Chapter 4: Sadness, Agony & Loss
My bedroom door slammed behind me locking me in my room. I catch my breath sitting down on the side of my bed. I couldn't take my mind off the blooded eye beast, the leader of all the other werewolves and the powerful one everyone is now terrified of, who had killed his own kind for my safety. I recollected him ripping the grey werewolf head off with his bare teeth just for me. But, why did he do it? I couldn't understand. Was it because I saved him from being killed years ago? I just didn't comprehend it. My mind again went back to him watching me enter the gate as if he was making sure I went in safe. I was happy I was saved but deep down I couldn't believe how human the werewolf acted. All my life I've seen and experienced them as vicious dark-hearted creatures. What the dark werewolf did for me today I never would have expected from his kind. Werewolves were evil beasts. I'm not sure why he chooses to save me today, whether he was returning a favour related to years ago for me helping him or he may be up to something.
I threw myself down onto my bed, and quickly I got up hitting down a wooden artwork of the moon and the sun my dad had carved out for me when I was only 6 years old.
"Red is that you?" I heard my mom, calling from the crashing sound.
I sat up quietly not answering her, hoping she would lose interest in the sound and get back to whatever she was doing. But she didn't.
"Yes, it's me, mom," I answered.
"Oh great, can you please give me a hand in the kitchen?"
I exited my room and went into the kitchen seeing my mom taking out a large baked chicken from her oven. I looked around noticing the large amount of meal she was preparing. The meal was way too much for us both. It was quite strange seeing my mom cooking so much food when dad nor my brother was no longer here, it was just us two now.
"I see you're still in the dress," she stared at me as she placed the large chicken on the counter.
"Oh, yes," I looked down at the beautiful dress she had given me.
"Go on take it off and help me within the kitchen," she instructed me.
I nodded and went to change into an old blue and white dress.
"Take the corn off the stove and drain it?" my mom told me as I re-entered the kitchen.
I hurriedly put on my mitten and took the large pot from the stove draining the water from the corn.
"Mom, why are you preparing so much food?" I inquired curiously.
"A friend of mine is having a hard time losing her son who was a werewolf protector and so I thought I would do something nice and prepare some food for them," she answered as she cut the baked chicken into half.
I watched her sadly place half of the chicken into a large plate.
"Will you help me carry them to her?"
"Sure," I answered.
She smiled at me.
I searched for a large basket and helped her gather the meal she had prepared into it. Soon we were on our way.
"When will we live in peace and feel safe to leave this wall from all werewolves?" my mom asked sadly along the way.
I couldn't answer. I didn't know what to say. I too was fed up just like her. Outside of the wall was a beautiful place. I wish I was free to enjoy it rather than hide behind this wall.
Before werewolves began to attack us, humans. My dad once told me that human once was free to go wherever they wishes to without feeling threatened by werewolves. It must have been a wonderful time those days, getting up every day and not having to worry about being killed by those creatures.
We've both finally reached my mom's friend's home. She knocked on the door.
A dark-haired female who appears the same age as my mom opened the door. She was a sad sight to see. You could see she was crying and too heartbroken. Her eyes looked swollen and red.
"Good afternoon," my mom and I greeted her.
I lowered my head as I did trying my best to show her respect and allow her to see what she was going through I understand. It is not easy losing a loved one especially when you know that their death was not a natural cause.
"I've prepared some food for you and your family," my mom handed her the basket.
"Thank you," she began to cry.
"I'm so sorry for what happened to your son," I said to her, seeing how deeply hurt she was.
The entire time she stood at the door she could barely stand still. She seemed weak from not eating.
"No need to," she responded.
I was so frightened at her response.
"What I want is for that blood-eye wolf to be taken down with his kind and burn to ashes," she said angrily.
My eyes widen, alarmed hearing about that beast again. The one who chooses to save me.
"Thank you both for coming here," she thanked us closing the door behind her.
My mom sadly touched my shoulder, and we turn around to return home.
"She'll get better soon," my mom said.
I looked at her stunned at what she had said.
She returned my stare.
"She and her family are grieving over a loss just like what we did years ago mom and all you can say is that she'll get over it," I argued.
"We did, didn't we?" she retorted.
We both slowed down.
"It's not easy to lose any loved one to werewolves, but we can't stay broken by them forever, we have to stay strong, for seeing us broken is what they want. I hope one day I'll be able to look into that grey wolf's eyes and slowly cut his head from his body for killing my husband and my son," my mom said angrily.
"Grey-eyed wolf," I repeated alarmed at what she had said.
"Yes, it stared me in my eyes after it took my love ones from me as if it was mocking me at what it did," she told me.
I started breathing heavily at what she had said. All my life I thought it was the blood-eyed werewolf who had killed my father and dad, but it wasn't him. I had been blaming myself and stressed for over 12 years for nothing at all.
"Red, what is wrong?" my mom asked me worried.
"Why have you been hiding the identity of the werewolf who killed my father and brother?" I asked her angrily.
"Why does it bother you, grey eyes or blood eyes it's still a vicious werewolf who enjoys killing," my mom answered me.
I got so angry knowing I had anxiety and panic attacks because of blaming myself for a werewolf I saved and believed was the cause of my father and brother's death.
"Mom, I thought it was the blood-eye wolf who killed dad and Jonas!" I shouted at her.
Everyone on the road stopped staring at us. My mom dragged me by the hand carrying me over to a tree where we could speak in private.
"Why do you care if it's the blood-eye werewolf who murdered your dad? Look at what he did to my friend's son," my mom got angry at me.
I calm down right away and apologized.
"It's okay," my mom told me hugging me.
I cried returning her hug.
"I too want the werewolf who ruin our lives and everyone to be gone," she told me.
I wanted to feel a bit relieved that the blood eye boy I had saved 12 years ago wasn't the one who killed my dad and brother, but how could I, knowing he had killed someone's son and now was the ruler of all the vicious werewolves running around. I had saved a monster that was hungrily killing our kind.
"God will one day safe us, we just have to have faith in him," my mom told me.
Suddenly, the entire place was sounded by the trumpet.
I moved away from my mom right away wiping my tears.
"We have another urgent meeting with our leader at the square!" a man shouted running to the square, alarmed.
My mom and I looked at each other curiously to know what was happening and quickly we went to the square wanting to know what shocking news we were about to receive. It was not easy hearing the sound of the trumpet during the daytime. We all know it was never good news.
Bazaar and several of his men were on the stage when we got there. Everyone stood close eager to know what bad news it was now.
"Hearing the sound of the trumpet in daylight you all must know it is bad news I bring you," Bazaar told us. On his face, I saw he had had enough of the werewolves too.
"All along we have been fooled by the werewolves, they have been laughing at us knowing they were always ahead of us and today we shall send the blasted blood-eye message that we are the one now on top," Bazaar said angrily.
I heard a few ladies scream and there I saw several werewolf protectors surrounding us with their arrows and spears. Everyone was panicking as to why they were aiming at us when they should be protecting us.
"What are you doing?" we all shouted.
"Trying to find the werewolf who has been dwelling among us in his human form and stealing information of our every move," Bazaar said gravely.
"Well, I am not one of them," everyone said scared.
"We'll find out," said Bazaar.
Everyone tried to elude our leader who seems to be going insane by the werewolves but the protectors manage to keep us in the square.
My mom and I hugged scared. We both lowered to the crowd screaming as we saw arrows coming from every angle towards us.