Chapter 5: Surprise In Dubai
Zenobia's POV
Saturdays and Sundays were my day off from the office and I was looking forward to having some much needed rest, especially from the preparations of Hollen Tower Two.
Ding Dong went the doorbell. I peered at the front door camera from the monitor in the bedroom. Kyle stood at the front door. I heaved a sigh, rolled out of bed and went to the door.
"Good morning Miss. Hollen. Did I wake you?"
"It's funny how people always ask that after really waking someone. What do you want, Livingston?" I asked. I was grumpy. I hated disturbances, especially in the morning time.
"My apologies. But you left this in the car last night. I didn't want you losing it," he said and handed me my diamond wrist watch my father gifted me for my twenty-first birthday. It must have slipped off.
"Thanks," I responded. I took the watch and placed it back onto my wrist. Kyle turned to leave and something within my restless soul wanted to invite him for breakfast.
"Umm.. Ky," I uttered.
"Did you say something?" he asked, turning to face me.
"No. Thanks again though," I covered. He nodded and went into the guest house as I went back inside. I made myself breakfast and ate it by myself.
On Monday, I was back at work and sitting in the conference room with my father, my cousin Jevan and my uncle Evan.
"Online meetings never sit well with me. I much rather face to face contact," uncle Evan said.
"Then will you go, dad?" Jevan asked his father.
I was lost because I was summon to the meeting late.
"No, son. It's mine and your mother's anniversary and I can't be absent for that. She'll kill me."
"Then what about you, Uncle EJ?"
"I wouldn't be able to make it either. Zenia and I have plans that I broke already. If I break them again, she just might break my neck this time."
We laughed.
"Then what about you, Zenobia?"
"Me, what?" I asked.
"The company's conference in Dubai. Hollen Tower needs to send a representative."
"I think that's great. Zenobia is learning the ropes and a conference would be another challenge you'll have to execute sooner or later. I suggest you go," my father spoke.
"I accept," I answered with a smile.
"Good. The conference is just for one day but you'll have a week-stay just incase you want to explore, do some shopping, what have you. Majority of the paperworks were signed and delivered. We just need someone there for the final signature on accepting the partnerships we're about to pull in for Hollen Tower Two," uncle Evan explained.
"Got it," I stated. I was always looking forward to represent the company at an international event, and to make things even more exciting, Jake was in Dubai as well. I couldn't wait to surprise him and spend some time with him.
"Oh, and Zenobia, you're leaving tonight. Pack light and take Livingston along with you."
My uncle gave me the remainder of the day off so I can head home and prepare for the trip. At six in the evening, I was ready and heading to my grandfather's private jet that he promised he'll let me have soon.
I got settle in the comfy seat with Kyle across from me. The hostess offered us champagne and pilot advised us to buckle up as he gear up for take-off.
Moments later we were up and heading to Dubai.
"Seventeen hours flight. I'll still be jet lagged in the meeting," I said. Kyle remained silent and I felt ignored. "Livingston, you know, you wouldn't have to follow me all around once we get there." I knew that would spark a conversation and it beat me as to why I wanted to talk to him. Just hearing his voice was doing things to me I didn't want to comprehend.
"I'm taking my job very seriously, Miss. Hollen. My job is to protect you."
"Who would want to hurt me?"
"You'll be amaze of the strangers wishing harm on you because of your wealth and status," he said. He had a point. I was told about my mother's abducting and my cousin's wife kidnapping over and over again. I was and always will be a target as well.
At midnight, I grew sleepy. I excused myself and went into the bedroom to sleep.
The next day, at midday, we arrived and we were escorted to the hotel where the conference was being held in a few hours.
The penthouse suite I was given was divided into two sections as I ordered. Kyle had his privacy and I had mine. The room was just too big for us to run into each other or get in each other's way.
I took a steamy shower, got dressed into a professional attire, applied light makeup and styled my hair into a slick back bun.
I headed to the meeting feeling confident and looking like force to be reckon with.
After several short debates and my signature, the meeting was adjourned and I went back to the suite to inform my uncle everything went accordingly and the partners were on-board for the development, construction and establishing of Hollen Tower Two.
"Thanks, niece. Now, enjoy Dubai. We'll see you back here next Monday."
"Thanks, uncle Evan."
He had finance the entire trip, including the spendings I would be doing while being here.
I knew of Jake's location and the hotel he was staying at. Luckily, it was in the same city and it wouldn't take me long to get there.
I had order chocolates strawberries and champagnes, a beautiful rose petal design with candles to Jake's bedroom. He would get a kick out of it.
Later that same evening, I left to Jake's hotel. I gained access to his bedroom and waited for his arrival. I was dressed in a blue lingerie which was Jake's favorite color.
I knew he would tear this off me the moment he sees me in it. It had been a while since we made love and I was aching to be in his arms with his tongue caressing my neck.
I heard the door opening and I took my position on the rose petals in the middle of the bed.
Jake entered.
He halt when he saw me. "Zen?"
"Surprise," I squealed. I got off the bed and went over to him with a tray of the delicious chocolate strawberries.
"Zen, what are you doing here?" he asked.
"The company sent me for a conference and I thought I would surprise you afterwards," I explained, "Aren't you hap..."
Someone else entered the room.
A woman.
A beautiful woman with the shortest dress I've ever seen. I knew her. She was his personal assistant.