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3. Meeting the Demon Kings


My feet dug into the wet, black soil as I sprinted into the forest. My chest heaved repeatedly and my heart beat was so erratic, racing to the stars with my pulse at 360 beat per minute.

I couldn't stop not even for a single moment. I was exhausted as hell but I needed to keep running.

My life was in danger.

It felt like my heart would pop right out of my chest with the way I had been running non stop.

I panted heavily and pushed shrubs and grasses off my path as I headed deeper into the forest that was filled with strange black trees.

"Please just leave me!" I pleaded in a scream, wiping the tears that seemed to obscure my vision with my palms.

"I don't know you. Why are you after me?!"I yelled, sprinting faster than ever.

I had no clue who or what was chasing me but all I knew was this person gave off a bone chilling, terrifying and scary aura.

I had ran through this twisted trees in this forest without stopping to look back for once at who was actually chasing me.

"Oh shit!"I screamed, stopping myself in time right before I could have ran off a cliff.

My heart sinks and my breathing hitches as I inched closer to the edge of the cliff, staring downwards.

It was a foggy, dark bottomless pits and I immedately scurried from the edge.

Fear engulfed me and panic seized me as the environment became eerie silent.

Then I heard it.

Footsteps were approaching me.

"Who are you please?"I asked, turning around and trying to spot where the footsteps were coming from.

I got nothing but silence in response.

Tears streamed down my cheeks and I felt like screaming my lungs out.

"Whoever you are come out! Stop hiding behind the shadows!"I ordered with an unknown temerity coursing through me.

I was tired of these hide and seek games. I had been chased into this dark forest by this unknown creature and now I'm tired.

I was ready to bear the consequences even if it meant death.

"Come out!"I ordered, breathing heavily and facing the sky.

The sound of my voice rang in my ears as echoes making me more infuriated.

Moments passed and my tension grew as well, anxiety eating me up.

"We are here queen"a deep, gravelly voice whispered behind me making me freeze on the spot.

What did he mean by we?

How many are they?

"We are here for you" another husky voice whispered against the nape of my neck, his lips brushing my skin and making my frigid toes curl up.

"Why are you both after me?" I dared to ask not bothering to face whoever they were.

The aura they were emanating from behind me screamed of power; dark, dangerous power.

My heart had already began swimming in my stomach at this point.

"We are after you because you belong to us and very soon we will come for you love. Stop running and accept it" I heard a reply but I didn't know who replied me as I had my back tuned against them in fear.

As soon as the words leaves his mouth, I turned back with a sharp pivot, ready to face whoever they were. But before I could get the slightest glimpse of these mystery men, I felt the ground beneath me shake so violently and I was tossed into the bottomless dark pit by a strange, torrentious wind.

At once my eyes flew open in an instant and I jolted up in a fluid motion, staring at the white ceilings of my apartment.

Sharon; my best friend, burst through the doors and stared at me doe eyed. "What's wrong Sabrina. I heard you screaming in your sleep"

I sighed a breath relief. It was just a dream. A faint smile washed upon my face.

"It's nothing Sharon. Just a fucking nightmare" I replied with a light exhale.

Sharon perched closer towards me and sat on the bed. "Well you look so pale like you saw a ghost in your dream"

I wiped off the few sweat beads forming on my forehead. "Do I?"I queried.

She nodded. "Look at you. That dream must have been so scary"

I yawned at her comment and stood up from the bed, my eyes glancing at the wall clock.

"It's 10. How long have I been asleep?"I asked in a bid to change the topic.

I truly didn't want to think of that horrifying dream. It felt so real.

"Well for about three hours ever since you came back from work"

I stood in front of my horizontal mirror that was built into the walls of my room and observed the worried lines that had drew their markings on my forehead.

Sharon was right. I did look pale.

"When you were with Henry yesterday I bet you looked as happy as a lark. Now you look as pale as a ghost. Why don't we loosen a bit this night?" Sharon suggested, coming to stand by me and clasping my shoulders with her hands.

I knew what she meant by loosening up.

"Clubbing?"I prod looking at her through the mirror.

She had a mischievous, playful glint in her eyes. "Yes sweetie. C'mon we deserve some fun"

I reluctantly accepted with a sleepy smile.

"Great. Get ready we leave in five minutes sweetie"she grinned at me before placing a peck on my cheek.

I watched her walk away with a smile forming on my lips. I truly couldn't have asked for a more better friend.

I hopped into Sharon's car that was parked by the driveway and she ignited the engine at once.

"I can't believe I let you talk me into this"I grumbled the moment we had hit the high way.

"C'mon you need the rest and I need it too. Would it kill you to come to club?"She asked with her eyes on the road.

"Apparently yes" I replied teasingly with a smug smile.

"How's things coming between you and Dave?" I asked giving Sharon curious brow.

Dave was her crush who simultaneously was her office colleague. Sharon had been crushing on him for over a year though I really didn't fancy him that much because he was too bossy.

She scoffed. "He is nothing but a proud dick head Sabrina. I wonder what made me so attracted to him"

"Um let me guess. His good looks" I teased her.

She shrugged her shoulders at me as she kept on driving, her full focus on the road.

"Well I'm over him now. I can't be with such an overbearing cunt"

"Well good for you" I laughed in reply which earned me a giggle from her.

The club wasn't too far from my apartment. It was a fourty minutes drive.

Sharon pulled the car in the parking lot once we arrive and we both head into it, flashing our I.Ds at the bouncer.

The boisterous noise of the music and the croud hit my ears the moment I stepped in with Sharon.

Dim wisteria lights and white fogs sets the ambiance of the club as the people danced to the rhythm of the music.

"Let me just go get a drink ok" I said to Sharon.

She nodded. "Sure I'll be on the dance floor"

I pushed my way through the crowd and head over to the bar.

"What can I get you?" A red haired lady asked me from behind the bar.

"Just a cocktail" I replied, raising my voice so she could hear me.

"Coming right up" she grinned with a thumbs up.

Minutes later, she arrived with my cocktail.

I thanked and paid her, also adding a tip before sculling it down.

I wasn't really in the mood to dance or socialise so I made my way to the stairs, pushing even more people and climbed towards the exit on the roof.

The cold breeze kissed my skin and ran through me, gliding past my hair as I came to the roof.

The peace was calming and refreshing. I was far away from the animated rush of the crowd downstairs.

I sat down on the roof with my eyes darting to the sky. The luminous moon struggled to stay filtered through the clouds and the night was extremely starry.

My thoughts drifted towards my dream. That was such a bizarre dream. It felt so real that I could feel chills running down my spine.

It seems I'm beginning to get crazy fantasies just like my mum.

I chortled to myself and kept on staring at the grey and dark clouds.

"Our queen" I heard a deep baritone voice speak from behind me.

Immediately my body froze and I become so rigid.

"You look more beautiful in person" another husky voice whispered from behind me.

Those voices. They were so distinct that there was no mistake. These voices belong to the men in my dreams. In a flick I stood up, pivoting to see the faces of these men but my breathing got caught in my throat immedately once my eyes fell on the most beautiful honey coloured and deepest blue eyes I had ever seen.

I was taken aback for a split second and I couldnt even talk.

These men-- are they even men or they were Greek gods?

They looked extremely handsome. One had scarlet red hair, it was so reddish like blood whilst the other had an extremely silver coloured hair that looked like it was made from the finest soft silk.

Both men had their hairs cascading down their shoulders with high cheek bones and sharp jawline, full eyebrows and extremely soft, red sensual lips not to mention they were so fucking tall.

They took predatorial steps towards me and I gasped, snapping back into reality.

"W-who are you bot-both?" I stammered, clenching on to my shirt so tight.

They both immediately crossed the distance between us and one of them slids his arm around my waist, pressing me so tight into his hard, toned body.

"Let go off me creep!" I shouted trying to shove him away.

"We are your mates"the one with the silver hair replied, his lips softly grazing against my collar bone. His lips felt searing hot against my skin.

"You are ours queen. We've come to get you" the other who had his arm around my waist replied, his honey coloured eyes boring into my soul.

I am nobody's queen. These men are drunk.

I glared back at both of them, trying not to get distracted by their sexy lips or spell bounding eyes.

"Let me go!" I cried out.

It was strange but now they both hearkened to my request and moved away from me.

I tried calming the wreckage that had become of my nerves as I stared angrily at both of them.

"I am Aklyn"the one with scarlet red hair and honey eyes introduced, flashing me the most sexiest grin I had ever seen.

"And I am Nelyx" the silvered hair blue eyed man added, licking his lips in such a lustful manner that sent a tingle down my entire body.

"We are the demon kings and you--you are our queen. We've come to take you to our realm Ashrea" Aklyn rich velvet tone boomed, their lustful gaze not faltering from my trepadised eyes.

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