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Chapter 34 Borrowed Time

...Kati POV...

It has now been a couple of months. In fact, it is three months, three is, and has been the number I hate the most. First, there were three months to live, then three months to heal; at some stage, we were three months apart, now it's three months, and Sebastian is not awake.

I have started caring less, not for Sebastian but for myself. As every day passes, I hate myself more and more; why did I did distract him, why did I take his eyes off the road, why did I involve him with my cancer, why did I involve him with any of my other illnesses. He was always there, no matter how small or how bad. He got me the one miracle after the other at what cost, I don't know.

Dr. Wilson said I must meet him today to talk about Sebastian's progress; there might just be some hope for this dire situation; maybe this time, I am the one that found a miracle.

Mom can't come; her health has not been the same since Sebastian's accident.

It is with great anticipation, but most fear that I am waiting for Dr. Wilson in Sebastian's hospital room. As I see him walking up to me, it is hard to read his face; I don't know where this will go.

"Hi, Kati."

"Hi Dr. Wilson."

"Please come sit down."

"What's wrong? Is it Sebastian?"

I watch as he swallows real hard, and for a brief moment, I can see it in his eyes. There is a sparkle, but it is not a sparkle that means hope; there are tears that are forming in the depths of his eyes.

"Kati, with so many instances with people in comas and brain damage, there comes a time when a decision has to be made."

"What do you mean? What is wrong with Sebastian?"

"Kati, I am sorry."

"Sorry for what? What is going on?"

"Kati, the Sebastian you know is no longer there anymore."

I shake my head in disbelief; I don't think I know what he means.

"I don't understand what you mean. Please just tell me."

"Kati, Sebastian is brain dead."

"What does that mean? Is he going to wake up?"

I hold my breath waiting for an answer that will give me new hope, but it feels as I am staring the fear of seven horrors in the eyes. There is an abyss, and I am slowly disappearing into it.

"Please, Dr. Wilson, please."

"Kati, he is never going to wake up. The only thing keeping him alive is the machines."

"No. No. No, you are not serious. No. Do you want to tell me Sebastian is dead?"

"I am afraid so, Kati."

"No. No. No, it's not true. Do the tests again. You have to do the tests again."

"I am sorry, Kati."

My world comes crashing down like an erupting volcano. It is red, hot, and heavy as the pain consumes my heart. Everything seizes to exist; I seize to exist. My body dies with every breath that I take. The tears sting me to the bone and burn down my face.

"Dr. Wilson, you can't do this to me. Please bring him back. Give him more medication, just do something. He is not dead!"

I am going to fucking jump out this window if he is dead. They must have made a mistake. He is just lost in his head; he just needs to find his way home. He is not dead; he is only sleeping.

"You said I must make a decision; what do you want from me?"

"You need to switch off the machines."

"What is wrong with you? Can you not do it yourself?"

"I am sorry, but you have to."

"When? When do you want me to end the life of the man I love? When are you going to stop fighting for him?"

"When you are ready."

"What if I am not ready? What if I am never ready? Can he even hear when I talk to him?"


"Please leave me alone I need to think."

This morning when I woke up, I never thought that this would happen. How do you prepare yourself for a situation like this? You don't, cause this just does not happen to normal people like us; it always happens to someone else. You live your life in a perfect bubble until something; one thing bursts your happy, secure life.

How do you look the man you love in his beautiful lifeless eyes and unplug the only thing that is keeping him alive. You are powerless; no amount of begging and tears will bring him back. He cannot feel your touch, your kisses, or even hear your voice. The very last thing you said to him was that he is impossible because he was teasing you, and that will be the very last memory you will ever have of him.

Can he even hear me to where he is going? Will he be able to read all the letters I have written him? Has everything been for nothing? I don't want him to leave alone, so I sit down and write the last letter I will ever write to him.

"Dear Sebastian,

It has been three months since you have been gone from me.

I don't know how much longer I can last.

I am heartsick and I am broken.

I miss you so desperately, and right now, I just want to surround myself with things that remind me of our life together. The life and home that we have built together.

I want to go back to that home; I want you to come with me to our home. I dream of you every night and pray each day that this might be the day that you shall find your way. I pray that you will find your way and come back.

Please come back.

I need for you to come back.

You are so close, though yet you feel so far. And to be honest, I am losing hope the more we drift apart.

Sebastian, I am hanging by a thread, and I am scared that I am going to break. I am afraid that if I let go, I won't survive and that I will never have you again by my side.

I need you by my side.

I need for you to come back.

But I need for you to know that I am still here. Wherever you are, wherever you plan to go, I am here.

I will always be here.

No matter the distance, no matter how far we are apart, our hearts will always find each other.

I love you with everything that I am. Forever, body, heart, and soul.

I will love you for the rest of my life.

Forever yours. Love, Kati.

And this is what my life has come to, the third person in my life that I truly love, I have lost too.

I stood there that day with mom next to me, and we switched that machine off together. For a brief second, we thought that he was gasping for air. That day was the most horrific day of my life. Those will be images I am never going to forget in my life.

I have moved into the cabin permanently. I decided to spend my days with memories of Sebastian surrounding me. It is not easy; it is, in fact, beyond possible for me. Isolating myself and living a life filled with tears, pain, heartache, and regrets is not healthy for any damaged soul.

Sebastian never wanted to be placed in a hole in the ground, so here I am, standing with his only remains in my hand. His last wish was that if this day ever comes, that I would scatter his ashes under the tree where we both found each other for the very first time, our first kiss, and the first time we ever said that we loved each other.

This is the second worst day of my life. I miss him; I don't think this hole in my heart will be filled. I don't want it to be filled because once it does, that is when you start to forget, you start to move on. I don't ever want to forget him; he was my one and only true love, I don't want to move on. I am finding it hard to even let go of his ashes; it is the very last real thing that says he was alive

What sums Sebastian up.

One word – LOVE.

On the exterior, you have soft brown hair just messed up in the perfect way. Beautiful brown eyes that pierce straight into your soul. Soft rose-colored lips that melted into my lips and every inch of my body that he kissed. A perfectly chiseled jaw, enhancing his manlike features. A hard, sculpted chest that gave me comfort all those many nights I cried. His rippled stomach always had my heart racing. Lastly is steady legs that carried me to bed often

On the inside is a man with a big heart, a man that cared, sometimes more than he should. He gave so much of himself and ask for little to nothing in return. Your needs were always greater than his. He gave up years of his life to look after me. Not once did it become a burden to him. When he hurt, he would cover it up with a smile. When he wanted to cry, he covers it up with laughter. All those times his body trembled of fear and anger, he used to say it was cold

I am going to miss his gentle touch, his soft kiss, the shampoo on his hair, the cologne that lingers on his skin. I am going to miss his laughter, the gentleness of his voice, the way he moans while he is sleeping. I am going to miss the way he teased me; I am going to miss him watching chick flicks with me, I am going to miss him making hot chocolate for me.

I am going to miss him.

He loved and loved, and beyond that, he loved again

I will love him forever.

Every miracle Sebastian took to let me live came at a price; it never was me that had the three months; it was Sebastian that lived on borrowed time.

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