1. Crazy Fantasies

All through her young years, all she could vividly remember were rituals and incantations being poured upon her frail self.

Other children had childhood memories that probably comprised of going to amusement parks, sleepovers, camping but reverse was the case for Sabrina.

Her childhood was nothing like that and she wasn't opportuned to socialise that much with her playmates.

It never really did occur to her as much of a problem on why her mother was keeping her confined from the normal average fun experiences that every kid of her age should be able to enjoy.

Instead of going to the amusement parks or camping out, she would vividly remember her mother bringing her down to the basement every night.

She would sit in the middle of a red star shaped image whilst her mother would sing songs she saw as strange and chant strange letters to her.

She would be commanded to repeat after her mother who would then proceed to dance in such a strange but intriguing manner.

This strange ritual went on for more than fourteen years.

Her mother would always remind Sabrina of her predestined fate to be seated on the throne of Ashrea, right alongside her two demon kings.

Sabrina at that stage of her life, found it intriguing and captivating.

To her, it meant she was going to be just like barbie.

She would be married off to a prince charming and live her happily ever after but how far off she was from the reality of it all.

Now twenty years later, she was a bubbling 24 year lady with a well paying job and a good apartment too.

Her mothers words now seemed like a hell lot of insane rambling to her.

Hearing her mother speak off her marriage to mythical beings in front of her friends would always get her exasperated.

But her mother would stand her ground and remind her of the fact that the Demons kings would come one day to claim their bride.


"Mum can you just stop talking about all this shit already?"my tensed tone snapped back at my mother who had begun one of those her lectures about mythical beings.

I was the youth here but it seemed she was the child. How can a grown woman think of all these?

I mean how could she spur all these fantasies in her head that it became so real to her?

It was a bad thing that I never got to know my father but now my mother was slowly turning into an insane lunatic.

When I moved out of her apartment, I had expected her insane theories to subside and probably I thought she just needed space but clearly my mother was slowly going nuts.

I confess as a child, I was thrilled with what ever she spilled concerning my supposed fate to be mated with two mythical beings. I even proudly told the few playmates I had.

And I'm realising now that it was a very big mistake on my part because most of my friends back when I was little saw me as nuts.

Now I'm older and my mother is still screaming those delusionary myths sprewed up from God knows where.

"But it's the truth child. They are coming for you"she calmly replied back.

Dang it.

What irked me more was how calm she seemed. Anyone that walked into our conversation would think I'm the mad one.

The one that's running insane not realising that my mother here was the one going nuts.

"Mum can you please stop. All these crap you are saying ain't real. It seems I might just have to take you to see the psychiatrist"I sighed.

Her features crunched up in a flick and she bolted up from the sunken coffee brown sofa she was seated on.

"I don't need a psychiatrist Sabrina. I'm just trying to prepare you for what's coming for you--your fate as the queen of Ashrea"my mother defended herself.

I gave a false chuckle listening to her words. "Mother look at what you are saying. Can you hear yourself at all. You are delusional. I seriously thought me moving out would help you stop spilling all these cooked up fairy tales but it seemed your condition has only worsened. I mean look at you"I scowled, my frosty glare making contact with her unkempt self.

Her blonde hair was dishevelled and messy. Her clothes looked outworn and so rugged. They were creased and crumpled like she never ironed them.

Even her entire living room was messy. My eyes observed everywhere. From the falling paints to the dusty curtains, cracked windows and messy sofa's that had littered of potato chips on them.

What the hell was going on with my mother?

"Just look at how messy and disorganised your room is mum?I mean c'mon mum. Please stop all these fantastical myths and daydreaming"I helplessly pleaded.

I watched her eyes becoming teary. She struggled so hard not to let out a tear drop but her body betrayed her by slipping out a few traitorous tears from her eyelids.

"Why don't you want to believe me?"my mother sobbed, burying her face in her hands.

I exhaled sharply and drew her into my embrace. She sobbed on my shoulders, her tears staining my shirt.

"Mum how do you expect me to believe you when you are looking so rugged?"I whispered in a bid to calm her down whilst running my hands down her spine.

She sniffed her nose and pulled out of our embrace.

"You believed me when you were little"she replied underneath her breath, pain laced in her tone.

I could feel her voice quivering.

"That's because I was just a child mum. I was a little girl who didn't even know her right from wrong"I softly said, cupping my mothers pale cheeks.

She opened her mouth to speak when my phone suddenly rang, cutting her off at once.

I slipped my hands into one of the pockets in my pants and swipped out my phone.

A smile formed on my face on seeing the caller. It was my fiancè, Henry.

"Hey babe"I giggled and had my head turned away from my mum.

Mum never liked Henry. Whenever I brought Henry to meet her on his own request, she would always give him cold shoulders and begin spilling her insane story of me being fated to two demon kings.

I was seriously tired of Henry trying to convince my mum that he was the right man for me.

I knew he was and I was ok with that.

I didn't want him to have to prove himself to anybody else.

From the corners of my eye, I could see my mum's feature being disconcerted as Henry and I conversed.

She tore her gaze away from looking at me and slumped back on her sofa.

The sofa creaked at the pressure of her weight on it.

To be honest, this entire apartment needed a renovation but my mum was too blind to see that. All she was more focused on was proving to me that I was destined to be with two Mythical beings.

Not even one but two.

Hell no. I ain't a polygamist.

"Ok babe I'll be at your place by seven sharp" I concluded our discussion.

I blew him a kiss over the phone and ended the call.

My gaze trailed to my mother's angry features.

I exhaled and rubbed my forehead.

"It is because of him and that other girl, what's her name again, yes Sharon. Both of them are the ones not letting you see the light in what I'm saying"my mother cried out in frustration.

"Don't even go there mother"I snapped in retaliation to her unfair remarks about my friends.

"Henry and Sharon are literally the only close friends I have. They are the ones that aren't freaked out by your crazy weird ass stories of my supposed demon husbands. You literally chased all my friends away with your frightening tales"

The air in the room seemed to rise with the tension as I and my mother just stared at each other, an unsettling silence taking over the atmosphere.

I tried to stabilise my now erratic breathing, closing my eyes and inhaling sharply before exhaling slowly.

"I think I'll need to take you to see the psychiatrist mother"I whispered just loud enough for her to hear me.

"How dare you!"My mother yelled at once, bolting up from her sofa.

"It is really for your own good mother. I'll book us an appointment ok. Your condition is getting out of hand. I am scared. I don't want you to run mad on the streets of New York mother...."stopping myself, I took hold of her hands, softly caressing them.

"You are the only family I have mother. I don't even have a father. Please ok for your own good"I attempted to reason with her.

"Once I book the appointment I'll let you know ok"I added.

She immedately yanked her hands out of my hold and shot me a baleful glare.

I picked up my purse lying on the little vanity table at the centre of the living room and walked towards the door.

"You belong to the Demon Kings. They are coming for you. You can't be with any man other than both of them Sabrina!"

I could hear my mum screaming her usual delusional tale at me but I paid no heed to it as I strode onwards.

My mother was the only family I had. I never knew who my father was and no matter what, I still loved my mother.

A stern resolve washed across my face as I went over to my parked sedan.

My mother definitely needed help and I was going to make sure I get her to see a psychiatrist.

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