Chapter 6


The elder… no, the former High King… he seems nice enough, but I don’t trust it. The man is one of, if not the most powerful person in the world, and he’s sitting here playing kindly grandfather to Aila and I after we show unprecedented power during our becoming? No way the man doesn’t have some self-serving motivations for helping us. Add to that the fact that our mothers seem uneasy, and for the first time in our lives they’re refusing to answer questions about what the fuck is happening? Yea, that doesn’t jive with the whole kindly old man routine the geezer is playing. Despite my unease, however, I figure that it’s best to play whatever game this is… we’re condemned to being a part of this man’s world now, after all. Best to try to learn the rules.

“So, what’s next, Elder Marbury?” I ask, repeating the question while trying to hide my normally irreverent tone.

“Well, I suppose that our next step is going over the admissions process and what you can expect from the academy, which, I regret to inform you, will be your home for the foreseeable future…”

“Can you elaborate on what you consider to be the foreseeable future, sir?” whispers Aila, her voice shaking slightly.

Her fear fills me with anger. What right does this man have to come into our lives and change everything? How dare he throw his weight around and use his former title to intimidate Aila!

When Aila places her hand on my knee, I realize I’m shaking with anger, the old man watching me with a smirk that I’d love to wipe off his wrinkly face. I take a deep breath, working to calm myself down. Aila’s silent warning bringing me to the realization that this isn’t a battle we can win, not yet.

“Well, as you may or may not know, the academy has a basic five-year curriculum for learning to harness powers, and in addition to that we have a traditional post-secondary functionality once you’ve been cleared to resume your place in the world, with full control of your abilities. You will have the option to declare a major beyond your magical skills, and further pursue your education. Many who attend the institution choose to pursue educations that utilize their unique abilities, but it’s not strictly required.”

“I see… and are we required to continue attending after the initial five-year program?” I ask quietly, noticing when he hesitates and glances at our mothers.

“Normally, it is compulsory… but I’m sure that, should you pursue an accelerated course of study, you could be released from the obligation at the completion of the five-year program…”

“What sort of accelerated program?” asks Aila, looking at our mothers with worry clear on her face.

“Well, it’s usually reserved for the top-performing students and royal families, but through the use of some private lessons during your free days, you could graduate completely within five years.”

“Could you walk us through what this would look like, schedule wise? Would we be permitted off campus during these free days if we don’t pursue the accelerated program?” I ask curiously.

“Ah, asking the important questions! Normally, those who attend the academy area already expecting to have unpredictable abilities and have been trained from childhood in methods to cope… since you both lack that learning, I’m afraid that your off-campus privileges would be non-existent for at least three years, at which time you can apply for reconsideration, taking several practical exams to test your control.”

“…I see. And what would the schedule look like since we don’t have those privileges? With and without the accelerated program.”

“Well, normally there are classes three days a week, generally it’s a Monday, Wednesday, Friday schedule with three or four classes on Monday and Wednesday, and two longer classes on Friday. Should you choose the accelerated program, you can expect to have additional classes on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday with Sundays being free days. The classes would follow the same format, generally, with Tuesday and Thursday being three or four of the same class and Saturday being one or two longer form classes... Of course, that means you'd need to declare a major pretty quickly upon arrival. Personally, I’d recommend you do the accelerated course, but take a variety of perhaps unrelated classes in your first semester so you can see what you like and then declare a major in your second, narrowing your focus…”

Aila and I look at each other, both clearly confused by the man’s words.

“What sort of majors are offered? And why is it compulsory to pursue a degree?” I ask, making the elder smile.

“The majors range from the mundane that you could expect at the city college to those of a more magical nature. It’s compulsory because the academy is aimed at royalty and those who are expected to take up important political positions in the future.”

His words make me even more nervous… do they expect us to take up politics once we escape their little system? Do they expect us to be brood mares to make a more powerful generation of royals?

“But since we’re not born and bred for the political sphere, will we be exempt from these requirements?” I ask quietly.

Marbury is shaking his head before I even finish my sentence.

“I’m afraid not. I’ve already spoken with the dean, and there’s no exception within the rules for your situation, nor is he willing to carve one out. He will approve an accelerated course, but that’s all I could get out of him…”

“Of course, it is,” I mutter, glancing at Aila.

“Of course, it is an honor for our girls to be invited to attend the academy, regardless of the situation,” says Angelica pleasantly. “I am, however, concerned about the cost of tuition… As you’re likely aware, our shop does not function in the realm of financial gain, and as such, we could not possibly afford the astronomical fees associated with the academy…”

“I am aware. Thankfully, a fund has been established just in case this situation should occur. Tuition, room, and board will be covered from the fund… think of it as a scholarship. Any additional necessities, however, will have to be worked for. I can arrange for some tasks around campus to allow the girls to earn spending money. It would be one or two hours three days a week helping out. In exchange they will receive untaxed wages of 200 gold per month…”

His words have me shocked, given that the sandwich shop clerk position I worked at only paid me 25 gold per month… Most things only cost a few silver or copper pieces, with one gold piece being worth 100 silver or 1,000 copper.

“And how much is tuition for those who have to pay?” I ask curiously.

“Ah… well, normally it’s about 250 gold per month… fairly cost prohibitive for most of the population, which is why the scholarship fund was established…”

“Of course… and you’re saying that we only need to work approximately 24 hours per month to receive 200 gold, each month, correct?”

“Indeed. I understand that you’re losing the time you would have spent working, as would any others who found themselves in such a position, so when we established the scholarship fund, we wanted to ensure that working part time was sufficient to cover any additional needs as well as recoup any lost wages that would have otherwise been used to help families subsist.”

“That’s very generous of you, elder.” Says Aila softly, that worried look still glinting in her eyes.

“Have I answered all of your questions to your satisfaction?”

“I do have one last question… Will we be able to visit our girls?” Asks Angelica.

“There are three opportunities for families to visit each year. Each Solstice, and Samhain.”

“So, no yule?”

“I’m afraid not. Generally, students with approval can go home for yule and midwinter break, midsummer break, and spring break, but that opportunity will not be available to Aila and Adreanna until they pass their third-year reconsideration.”

“It seems so cruel, to only allow them to see their families three times a year,” Angelica whispers.

“Be that as it may, Ma’am, it’s a safety precaution. The only reason their abilities aren’t leaking out right now is because we’re within a dampening room… as it is, they’ll have to wear specially crafted cuffs to prevent accidental injury to themselves and others…”

“So, you’re saying that we’re still going to have to be constantly cuffed with dampeners even at this fancy academy?” I demand.

“Until you get a feel for your powers, yes. The dorms are equipped with dampeners that can be turned on and off, starting in your second year. First year dorms have constant dampeners. The cuffs can be removed at will once you pass a test in your third week, showing that you can control most sudden outbursts. The first three weeks of instruction are intended to give you some semblance of control, though there are still precautions. The last thing I, or anyone else, want is for you to feel like prisoners.”

“I… see. That’s surprisingly reasonable,” I say, settling down slightly.

“I’m glad you think so. Now, it’s just the matter of signing a few papers approving the scholarship and allowing us to pull transcripts from your previous institutions, and then you’ll be escorted to campus to get settled in. The first semester starts in about a week.”

With those final words, he pulls out a stack of papers, having us all read over them and sign in the appropriate places. By the time we finish, it feels like several hours have passed.

“Now, I’ll have copies of these sent to each of your parents, and you’ll also have copies in your dorms… is it safe to assume that you two would like to room together?”

Aila and I glance at each other briefly before nodding.

“Good, good. I’ll make the arrangements. Your escort will arrive with your dampeners in about an hour. Until then, please enjoy your time with your parents.” He says, lifting himself with much less groaning that was present when he first sat, and sweeping out of the room in a swish of robes.

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