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Chapter 32 Letters From The Other Side

...Kati POV...

It has now been a couple of days; there is absolutely no improvement with Sebastian. I have been talking to him, hoping that it will bring him back, but that is not even working. I am beginning to lose hope; my heart is fearful that this is it; we have been stealing second chances all our lives, maybe they are up.

Mom says I should have faith, but how can you have faith if the person you have faith in is not even here. There is no such thing as miracles either; they are just a pure coincidence that something has come together.

Since the accident, I have not been home; I don't want to see that place, there are too many memories there, good memories, memories of a life spent together. One day these times spent in this hospital room will become a memory too.

It reminds me of the place where we would have gotten married, where we would have vowed to spend our lives together, pledge our undying love, promised always to be there for each other, now even that lives in ruin.

Mom has been trying to get me to leave the room, but I have been absolutely refusing to leave Sebastian alone for one minute.

"Kati, you must go home to rest."

"No, I rested for an hour."

"You must eat something."

"I had a toffee bar."

"You must shower."

I can see her patience is starting to wear really thin with me. "Kati, you cannot sit here all day long."

"I can, and I will."

"They want to move him."

"He is not going anywhere."

"Kati, you are going to break down if you don't leave this room. You can't be strong if you are falling apart."

Hoping that she might have gotten through to her, she is immediately disheartened as I answer, "Could you stop telling me I need to be strong?"

"Okay, I am going to leave you to yourself then. Try to get rest and eat."

"I am sorry, mom, but I am not going anywhere."

Mom stops for a second and takes me in her arms; this has become a familiar place for us these days. We spend so many minutes locked in an embrace, but not embrace of love, embraces of uncertainty, and of pain. She has been handling it far better than I have. I don't know if it comes with being a mother? I never did well when I lost my mom and brother, but Sebastian was there to pick up the pieces. Who picks up the pieces when Sebastian is not there?

I believe that fate is a horrible thing, it can lift you up and fulfill your wants and desires, but it can also rip your heart from your chest and stomp on it. I don't believe in fate anymore. It can go in the trash along with miracles.

Sebastian was my miracle, not any of these tests and nonsense that the doctors think they know everything. If all their tests are so great, why can they not fix Sebastian? Where is his miracle? In the trash? Or never existed at all. They say give him some for time; time is something we do not have. Where are you going to find the time when someone does not have it?

They keep saying that he will get better. Then why are they constantly standing around his bed with a frown on their faces? They cannot say anything; they know nothing. They don't know how to fix people; they don't know how to give miracles. They just tell you, give it time. Well, I am asking where is the time that they are giving.

Then they want to tell you in these books and these doctors that walk around with a frown on their face; they want to tell you that if you speak to someone that is in a coma that they can hear you. I say it is bullshit. I have been talking and talking, and I do not see him reacting. I do not see his body moving or that beeping starting to beep any faster. I squeeze his hand, but he does not feel it. I don't even think he knows that I am by his side. But I do it anyway. I think it makes me believe that I still have faith, and that is all I can have now, for miracles and medicines are not working.

But what I also have been doing in the darkness of the room when everyone in the hospital is sleeping, I have started writing him letters. I am hoping that I will give them to him one day when he wakes. So as it now once again comes to the time when the corridors fall silent and the visiting rooms empty, I take my pen to paper once again.

"My dear Sebastian,

It has been three days, nine hours, and fifteen minutes that you have been gone from me. I'm writing to you from your hospital bed. I haven't left your side since they brought you here. I'm sitting here in this chair, hoping that with each wink I make, that you will open your eyes.

I have remained here and I refuse to leave.

The nurses have become used to my presence by now, but between you and me, I think they are about to kick me out. Though they will not be able to get rid of me that easily, they will have to kill me before I leave this room.

They will have to kill me before I ever leave your side.

Every time when the thought that I might lose you crosses my mind, I want to erupt and destroy everything in my path. I can't imagine life without it.  I am not willing to live without you. I've told you before and I want to tell you once again, I'll go to any length to keep you in my life and if it means that I need to remain forever by your side, than that is exactly what I'll do.

Here I will remain for as long as it takes.

You have been there for me at my darkest times and I am not about to take away your light. Everything you have done has made me into this strong woman that I am today and I am not about to let you slip away.

I am not about to let go of the only thing that holds my strength together.

Sebastian, you are the only meaning to my life. Nothing I can offer will equal what you have given me.

I don't want anyone but you.

I don't want anyone else by my side.

I will not let go.

I will not let you leave me.

Not today. Not tomorrow. Not forever.

Does this make me selfish?


But I do not care. I do not care for anybody's plans but our own. I will not allow you to slip out of my arms. I will not let you slip out of my life.

You are mine and mine alone.

Now and forever.

Only mine.

Sebastian, I'm in pain, and so are you, but please I beg you, please come back. We can heal together, side by side. Please do not leave me alone in this life. Please not now, not now when we have finally found each other. Please do not take away what we have.

Do not let anything take away our happiness.

Please all I ask is for one more chance. All I want is another opportunity to show you how much you mean in my life. I promise I will never let another moment slip by where I do not show you that you are the only love of my life. Let those last moments not be the only moments that we will ever have left in our lives.

Just one more chance.

There is still time.

Until then, I will sit here and wait.

However long it takes.

I love you, Sebastian. Love Kati."

I don't know if I am ever going to give them to him one day. Day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute, and second by second is how we live now. I am in the cruel world of reality, and he is off somewhere I don't know.

How do you come back if you don't know where you are?

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