Chapter 3: The Bodyguard
Kyle's POV
"So be it." And he fired.
I felt it right in the middle of my chest.
Auntie Jackie, I love you. My sister, I love you. Zenobia, I never got the chance to apologize to you and tell you........
Wait a minute. I looked down at my chest. Then the men around me burst into laughter and cheers. The door to the last van opened and Kenneth appeared.
"Wait. What's... What is this?" I asked.
"We had to see if you were a man of your words. If you would take a bullet for Miss Hollen. Congratulations, you're hired as the new bodyguard to Miss. Zenobia Hollen. Here's your contract," Kenneth said and handed me a contract and a pen.
I read the highlighted areas and the fine sprints. I accepted the terms and I signed, keeping a copy to myself.
"Your weapon. Training begins tomorrow after you drop Miss. Hollen off to work. Don't be late." Kenneth handed me a gun, got back into the van and they all left.
"You knew?" I asked Zen.
"It was my idea," she answered. She showed me to the guest house where I got settled in for the remainder of the day.
Her mansion itself was a modern luxury. The guest house I occupied across from the mansion was what I was hoping my future home to be as, and Zenobia had this as a guest house.
As I reread the contract, I noticed I didn't even pay attention to the salary. I found the detail and leaped into a happy dance.
"Two thousand a week. That's eight grand a month. On occasions where the bodyguard is required for travels, that payment double. Zen, I hope you travel a lot," I spoke and continued dancing.
"I will be."
I halted. She was standing there. Looking at me.
"Let's get this straight Kyle. I'm not your friend, I'm your boss. I have three rules. Rule one, you're to refer to me as Miss. Hollen and nothing else. Rule two, you're prohibited to be friendly or interact with any of my friends. Rule three, you're to be available whenever I need you or want you to be."
"Yes, Miss. Hollen," I answered.
She turned on her heel and left. Being her bodyguard wasn't about to go as smoothly as I yearned.
It was clear she was no longer my best friend and the girl I last seen at highschool. She was now my boss with the attitude of a diva.
The next morning, after I delivered my boss to her office, I went to training with the head of security.
I was ushered into a gym and was immediately given instructions to lift weights and combats for defense.
A bodyguard was useless if he couldn't protect his boss. Lunch was prepared by Mr. Hollen's chef. We sat around a table and ate.
"How you liking the job so far?" Kenneth asked me.
"It's actually going okay," I answered.
"Is she taking it light on you, being that you were her best friend and all?"
"She's not. I think she wishes she can squash me underneath her heels."
He laughed. Training resumed after lunch and I then I got freshened up and went to Hollen Tower.
Zenobia's POV
"Zen, he seems like a fine guy," my best friend Tiffany Smith said to me while we were heading to the elevator.
"You're wrong. Kyle Livingston is a snake. I can't forget what he did to me."
"What did he do that was so terrible?"
"Our senior year in highschool. He lied to his clique of friends that we were having sex in order to fit in with those dumb guys. They recorded his words and played it through the speakers of the school. I was so mad at him. He lied on me."
"I understand. Something similar like that happened to me at my own school. Guys would lie to appear cool to their friends."
"Yeah well Kyle should have had more sense than to get influenced by those guys."
We reached the exit of the building and walked to the parking lot. Kyle was there. He opened the door and we got in.
"Forgiveness, Zen," Tiffany spoke.
"Hey. So glad I caught you before you left," a voice spoke outside the car.
"Sir, you would want to back up please," Kyle instructed to my boyfriend.
"Livingston, relax," I commanded as I got out the car.
"I thought you were still in New York. I missed you so much," I said and pulled my boyfriend in for a kiss.
"Hey, get a room," Tiffany teased.
"Hi Tiff," Jake acknowledged.
"Hey Jake," Tiffany said.
After catching up for another minute, I invited him over to my house. Jake and I had been dating for almost a year now. We met at a company function and we became friendly. After two months of being friends, we decided we should take things to another level.
I cared about him a lot. He was considerate, respectful and never pressured me to do anything I didn't want to. He listened to me and made me feel complete.
An engagement was definitely coming soon. The only downfall was that Jake traveled a lot.
"How was your day today?" he asked me when we got cozy on the couch.
"As usual. Work. Work. And more work."
"Baby, I told you you can quit and let me take care of you. Not all Hollens gotta work at Hollen Tower. Your cousin Jada got her own business."
"I'm well aware but I like my job. I like what I do and since the company is expanding even more, my father, grandpa and uncle decided to launch a second Tower right next to the first one. Soon, it will be Hollen Towers. Not Hollen Tower. Therefore, they need me."
"No. They don't need you. They just allowing you to because it's your birthright. But hey, if you love your job so much I'm happy for you. Okay?"
"That doesn't sound sincere to me," I said and sat up.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you."
"You didn't. It's just you're giving off a vibe that's strange. Are we okay or is there something..."
"Baby, we're more than okay. We're great. Don't be thinking I'm upset. I'm really not. I just want you to be happy and everytime I ask about your day, you talk about work."
"I get what you mean."
He pulled me in for a hug and we had a make out session right there in my living room.
I couldn't wait to get marry. He was the best boyfriend ever.