Chapter 6: Headache
Anna's POV
I went to therapy once.
"Miss. Wells, how are you feeling?"
"Like shit, Dr. Hanstrong."
"Do you enjoy those feelings?"
"I do actually."
"Why do you enjoy ruining people's relationships and marriages?"
"Why does men cheat? It takes two person to have a sexual encounter."
"I know that. But from what you've told me last week, you've said you seduce men into bed with you."
"Well if those men really loved their wives and girlfriends, they wouldn't of paid any attention to me and my body. I did what I did because I could do it and I don't see anything wrong with that."
"You don't see anything wrong with sleeping with a married man?"
"No I don't."
___________End Of Flashback.
Worse fucking therapy of my life. So at the end of it, I slept with her husband.
I rolled out of bed. Finally, it was Friday and I was super excited because it was Pay Day!!
I went into the shower, took a long bath, washed my hair and brushed my teeth.
Afterwards, I got dressed and went into the kitchen to have something to eat. I made myself some toast, hot chocolate and eggs.
I heard footsteps coming towards me. I peered up and threw on a frown. Elizabeth walked into the kitchen with a bright smile on her face.
I hate you so much Elizabeth.
"Good morning," she greeted.
"Hey," I answered coldly.
"So we'll be having a half day today."
"Great. I can't wait to do some shopping."
"Can I come along with you?"
Bitch, are you serious? Hell No!!
"Sure. If you wanna."
After breakfast, we began cleaning and dusting the furniture.
At 12:00 p.m, Mr. Kissle came into the living room, holding a wet rag on his forehead, wearing sweatpants and vest.
"Sir, are you okay?" Elizabeth asked him, dropping her cleaning rag and going over to him.
"I'm fine. Here," he answered and handed her two white pieces of paper before going back upstairs.
She then handed one to me and I noticed it was my paycheck. I dropped my broom and ran towards my room.
One Thousand Dollars in One week. This is so freaking awesome!!
I showered again and changed into a skimpier clothing. Crop top and shorts. I brushed my hair into a high bun, laid my baby hair and applied some makeup.
I walked out the door, stepping into the glowing sunshine. I threw on my RayBan.
Elizabeth and I took a cab and headed towards several boutiques and shopping centers. I bought a large supply of feminine products for myself and a small token for Mr. Kissle.
He looked a mess this morning. He wasn't able to go into work because he wasn't feeling well.
Without wanting to stay away from him for too long, I waved bye-bye to Elizabeth and ended our so call girls out.
I took a cab back to Mr. Kissle's mansion.
I walked through the front door and saw him laying down on the couch, groaning in pain and traces of sweat pouring down his face.
"Sir, what's wrong?" I asked, putting my shopping bags on the floor and going over to him.
"I have chronic migraine."
"I'll get you a headache pain reliever."
"There aren't any in the house."
"Oh, I bought you some."
That was the small token. I had assumed he was having a terrible headache when he came into the living room with a wet rag on his forehead.
"Thank you so much, that's so good of you."
"I'll get you a glass of water."
I went into the kitchen, fetched a glass of water, tore open the packet of headache pain killers and another drowsy drug before going back to him.
He swallowed them both and went upstairs.
I smirk to myself.
Call me evil, but I wanted my way with that man. He was just too damn fine to resist.
Several hours later, I waited for the other drug to kick in. I made my way upstairs, wearing a brown hair wig and a cream make up foundation all over my skin.
I knocked on the door.
"Baby, it's me," I said, trying my best to sound like Melissa.
I knocked again.
I heard him stirring inside before opening the door and letting me in. He looked dizzy, he wasn't standing still. I help him back to the bed.
"Sweetie, what's the matter?" I asked again, still holding the voice.
"Mel...babe -I'm so..happy you're.. here."
"Shhh. Let me take care of you and make you feel good. Mel is here baby, I'm not going anywhere."
He was laying on his back. I climbed on top of him and ran kisses down his neck slowly, and gently, enjoying every moment of it.
I removed his vest and rubbed his impressive chest with my palms.
Should I get some baby oil?
"Mel... I love... You... I want you... I hadn't have you.. in.... So long.."
"I want you too baby."
His ass wouldn't stop talking. I just wanted to enjoy this moment.
"Mel...You feel so different."
"That's because this is all a dream."
"A... Dream?"
"Yes baby, when you wake up, I wouldn't be here so I want you to enjoy this."
"Okay... I want to...make love to you in this dream."
I continued attacking his body with kisses before claiming his tongue with mine. He was responding immediately but he was too drowsy to keep up.
I was in total control.
I had my way to him, holding him firmly in my hands. His head shook from left to right on the pillow.
"Do you like that baby?" I asked him.
"Yes... Melissa... I do."
"I want to make you feel better."
I ran my hands down his hard steel chest.
"Mel, you're so good," he let out as he looked like he was enjoying it.
I kissed him. I didn't want this to end anytime soon but when his phone began chiming on the nearby table. I paused my action to look at it.
A text message from Melissa popped up.
Elizabeth called me. Told me you're not feeling well so I'm on my way to you right now. I love you. See you soon.
"Shit!" I yelled a bit too hard and broke character.
His eyes opened and it seemed like the hallucination pill was wearing off.
"What... What's going on?" he asked, alarmingly.
"Shh. Remember it's just a dream."
"Get the hell off me! What do you think you're doing? And why are you wearing a wig and white paint?"
He pushed me off him and looked down at his manhood. He quickly pulled his pants back into place and stared daggers at me.
His ocean blue eyes turned dark as if a storm were in them.
I moved slowly for the door when he fell back down on the bed, knocked out cold.
I blew him an air kiss and quickly slipped out his bedroom door.
A big smile on my face.
This is just the beginning Antonio.
Soon, you'll be all mine.