Emma POV
The alarm was beeping incisively. It is 730 am … A little more I said… 10 more minutes. “You already overslept I heard – you have that interview at 11!!”, Leo my brother was bellowing from downstairs. Money was tight and I really needed to get up to try to get that job.. “Ok, ok I am coming!”
This was the best time to sleep.. Lately my dreams have been strange and I would find myself awake at random times at night staring at the ceiling. I could not explain it – I was restless, yet I did not want to move.. I rushed to the bathroom to splash some water on my face and look at myself… You have to be presentable Emma I keep saying to myself.. Looking at my unruly brown locks which could easily pass for bird’s nest, I did not know what to do with myself.. My saving grace were always my eyes, which still showed their interesting green and gold color, yet today even they looked dulled and tired.
“You want coffee?” I hear Leo say and I yell back – “sure – make some please!”
Jumping into a shower, I was trying to focus on the interview and the fact that we needed money. In truth, I had no experience in this field, but had to try – we had bills to pay. As I was brushing my teeth, Ari our cat decided to come and see me. Her golden eyes looked at me inquisitively .. She always had a presence about her .. I heard a little purr and a meow after I rubbed her head…
“Leo.. Leo.. Did you feed the Ari?” My brother could be many things, responsible was not one of them… “Leo????”. He came upstairs his dark golden curls all over the place, looking at me with green eyes as mine… “Nah, I did not – you know she wants you to feed her. Also sis, I need to talk to you – you have a minute?” I looked at the clock on my phone – somehow it was already 9 am and if I did not leave soon, I’d be late. “Can we do it tonight, after I am back from the city?”
He nodded. I looked at him. His tall frame and muscular build were always the target of female attention. He was a kind and funny guy on top of it, so the long line of beautiful ladies was always around him. He smiled shyly, and I knew something is off. My brother was not shy – far from it.
Getting ready I kept thinking about my interview. The office was in a prestigious business center of Los Angeles. We lived further out in the outskirts of San Diego and it was going to be at least an hour ride with the train, so I quickly decided on pair of gray slacks and a white shirt and black blazer. What does Personal Assistant wear I wondered??? I decided to put my messy hair in a bun, splash some eye shadow and mascara, grabbed my keys, and ran out… In the driveway I realized I forgot to feed Ari, so I ran back quickly and opened the can of food. Of course, some of it got on my pants and I cursed under my breath… Luckily it was a relatively small stain, I hoped nobody would notice. I’d have time to try to clean up on the train, as I had no other formal wear. Petting Ari one more time and getting a little purr I ran out of my home. Here goes nothing..
Quick Uber ride to the train station was smooth and I sat down to compose my thoughts and get ready for the interview. The Comet Enterprises was one of the largest financial groups in the state. With offices all over the country I recall reading about their significant investments, properties, charitable works and political influence. They were involved in variety of industries and all I was hoping to start somewhere. Finance was never my strong suit, but I was willing to learn. I looked up the office location one more time on my phone and the sheer size of the building downtown was impressive and a little intimidating. I did not know what to expect. Drinking my coffee, I noticed my cat food stain and was trying to clean it up. More I rubbed on it – it became larger. Great – just great! Walking up to find train bathroom , I looked around and noticed an elderly lady looking at me curiously. Her hair was silver and put in a bun, her clothes impeccable and her features very beautiful… I looked again in her direction and noticed a very expensive purse next to her… What is a person like that doing riding a train I thought? There was something about her I could not quite place but she looked familiar and smiled at me gently… I had to pass her on the way to the bathroom and I nodded a smile… She smiled back and looked at me curiously, which unsettled me. You are imagining things again Emma – lack of sleep will do that to you, I thought to myself. My phone beeped and I looked down happy to see responses from our friends. Nicolas and his sister were available to meet which was exciting! I have not seen them in months – they were around same age as Leo and I and we spent a lot of time together as children after our parents died… Myra liked Leo – that much obvious, so I had to mentally prepare for line of questioning on that from her… I finally got to the bathroom and did my best to clean the cat food stain off… Most of it got off, but now I had a huge wet spot on my leg pant… It will dry I thought to myself..
I sat down and closed my eyes to calm my nerves. I was tired.. The dreams I have been having were random and strange.. Often dreaming of volcanoes, I would wake up in sweat and with a strange sensation of it happening in real time. I have never seen a real volcano, just in movies, but my dreams were very real.. .I fought not to think about this but my eyelids were getting heavy.. I tried to look at the scenery but soon my lack of sleep got better of me, and everything went black…
I felt somebody’s arm nudging at me.. I opened my eyes to see the white hair lady trying to wake me up.. What startled me the most were her eyes – the strangest color I ever seen. They were silver – almost white, but warm.. There was a lot of glow in them and she kept saying “young lady, the train has stopped, is this your station?”.. I looked at the clock and it was 10:30. Oh damn, I will be late I though..
“Yes, yes, it is my stop” I scrambled frantically… “I have to run, oh thank you.. err… lady”.
She smiled gently at me and said, “you are welcome, Emma”. I froze and glared at her.. “Err… ugh… how do you know my name???” She smiled again and pointed to my notebook. I blushed red and rubbed my eyes, forgetting I had makeup on. Oh crap, how will I look now for my big interview now? Mumbling thanks I rushed off the train to catch a ride to downtown… I literally jumped off the platform looking for any mode of transportation, not finding any.. Why did I have to fall asleep! Do I have time to call another Uber? How much will this cost me now?
As I looked around frantically fidgeting with my phone a luxury dark vehicle pulled up. “Emma”, I heard the voice of the woman.. “Do you need a ride?”
I looked at her suspiciously, but I had no options. I quickly texted my brother my location just in case and hopped into an open door. Leo will think I am crazy, but what else is new. “Where to?”, a gentleman at the front said.. “Ugh.. Wilshire blvd… The Comet Building – you know it?” He nodded.
I turned around to my generous benefactor to see her looking at me with a smile.. “The Comment Building – The Comet Enterprise HQ?” she said with her eyebrow raised curiously at me? “Yes, yes mam. Also, by the way, thank you – I am running late.. Err.. What is your name please?” “I am Mrs. Phanes she said.. But you, young lady may call me Lily”.
I extend my hand to handshake it.. “I am Emma.. Emma Brook, Mrs. Lily”. “Nice to meet you, young lady… and it is just Lily, Emma”.
There was something comforting about her presence... I could not place it yet somehow, I relaxed more. “It is a quick ride from here she said – Mateo knows all the shortcuts”, she winked at me. “Are you working with The Comet Enterprises she asks?” “Err… well, no, not exactly. I am going for the interview” ….She nodded and looked at me encouragingly. “How old are you Emma she asks?” “Well, I will be 23 in August Mrs.” “Lily” she says and laughs.. “Well, yes 23 in August Lily”… She nods and smiles at me again…
“Your parents must be very proud” she smiles again and the shadow falls on my face. I drop my head and speak softly.. “They are both dead”… “I am sorry dear, I did not know.. Don’t mind me, I am an old inquisitive lady.. I did not mean”, she was saying apologetically.
“I barely remember them I said”… She holds my hand in hers and the calm and peace radiate through her touch. The tears that surfaced from thinking about my mother and father quickly dry up. I look up to see her eyes on me, looking at me softly.. There was something so motherly, so familiar about her.. At that moment we pull up and Mateo goes out to open my door. She hands me a card…
“I know this maybe forward Emma, but if things do not work out with the interview, feel free to contact me. My family has many businesses, perhaps we could use somebody of your talents if you’d be interested?” With that she squeezes my hand gently and I nod.
“Us women should stick together” she said... Without looking, I put her card in my purse and bolt out waving goodbye.
11:05.. Shit, I am late..