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Chapter 31 Destined To Fate

...Kati POV...

Standing in this dreadful waiting room is torture beyond compare. Every moment that the clock ticks away is one more second that Sebastian is torn away from me. My heart feels ripped right open; not knowing what is happening is slicing every bit of me open.

These four walls have become unbearable to stand between. As I pace the floor from the chairs to the opposite wall, my mind is running in circles. A mind that cannot bear not knowing anymore. It is damn right near insufferable.

Every wink I take, I see the horrific scene unfold again. His body slumped over the steering wheel, the helplessness that I could not wake him up crippled me. The pain stung my heart as he was not moving, as he was not breathing, the stillness that fell over his body as they pulled him out of the car; it all killed me slowly. There was nothing that I could do.

What did scare me beyond belief and send terror to my core was the blood. There was blood everywhere. His face was covered the most; then there were all the cuts on his arms and even some on his chest that had me clenching my teeth. He was hurt real bad; it seemed as if he was caught up in a completely different world. It is with every fiber in my body that I pray that he will come through this completely unharmed.

What am I going to do? I know that I am supposed to be strong, but I am so tired of having to be strong. Our lives are riddled with tormented pain. I really don't know how much more I can take. Losing him is not an option; living without him is also not an option either.

Everything in me wants to crumble, but then I think of Sebastian. And as I close my eyes for just a short while, all the good thing about our love comes flowing over me. And in an instant, the tears come flooding down my cheeks again. But just as I crash to the floor, Dr. Wilson is there to grab me.

"Kati, come sit down."

"I do not want to sit. How is Sebastian? Please tell me that he is going to be okay?"

He looks at me rather concerned, and I know that there is something that he is not telling me. He seems half afraid in saying what he has come here to say. "Do you want to wait for Sebastian's mom?"

"I think so; she will be here any minute now."

"Can I get you coffee while we wait?"

"That will be nice, thank you."

As the Doctor leaves, mom arrives. I throw myself in her arms, and she wraps them ever so tightly around my body that has started to shake completely out of control again. The tears start streaming from both our eyes like volcano's bursting. We can barely hear a single word that the other is saying. It is a strangle of voices coming through pure agony and pain.

"Oh, sweety. Are you okay?"

"No, mom. It was so horrifying. I cannot get the images out of my head."

"God, Kati, I am so sorry that you had to see that. I can't even imagine what Sebastian is going through."

I stop and realize that though all this, I have not once considered how mom must be feeling, "Are you okay, mom?

"This is the most godawful day of my life. I can't believe that this is happening."

"It was all my fault; he was looking at me and not the road. I should not have distracted him."

"It is not your fault. Don't ever say that!"

Just then we Dr. Wilson comes into the room with two coffees. Mom takes my hand and squeezes it tight. She is holding on for dear life, holding onto my hand as if she will never feel another's hand again.

Then the words start flowing out of Dr. Wilson's mouth; it is as if I am in a completely different world. His lips are moving, but I am not registering what he is saying. "Sebastian has lost a lot of blood," he says, but I can see that there is very much hesitation for him to carry on. This is hurting him the same as it hurts us; he got very close to Sebastian, being here; having to go through this brings him much pain. But then he continues, "We did manage to stop the bleeding, though."

"Is he okay?" Mom immediately asks.

"He sustained a severe head injury."

Immediately, I interrupt Dr. Wilson, "What does that mean? What do you mean by severe?"

"He is in a coma."

I drop the hot coffee to the floor; it goes crashing all over my feet. The sting of the burn does nothing compared to the pain that just shoots through to every corner of my body. I feel my legs begin to give in underneath me; I crash with a loud thud down to the ground. I grab onto my chest, the air is thick, and the room is starting to spin. There is nothing but my screams echoing through the room and out into the corridors.

As mom and Dr. Wilson help me to a chair, I push them away again. He must be mistaken, "No, you must be wrong; go back and check him again."

"I am sorry, Kati, I am afraid that he is."

"Go back and check him!"

"Kati," Dr. Wilson begs. I can see I am not making it any easier for him. Then mom turns to him, "How long?" Mom asks.

"I can't tell; it may be a couple of months."

Just hearing the words bring a deep anger to me, "Don't you dare say a fucking three months."

"It can be months to years, Kati. But the longer he stays under, the more his chance for brain damage."

"And if we move him to the city?"

"Won't change the outcome, Kati."

"Fuck this. I am so tired of this. Why put two people together if they cannot live their lives out together. I want to see him."

"He is not stable yet."

"I don't give a fuck; I want to see him."

The doctor leads us to the room where Sebastian is in. It is intimidating and foreboding. There is only but one light on. Sebastian's bed is in the center of the room. He is hooked to all these machines, and there are tubes coming from his mouth. His eyes are closed; he looks so peaceful, like he is sleeping, But he is not; he is somewhere in his body there, he is lost.

Dr. Wilson pulls me a chair closer, and I sit right by his side. I gently take his hand into mine. It is scratch and swollen; I softly kiss him against his palm, "Oh, Sebastian, I am so sorry. Look what I have done to you."

I lay my head against his chest to hear if I can listen to his heart beating. I know that as long as that machine is making a noise, then I know that he is alive. As long as that machine breathes for him that he will wake up one day. He is just sleeping, Dr. Wilson has it wrong; he is just sleeping, he is tired from driving for so long.

As I move his hair from those beautiful eyes that are resting, I whisper in her ear, "Please don't go anywhere."

I go to fetch a wet cloth from the bathroom to come to wipe his gorgeous face; my tears drop down on his cheeks, "Please hurry up and come back."

When I am done, once I know that he is warmly tucked in and that he looks as comfortable as he can, I lay my head down on his chest, "I cannot live without you; I refuse to live without you."

And this is where I shall spend the rest of the night; the nurses try to get me to leave, but I only chase them away. After a while, Dr. Wilson tells them to leave me alone, and they let me stay next to Sebastian. I will not leave Sebastian for one waking moment, and even in the rare moment that I am sleeping, I do not want to be away from him either.

Then just as I think that the peace of sleep settles over my mind, I am awakened by the horror all over again. I see how Sebastian is slowly slipping away, and he is drifting into the darkness. "No, Sebastian, no," my voice pleads as I am ripped from what is only a bad dream.

When I look up at Sebastian, I check the machine that is beeping, and it is still working; Sebastian is still alive.

I pull myself even deeper, close to his chest; I know I might be hurting him, so I pull a bit away. "Sebastian, I love you; please, it is time to wake up."

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