Chapter 4
Westley's POV
I paced back and forth in my living room, Bobbie my German Sheppard watching my every step.
"Bro, you mind standing still? All your pacing is giving me a headache" Andrew said raising his hand in a stopping motion.
I groaned and sat down
"Look man, just do what I do when I'm upset…" Andrew said slouching backwards into my couch cushion and taking a sip from his Arizona sweet tea can.
"I'm not going to resort to drinking every time I have a problem." I said glaring at him.
"Whatever man. You're missing out!" he said, he sounded faded.
He always sounded that way though.
I shook my head and shut my eyes.
"Listen, West I think you should be worrying about the more important things at stake." I turned to look at him, I was confused.
"What would that be?"
"Your club…it opens tonight." he said taking another sip an looking at me.
My eyes grew wide as I shot up
"Crap!" I grabbed my phone off of the marble counter top in my kitchen and pulled up my calendar.
Sure enough it read
'Club Opening: October 10th, 2014'
"Why did no one remind me?" I said hurrying up my winding staircase of my loft
"I-I just did…" I heard Andrew yell out as I reached the top step and hurried into my bedroom.
I opened up the doors of my walk in closet and looked from side to side, one side of the closet hung all of my blazers, coats, and jackets.
While the other side hung all of my nice dress shirts, my regular t-shirts and pants were folded up in drawers underneath both of the cabinets.
In the middle of my closet was an island that held all of my watches and colognes.
I frantically threw shirts and pants left an right as I looked for an outfit to wear for the night. I usually had someone do this for me. I grabbed a light blue collared button down shirt and black pants and black shoes.
I turned around when I heard the sound of a knock at my door.
"I'm going to get going. I've got to pick this chick up, her name is Sandra. She's a model." Andrew said biting his lip, giving me a smirk and head nod.
"You? Andrews Elix Johnson? Are picking up a girl..on your own?" I said looking at my brother in shock.
"She told me that she finds it attractive when guys do that…whatever let's me get with her than I'll do it." I shook my head in disbelief and disgust.
"Hey man! Listen you haven't lived until you've hooked up with a Brazilian model..so don't judge me."
"Little late for that." I said grabbing my wallet and phone and walking passed him down the staircase.
I said goodbye to Bobbie before locking up my loft and leaving, Andrews a few steps behind me.
"So I never really did ask, what's the big issue with this chick you're working with?"
We got on the elevator
"We hadn't even been in the same room together for more than 15 minutes and she immediately started judging me freely." I said putting my hands in my pockets and looking up at my reflection on the ceiling of the elevator.
"What about?"
"She was telling me that I didn't know how to do stuff on my own, because in her words 'People like us get handed everything in life.'" I said aggravated now.
I nodded
"What did you say back?"
"I threatened to get her fired."
I looked to my left at who looked surprised
"She didn't even flinch."
"Sounds like you've got a dilemma on your hands."
"Whatever man, the stupid project I'm working on will be done in three weeks then I won't have to worry about her again." The elevator finally dinged as it opened up to the parking garage below the building.
"Well good luck with that man, I'll see you later tonight." I nodded as I pulled out my car keys and climbed into my Audi.
I sat in the drivers seat for a few minutes and thought about the situation.How was I going to deal with this?
Luna's POV
I opened up my apartment door to find my younger sister Katherine standing in the doorway.
"Katherine? What are you doing here?" I asked Katherine confused, she walked in and sat on my couch
"I messed up Luna…" She said looking down at the floor, her voice cracking. I quickly shut my door and hurried over to her, I gasped when I looked at her. She had bruises up an down her arms and a slight cut on her cheek.
"Oh my god." I said as I covered my hand over my mouth. She looked up at me, her eyes blood shot; a bruise was forming around her cheek and under eye.
"He-he did this to you didn't he?" I said, my voice breaking. She said nothing she just looked at me
A cold look in her eye
"Oh my god Katherine!" I pulled my little sister into my arm
"I'm so sorry..I'm so sorry that I ditched you yesterday and all of those times before. I'm so sorry." she said her voice cracking again.
"No..that-that doesn't matter right now." I said as I stood up and hurried into my kitchen as I grabbed a plastic baggie and placed some ice in it for her.
"Hold this there, I'm going to get you some bandages" I said as I hurried into my bathroom and found my first aid kit, grabbing the box of band aids, as I stood up I noticed my reflection in the mirror
I felt like I was going to be sick, this was all so sudden. I gathered myself together again before handing her the box of band aids and placing one on her cut up cheek.
I covered my mouth with my hand as I looked at my little sister, it was then that I realized I hadn't seen her in over two months.
She had gotten lighter brown lowlights and two more piercings on both of her ear
I watched as she moved the ice bag from bruise to bruise, I felt my eyes begin to well up with tears as she looked up at me.
"Please…don't cry." she said
"I-I can't do that. How could someone do this?" I said getting on my knees and holding her hand.
"Please don't."
I shook my head and pulled my cell phone out of my pocket
"No-no Luna what-what are you doing?" She chocked out
"I'm calling the police." I said looking at her, tears welled up in her eyes as she shook her head profusely.
"Please-please don't."