I kept on running with no destination, I turned back to see if I was still being chase by a man who was clearly harmed and he was still pursuing me, seems like he had also increased his pace. I ran as fast as my leg could carry me. The more I ran,  the more it felt like he was meeting up with me, it was like I wasn't running fast enough, or I wasn't even running at all.

I was afraid that he might soon catch up with me, what scares me the most was the fact that I was lost in these thick woods. The thought of me getting killed, kidnapped or even raped frightens me, making me cry the more while I ran for my precious life. Suddenly I felt a hand grab my hoodie throwing me to the floor, I fell with my eyes closed while I screamed for help as loud as possible.

I woke up still screaming, then I realized it was a dream, I heaved a sigh of relief and lay back on my bed with my eyes opened, looking at the ceiling. I turned to look at my sister Jenny, who was sleeping on her bed next to mine. I was happy to find her still asleep, at least I i didn't wake her up with my scream,  she needed the rest as she must have had a hectic day at work. I was lost in my thoughts thinking about my family situation. I was only seven when my dad died and ever since then, things hasn't been easy for mum. All efforts for mum to find a good job in New york was abortive. Two months later mum suggested we move to her Italy, her homeland. She sold dad's property so we could afford the plane tickets and an apartment in Italy. When we got ot Italy, mum was lucky to get a job as a maid but it wasn't enough, it was as if we get poor each day no matter how hard we work our asses out.

I am currently eighteen now and I had three part time jobs hanging in my neck together with school. My elder sister Jenny, works all day when she was supposed to be in school because mum couldn't afford to send the both of us to school. Mum's salary wasn't even enough to take care of all our needs, I guess we are just destined to remain poor anyways.I checked the time, it was fifteen minutes past six in the morning, I turned to sleep  hoping not to have any bad dream when I noticed a uniform hanging on the wall.

"Oh shit" it was my first day at Royal Height school, how could I possibly forget. I was awarded a scholarship to study in this prestigious school there by making mum and Jenny proud. It was a big relieve to her, she wouldn't worry about paying school fees any more. They were so happy, they went round boasting  about my  admission to our neighbors, some of them where happy  for me, while some were jealous, as usual there are always the bad eggs among the good ones.

I started preparing for school immediately, it was my first day and I wouldn't want to be late. I had just two and half years to study in this school I needed to be focused, I started began to wonder if I would be able to cope in this type of school, I doubt if any of those rich kids would want to associate themselves with a poor girl like me who is on scholarship.

"Would I be able to cope" This was the question I keep asking myself,  but anyways I promised myself not to mind nor care about their attitude towards me.  " I will go there, study and come out with the best results, in order to be awarded another scholarship to study in another prestigious university, graduating with a first class and get a good job that would be able to take care of mum and Jenny" i told my self looking directly at the mirror with a serious face.

By thirty minutes past seven, I was all dressed up and ready to leave. Mum was awake and had prepared breakfast, she even packaged my brunch which I will eat in school.  After I was done with breakfast, mum hugged me and began to give me tons of advice, I had remind her that I would be late, before she let me go. I turned to bid her good bye when i saw Jenny coming out from the room, she was just waking up. I smiled at her and she responded with a wave. I entered a public bus to school, I stood throughout the drive because the sit were occupied with passengers. I noticed that majority of them were looking at my uniform with awe. I guess they were wondering what a Royal height student was doing in a public bus. It never happens, it is either their parent or driver takes them to school, while some use school bus which i clearly can't afford. I just tried my best to forgo their endless stares.

I eventually arrived at the one and only Royal height school, the undoubtedly a big school just like people tag it to be.  I look around and noticed student staring at me because I got down from a public bus, while other student were coming down from their parent expensive cars. I haven't even entered and they already caught sight of me, I felt so inferior for a moment. i was thinking if I made a wrong decision by applying for the scholarship at the first place, but I remembered mum's advice and the decision I made to my self while standing in front of the mirror this morning.  It was a great motivation, I immediately put on my backpack and walked towards the gate not minding the continual stares on me, my bag,  my shoe and my hair. It was easy for them to know I wasn't from a rich family.

While I kept on walking towards the school building, it occurred to me that I didn't even know where my class was "Shit!"What was I going to do? Ask a student?. I can't do that, they wouldn't even respond, getting snubbed was the last thing I needed from anybody now. I entered the building searching for my classroom, I did it a in way that no one would notice as I was already getting enough stares, which was inconvenient. I kept on looking down as I walked through the hall way. Whenever I get to a particular class I would quickly take a glance to see if it was my class and immediately look down again. Now I was on the second floor and still haven't find my class, I was almost about to cry when I saw a teacher walking towards me, I was thankful and hurriedly went over to meet him.

" Good morning sir"

" Yeah, morning. Are you new? " He asked smiling.

I was surprised, how did he know I was a new student, was it that noticeable?. I gave him a stunning look immediately.

" Relax, I just knew you were new because student in this school never greet their teachers, only the few good ones still greet moreover I haven't seen you before so I just guessed you were new and inquired.

"I am Mr. Mark by the way" At least his explanation was alleviating, I thought he noticed because of my hair, bag and shoes which didn't look expensive. "What if other student were staring at me because they haven't seen me around before,well whatever." I thought.

" Sir do you mind directing me to my class please? " I asked him looking around only to notice that there were barely few student stilling around. I guess they have all gone to their various classes, I immediately told him the class I was in and he did not only direct me but also took me to my class. We arrived and he opened the door urging me to get in, I noticed the teacher was already teaching, but immediately he opened the door all eyes were fixed on me. They all paused and there was a minute of silent. I kept on looking down on the floor as I was too shy, standing in front of all these rich kids, I probably look like garbage before them.

" Good morning Mrs. Bella, she is a new student" I was thankful to Mr.Mark because he didn't just bring me to class but also told the teacher I was new, I didn't know how I was going to tell her. Then I turned back and saw him wave me good bye then he was gone. I felt like going with him, but it wasn't possible.

" What are you still doing, go and have your sit, you came late to my class, interrupted my lecture and now you want to delay me? "She said nearly shouting.

" Sorry ma" I said looking sober.bI saw the whole class laughing at me, then I heard a girl saying I was so pathetic because I apologized to the teacher. Another girl said she thinks I was the scholarship student and that this was how those low class people behave, we were losers, no doubt I felt so bad. The chairs were big enough so two people together. I walked towards a girl to sit with her as she was sitting alone, when she saw I was coming she placed her bag on the other side of the sit, openly telling me that she doesn't want me to be her sit mate. I was heart broken, I wonder if the teacher didn't see what she did. I looked left and saw an empty sit, no one was sitting on there although it was at the end of the class, close to the wall but I liked it.

There was no sign that someone was sitting on it so I went and sat on the chair comfortably. I looked up and saw some people laughing while some looking at me pitifully and shaking their heads. I didn't understand why they gave me those kind of looks, well for all I care I have gotten a chair to sit and I would be sitting there alone, I was relieved. I brought out my book and started jotting down what the teacher was saying, after some minutes the bell rang and Mrs. Bella left the class.

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