Chapter 8: About Last Night
Zenobia's POV
Last Night
I wanted Kyle more than I've wanted anyone. I felt comfort in his arms and warmth when we kissed. For the first time in my life, I felt such vulnerable.
But then he refused to went any further with things and I felt ashamed and rejected. When he left, it hurt and I couldn't explain or understood why.
Up to my bedroom I went and got into the shower where I took a cold bath then got into bed with a silk robe on.
The security telephone buzzed and flashed red. I answered.
"Miss. Hollen, we have a Mr. Holloway at the gate. Deny or entry, ma'am?"
I heaved a loud sigh. What the hell was Jake doing here and what exactly does he want?
"Entry," I answered and hung up. I got out of bed and went to the entrance of my home. Jake parked his car on the marble driveway and walked towards me, swaying a bit.
"Jake? What the hell are you doing here?"
"Zen," he said and dropped on his knees, hugging me at my legs, "Zen, please don't break up with me."
"Jake, you need to get up and stop making a scene. And is that alcohol on your breath, you've been drinking, weren't you?"
"Yes," he answered in a sob.
"Jake, drinking and drinking is just dumb. What the hell is wrong with you?"
"I miss you. I can't stand not having you to myself."
Jake was crying like a child. Snort and all. He looked a mess and it broke my heart to see him let go of himself like that.
"Jake, you should come in," I said and allowed him into my home. I wasn't about to send the guy away in a drunken state like he was in. How he got here in one piece was a mystery.
"You can have the guest bedroom at the end of the hall," I offered.
"Why can't I get into bed with you?"
"Because we're not together anymore so don't confuse me being nice to me wanting you back in my life."
He had a glass of water and disappeared down the hall. I went back to bed.
The next morning, Jake was his sober self again and took the initiative in preparing breakfast. Pancakes drenched in maple syrup, strawberries and whipped cream at the top.
I had a few bites. I was still stuffing my face when I heard the car at the front and Jake left the kitchen.
I found him outside with Kyle. The two were having a low conversation when I approached the vehicle.
"Good morning, Miss. Hollen," Kyle said to me.
"Good morning," I answered and got in. Kyle closed the door and got into the driver's seat. We waited and watched as Jake got into his own car and backed out the driveway with a smile on his face.
"Kyle, about last night...," I began.
"It never happened," he said back to me.
"Excuse me." I was shock by his response. I thought we had a moment.
"Miss. Hollen, if you don't mind, I would love to keep things professional between us. Last night was a mistake that's not going to repeat itself."
He was looking straight ahead. He started the car and drove out the gate.
"Tiff, he rejected me last night and he completely shut me down this morning when I tried to bring up last night," I explained to Tiffany.
"Zenobia. He was right to reject you last night and you should respect him even more for it. Some guys would have taken advantage of your hurting heart and have their way with you, but he showed you he's not like most guys. And aren't you the one who's strict with your workers being professionals on the job?"
"Yes. But the manner in which he said it was so hurtful but Kyle doesn't get to make me feel like I'm nothing. I'm TBIC."
"The Bitch In Control," I said. Lunch was over and I took my half-day from work to cash checks and do some light shopping and avoided any conversation with Kyle. E. Livingston.
Kyle's POV
I couldn't believe my eyes this morning when Jake popped from the entrance of Zenobia's home.
I thought she was done with him.
"Don't think I don't see that you got your eyes set on my woman. A guy like you with a girl like her, that's like shipping a bum with Rihanna," he said to me.
I remained silent.
"Oh, and by the way, Zenobia would never date you. The Hollens don't go for the help. Zen and I are getting married very soon so you better stay out of my way," he said with another smirk.
I wanted to punch the silly smile off his dumb face. My blood boiled and my fist begged to be swing but then Zenobia came and I went back to calm.
She had the audacity to talk about last night like if she wasn't in bed with Jake moments ago. I wasn't about to be drawn into her games then tossed aside like if I was no-one. She wasn't going to do this to me again.
Though out the week, I did my usual routines with Zenobia. That weekend, I went to visit my Aunt Jackie who was always delightful to have me around.
"How are you liking the job so far?" she asked as I assisted her on the grill.
"It's going.. good actually," I answered.
"And Zenobia? Were the two of you able to rekindle and make up for lost time?"
"I did apologize to her. Something I wasn't able to do after she shut me out. She accepted my apology and we were going okay but.." I paused.
"But things went left again."
"You lied again?"
"What? No, I would never do that again. Zenobia recently got out of a relationship and I felt like she wanted me as a rebound guy so I pulled away from her."
"Oh Kyle, why didn't just talk to her about it?"
"I was going to, Aunt Jackie. But the guy showed up at her house. I'm certain they spent the night together. He even told me to stay away from her because they're getting married."
"Oh dear."
"Oh dear is right," I finished as I flipped the chicken.
"You should still be her friend. And that guy could be lying."
"You're always so hopefully."
"I like Zenobia. I haven't seen her in person in so long. She's such a sweetheart."
"She's mean and strict."
"Kyle, be her friend."
"She already got a best friend. Tiffany."
"And that's okay but she'll need a male companion in her circle. Why would you push her away?"
"I was told to."
"But not by her."
I sighed loudly.
"Time to eat," Aunt Jackie said and we did just that.
When I got back to Zenobia's, I found her on the pavement having a conversation on the phone. I stood at a distance waiting until it was over.
"We should talk," I began. She looked me dead in the face and it wasn't long when my eyes caught the ring on her finger.