Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 22 - Chill

Soft voices murmuring in the distance made my ears twitch. There was settle laughing and giggling which was starting to annoy me. I wanted to sleep and now thanks to these voices, I was awake. I slowly opened my eyes and stretched my body. I could feel the soft sheets caressing my skin as my body enjoyed the stretching of my muscles.

“Shhhh she's waking up, ” someone said and the voices were gone.

Too late now.

I sat up slowly and rubbed my eyes. What time was it? How long had I slept for? I opened my eyes and found the four reasons I was now awake. Ash, Matt, Natalie and Ethan were sitting on the sofas looking at me.

“Why are you all here?” I asked.

“Well you've been asleep for almost 5 hours, we just wanted to make sure you were still alive” Ethan responded.

Five hours?! Fuck! I was meant to go see Clark. I pulled the sheets off me and jumped out of bed.

“Why the hell didn't you wake me up sooner?” I rushed into my closet looking for clothes.

“Alex, we tried. You were sleeping like a dead log.” Natalie replied and something daunted on me.

I walked back out to them “Where is your brother?” I asked and looked at Matt and Ash.

“Olivia’s” Natalie shrugged.

“Chill, Alex. We have someone watching. He's been there all evening.” Matt mind linked.

I sighed. Even though I now knew that Erik wasn't my real mate, my heart ached a little. What did Olivia have that I didn't? I always thought I was a catch but here is this guy proving me wrong. What if Clark feels the same way?

I stood there staring into space with my thoughts playing in my head.

“Alex… I found you Clark’s address.” Matt’s voice broke the trance I was in.

“Your dad called him and said he was caught up with some work today and someone would pay him a visit about getting permission to stay.” Matt walked over to me and handed me a piece of paper. “Do you want me to come?”

“Yes, please. If that’s not too much trouble?” the sadness in my voice was evident. I needed Matt more for moral support in case Clark wasn’t my mate or even worse, incase he didn’t want me.

Matt nodded and went back to sit next to Natalie.

“Ash, can you please stay with Nat? I'll get Esther to come up as well,” Matt said as he pulled out his phone.

I walked back into the closet and picked up high waisted shorts and a tank top. I was running at a hotter temperature than normal tonight. I walked into the bathroom and stripped off the clothes Ash had given me earlier. I quickly turned on the shower and got in.

My hair was still greasy and crinkled and my skin felt sticky. I lathered myself with soap and washed my hair as fast as I could. My heart was racing and the only way to calm it was to find out if Clark was really my mate after all.

I was done I turned off the water once i was done and wrapped a towel around myself. Hastily brushing my hair, I leave it open to air dry before putting some cream on my face and using a little bit of foundation powder. I added a little bit of gloss to my lips and changed my earrings. Mate or not, I was going on official pack duties and dad liked it when I looked more like a girl when I was representing him.

I quickly pulled on my clothes and gave myself one last look in the mirror. Once I was done, I walked out to find only Matt still in my room. He was sitting on one edge of my bed fiddling on his phone.

I grabbed my socks and sneakers and sat next to Matt on my bed.

“Where did everyone go?” I pulled on my shoes.

“Erik’s back, so Natalie went to see him. I sent Ash and Esther with her. Ethan is waiting downstairs, he said he wants to come with us too” Matt was rigid.

“You don't have to come. I'll just take Ethan with me. I understand you want to be around Natalie to make sure Erik isn't doing something stupid.”

“Alex, I'm your Beta, I can't let you go alone. Natalie is safe here with the others. I'm more worried about you. I can't believe something like this has happened under my nose and I was out running after my mate.” he hung his head.

“Matt, she's your mate. As much as your job is to protect me, it’s also to protect her too. You’re just trying to do right by both your girls” I shoved him a little and he laughed.

“Yeah until you find a mate, don’t say that in front of her” he laughed. I was sure that Natalie understood Matt and my relationship.

“Cmon let’s go get this over with” I grabbed my keys and phone and walked out the door.

We walked down the hall towards the stairs.

“Alex, where are you going?” Erik’s voice echoed through the hall.

I stopped and turned to look at him “Why do you care? Olivia not interesting anymore?”

Dad had said I had to keep up the act of a mate until we had more answers. So I pretended to be a jealous girlfriend.

“Babe, what are you talking about?” he let out a nervous laugh and walked towards me. Before he got too close Matt stepped in between us.

“Come on man, tell her she's being ridiculous”

“Sorry buddy, you're on your own, but till then, keep a safe distance” Matt replied and put his hand on Erik’s chest, pushing him back a little.

“Erik, I gotta go. I have some werewolf work I need to get done. Ash is around with the other boys, please make yourself feel at home” I didn't wait for an answer. I just turned around and headed down the stairs. I knew Matt was right behind me.

“This Olivia, what’s so special about her?” I asked Matt as we walked.

“Nothing much to be honest. She has literally fucked all the boys at school though” he laughed.

“If you had to pick between her and me, who would you do?”

“Definitely you! Why are you asking that?” Matt grabbed my arm and stopped me.

“Because I’m doubting myself. Am I not pretty enough? Hot enough? Girlie enough? I mean even though he's not my bloody mate, the boy’s gotten under my skin by spending all day and night worshiping that whore. Like what is it about her that is appealing?” My voice was louder and angrier than expected.

“Hey hey, Alex, the Goddess be my witness when I say this, but fuck lady if I could I would bend you over right here right now. Not just me, any dude would. Erik is playing games with you, don't let him win.” he was holding my shoulders and had a very serious expression.

I nodded and took a deep breath in. He was right. I had bigger things to worry about right now. We walked out the main door and Ethan already had his Range waiting for us outside.

I got into the back and Matt got into the passenger seat next to Ethan and handed him a piece of paper. Clark’s address.

“Okay boys, we're going to talk to Clark about him getting territory permission. Nothing about mates or any of that should come up” both Ethan and Matt nodded and Ethan started to drive.

Clark's address was for the other side of town. My mind wandered to the memory of the grey orbs that we're so hypnotising. I really wanted to know if I'd be able to smell him now.

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