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Chapter 19: An Angry Alpha

Hastily, I covered his naked, bloody body with the cape. I watched his beautiful face, admiring him as he was unconscious.

I looked around knowing it was not safe. If any more werewolves should find us, we would both be dead.

"Alpha Deucalion," I gently touched his face trying to wake him up.

His face was so soft and smooth. The touch of the skin of his face was pleasing to my hand.

He wasn't responding. Again I called him, but still, he wasn't. We had to leave.

I gently rested his head on the ground. Both hands went under his arms and I began to pull him to the witch's cave. We'd be safe there until he's conscious again, I assumed.

He was heavy but I was determined to save his life. I had managed to get him inside. As I did, I return outside and conceal the traces of the path I had pulled him. I hurriedly return inside and locked the door. I searched for any weapon that could protect us until he was awakened. I had managed to find a wolfsbane and a bow with an arrow that seemed to be soaked in wolfsbane at the sharp end of it.

I placed the small bottle of wolfsbane into my pocket and the bow and the arrow at my side preparing for any werewolf's attack as I sat beside Alpha Deucalion eagerly waiting on him to be awakened. He looked so beautiful laying still on the floor. I felt as if I could stare at him all day but not at a time like this. He was the only one who can protect me from any attack and I desperately needed him to be awakened. I stood up and looked around for anything of use that can help me to awaken him. There was a table covered with a strange jar filled with strange liquid along with dead animal body parts. My face is made in disgust and my blood runs cold at the sight of an eye in a jar. The thought of the witches digging an eye from an animal orbit made me want to puke. My eyes quickly motioned from the jars and a smaller table I noticed some plants. I remembered my dad used to awaken farmers who have worked too hard and females fainting from bad news with a strange orange plant with long green interiors that looked like thousands of claws. A smile appeared on my face spotting it. Crown Imperial. It had an awful scent that could make anyone who was unconscious, conscious again. It will be of great use to Alpha Deucalion. I took it and ran over to the alpha. I lowered myself and placed the flower just below his nose. Alpha Deucalion immediately got up by its skunky odor. His dead turned away from me as he did, having enough of its awful scent.

"I'm sorry, I had to use it to awaken you. You fall unconscious after angrily killing a werewolf."

His head still turned from me not wanting to look at me.

I slowly got up and motioned away. I sensed he needed space. Space to think after discovering today, his parents were killed by his uncle. If I had found out that my uncle killed his own brother, my father, along with my mom. I would be devastated and filled with rage for vengeance. I understand how he felt.

I watched him from behind at an old dusty chair in a corner of the cave.

Alpha Deucalion, finally got up. He fixed the dark cloak around himself, hiding his naked body.

"That is the cloak the witch was forced to make for your uncle so he can resist every werewolf weakness alone with gloves," I told him.

He paused hearing his evil uncle's name. At that moment I wished I didn't mention his uncle's name.

"I'm sorry," I softly apologized as I lowered my head.

"Let's go," Bazaar retorted.

Within his powerful voice. I could hear pain, hurt, and tears.

I stood up and followed him as he went to the door.

The door opened and strangely rain came pouring down accompanied by thunder and lightning as if it didn't want us to leave the cave.

Alpha Deucalion stood at the door seeing we had to stay until the rain ended. He didn't move and watched the rain.

My arms held around me cold as I remained to watch him from behind, worried.

"Are we going to travel in the rain?" I asked.

He locked the door not answering and walked into another room, closing the door.

I felt ashamed that he didn't answer me. I understand he was going through a rather painful moment now. I just didn't expect him to treat me in such a way.

I knew at that moment that there would never be anything between us as badly as I wanted it to be. It seemed I wasn't his type. I was not a werewolf nor his true mate.

Through a tiny hole in the witch's home. I could see it was dark outside. The rain felt like it was night rain. It was going to fall all through the night.

Alpha Deucalion never left the room.

I recollected when I first thought saving him was the cost of losing my dad and big brother life who was only ten years old when he died. I locked myself into my room crying and ignored my mom for days. At that time I thought I was doing the best thing but I wasn't I was only hurting myself even more. If I'd allowed my mom to comfort me at that time I wouldn't have ended with anxiety and depression. Sometimes it's better to seek help than to carry the burden alone.

I knocked on his door. My ears gently pressed on the door, listening for any sound of sadness that came from him.

"Alpha Deucalion," I called needing to comfort him.

Recollecting the great sadness I underwent that felt like a dark thick, heavy cloud surrounding me when I lost my dad and brother. It was painful and scary. What I went through alone I would never want anyone to face it, except for Bazaar. He was the cause of everything that had happened to us. He needed to be the one suffering instead.

He didn't answer.

"Alpha Deucalion, I know how you feel. I once went through it after losing two of the most precious person in my life, my dad and my brother who was not even a teenager as yet, by Bazaar."

I began to cry.

"Your heart feels heavy and aches like it's swollen, you're filled with rage for revenge and your thoughts. It's like you cannot control them anymore. There's just too much and it's like you're losing your mind," I tried to reach out to him.

"Go away!" Alpha Deucalion yelled at me.

My body jumped and I quickly stepped from the door.

Tears pooled from my eyes for first expressing to someone how I'd felt and how much I was hurting. It felt like a hard black of ice was inside of me and now it was melting and getting rid of everything I had held up in my heart after telling my pain to Alpha Deucalion.

Alpha Deucalion was throwing and breaking anything he found in his way. I heard loud crashing sounds inside.

I felt a bad feeling emerge inside of me that I should move. Immediately I did. I was happy I did in the end after what had happened. Alpha Deucalion threw a large piece of furniture to the door breaking it down. If I haven't moved I would have been broken just like the door. My eyes widen frightened.

"Red!" I heard alpha Deucalion call.

The sight of the door completely destroyed before my eyes. I couldn't say anything. I was speechless knowing I could also be lying on the floor by his out-of-control anger.

He ran from his room and saw me standing in a corner of the cave. As if I was frozen, petrified.

Alpha Deucalion came over to me and his big strong, muscular arms wrapped around me. I was surprised.

My eyes close instantly at the touch of his hard chest against my face. In my entire life, I'd never felt such comfort by a hug from anyone. My arms wrapped around him not wanting to let him go.

"I'm sorry," he said softly above my head.

"It's okay."

I retorted softly.

"I could have killed you for rage for Bazaar."

"You didn't."

His arms went from around me. And my body felt like a rose dying to be watered. I needed to feel his body against mine again. I craved his touch.

Alpha Deucalion towered above me. My head raised staring into his sad blood red eyes.

The rain fell even harder and a strong wind blew outside as if it felt and was affected by a strong connection between us as he return my gaze.

Alpha Deucalion leaned towards me and I felt a number of butterfly dancing within my stomach, nervous.

Was he going to kiss me?

No, no, I don't think so.

His head got close to mine and I realized he is. He was so close I could feel his breath against my face. My eyes closed waiting nervously for his kiss.

Static electricity runs through my entire body the moment his lips touch mine. I cling to him as his lip gently and slowly caresses mine. His lips tasted like rose water, sweet. I never wanted his lips to leave mine but in the end, they did.

"I shouldn't have done that, I'm sorry," said Alpha Deucalion.

He walked away.

"No, I loved it and wish you haven't stopped."

I was so surprised at what I had said. I was shocked by my own words.

Alpha Deucalion turned to face me and I felt like I wanted to dig a hole and crawl into it.

"We are two different kinds," he said.

"I don't care what you are, nor what others may think," I retorted.

"A werewolf and a human can never be mates and we'll have to forget the feelings we have for each other."

"Feelings," I repeated.

All along he felt the same for me but was keeping a secret.

"Did Cali tell you I had feelings for you?" I asked.

I was upset she would tell him after I begged her not to. I should have never trusted her. I too felt foolish that she would keep a secret of me from her brother.

"No, I can smell it on you whether you're near me or everything you touch," retorted Alpha Deucalion.

I froze at his comment.

My arms covered my entire body feeling naked before him when I was fully clothed. It felt weird being around a creature that you can't seem to hide anything from.

"I can't see underneath your clothes," said Alpha Deucalion watching me as I tried to hide my body.

"Let's just forget what happened," Alpha Deucalion told me.

"What if it's hard to?" I had to ask.

These feelings I had for him felt like they weren't as easy to forget and to move on. They were like a hunger that needed to be fed and a thirst that needed to be quenched. The more I ignore them the more they were starving, badly.

"We just have to," he retorted.

He turned his back.

"Tell me, how do you control them?"

"I haven't yet," he retorted.

I walked over to him and touched one of his hands not wanting us to ignore such a powerful feeling. I loved him, more than anything in this world.

"I don't want to, so please don't force me."

He looked at me.

I tipped on my toes and stretch out a single hand to touch his face. Alpha Deucalion lowered his head and we again kissed. This time hungry, feeding our thirst for each other.

"The day you pulled the piece of iron from my chest. You've stolen my heart," Alpha Deucalion confessed.

"I returned to your village to see you again but it was destroyed by my kind. I felt lost not being able to see you until I heard your voice over the wall."

"All along you were listening to me?" I asked surprised.

"Yes, your tears and your sadness for wrongly believing I was the cast of the death of your loved ones."

At that moment I realized I wasn't the only one suffering. He too was suffering, for I had blamed him for something he never did. Alpha Deucalion was just as innocent as I was.

"You were my guardian wolf and I never knew," I looked him deeply in the eye.

"You rescued me every time I was in danger and I never realized your action."

Alpha Deucalion's head went to mine to kiss me again. He then stopped.

"What is wrong?" I asked.

"I must return to my pack now," he said.

"It's still raining," I reminded him.

"Something is wrong with my pack, I sensed it."

Alpha Deucalion shifted into his beast. I hurriedly climbed onto his back and he ran with me through the rain the fastest he could. We were soaked. I cling to his back trying to find warmth.

I prayed he was wrong as we returned to his home. He had lost his parents to Bazaar I hated for him to lose his sister and his entire pack to him.

We've arrived at the home. It was still raining heavily. My eyes widened seeing all homes were destroyed. His pack was nowhere to be found.

I slid off his back and looked around with a heavy heart, at the great damage to his home.

"The Alpha had returned home with his little human!" I heard a loud voice.

I picked up where the sound came from and there I saw Bazaar with six of his men emerging from a corner of a roofless home.

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