalion's voice on the Porch. I took a deep breath in and exhaled preparing to thank him about yesterday.

When I opened the door, I was alarmed he was not the only one outside. He was with Kate. Their heads turned to me as they stood very close beside each other.

"I'm sorry," I apologized as I slowly locked the door.

I felt so ashamed, and my eyes closed tightly.

"Red," I heard Cali calling me in the kitchen.

I went to her.

"Breakfast is ready," Cali told me as she placed the meal on the table.

I slowly began to eat, thinking about how close I saw Alpha Deucalion and Kate. Their foreheads almost touched.

What were they talking about? I couldn't help wondering.

"I'm going to carry my brother and Kate breakfast to the porch and then I'll join you soon," said Cali as she left the kitchen with a tray.

I nodded.

She soon was returning. She sat before me. As I was about to sip my tea. I heard Kate burst out in laughter. I accidentally turn over the cup of hot tea, I cried out and jump from my chair as it fell onto my hand.

Cali hurriedly went to soak a piece of clothing for my hand. I heard the door burst open and there I saw Alpha Deucalion rushing into the kitchen. His blood-red eyes were worried.

"What happened?" he stood before me.

I leered at him. I was once again speechless and hypnotize by his handsome human form. I was so lost in his face that I no longer felt any pain against my hand.

Cali placed the wet piece of clothing in my hand and my head lowered from his.

"She accidentally spill over her tea," Cali told him.

My eyes steadily went back to him again.

I felt static electricity go through my entire body as he reaches for my hand. Every hair stood on my skin by his touch. His strong hands against mine were so warm.

Alpha Deucalion looked at my arm. My arm was red from the hot tea.

"I"m alright," I told him softly as he observed my arm.

His eyes went to mine as he let go of my hand.

"Try to be careful next time," he told me.

I nodded.

Alpha Deucalion walked from the kitchen, and as he did my mouth opened to stop him. I then changed my mind seeing Kate standing at the door watching us.

Her blue eyes were glued to me. My head turned from her, feeling nervous by her stare.

"You sure are an unlucky human," I heard Cali at my side. "Yesterday you jump on a rock and now you've burned yourself."

I agreed with her, I was.

"Do you want me to soak the clothe with more cold water?" she asked.

"No, it's okay," I retorted

I gave her back the clothing.

"I"m going to sit in the living room," I told her.

She nodded.

As I sat in the living room. I couldn't help wondering what Kate was laughing at. Alpha Deucalion didn't seem to be someone that was funny or was he only funny around her, for he loved her? I thought.

The entire time I was in the living room. I was trying to listen to Kate and the alpha outside but I didn't realize that Cali had come to join me.

"Red," I heard her call.

My head turned to her.

"I've been trying to get your attention for a long time, are you alright?" she asked.

"Yes, I'm fine," I retorted.

I began to examine the burn on my hand, seeing it was going to leave a mark.

"Remember, what I told you upstairs," I heard Cali.

My head turned to her and I instantly remembered. It was werewolves had fated mates. So, there was no hope for Alpha Deucalion and me, he already belonged to someone. I was curious if it was her.

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