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Chapter 36 A Symbol Of Our Love

...Kati POV...

The next morning I wake up, not from the birds singing, not from the river bubbling, not from the sun shining through the window but from Sebastian pulling at the sides of my top.

"What are you doing?"

"Trying to get your top off."

"Why are you trying to get my top off?"

"You know why?"

He looks at me with that wicked smile that plays at the corner of his mouth. I can't believe this man is up to no good so early in the morning already. "No, I don't," I answer as I pretend not to know what he is talking about.

"You are acting silly."

"Nothing for you until the wedding."

"Hey, I did not say you are dumb."

"Same difference," I tease him as I watch him getting a little frustrated.

"Can I at least have a good morning kiss?" He asks.

"Okay, you can have a kiss."

I look at him, and there is a softness in his eyes. Although his eyes are soft, I notice the feelings behind them, as if he is longing for something. He touches his forehead to mine, and I feel a warmth, one that I've never experienced before. It fills my body, from head to toe, invigorating me and filling me with passion and hope that is so powerful. I lean my head closer until our lips meet. Gentle but passionate, I press my lips into his. The world around me slows so that I can savor this moment. My heart flutters as he kisses me back.

He has never kissed me like this, feeding his rising passion; he holds me tightly and locks his full body against me. He consumes my mouth with patient hunger. My hands flutter to the sides of his face, stroking the bristle of his cheeks and jaw. He makes a quiet moan in his throat. Then suddenly, I take hold of his shoulders and ease my way into his body. He gently holds me, still ignoring my whimpering protest. His gaze is locked with mine for a moment. The stillness is broken by our panting breaths. I want to possess every inch of his body and every flicker of his soul.

At the very moment, I recall that he wanted to desperately talk to me about something, "Yesterday you said you want to talk about something?"

"Yes, do you want to change and go for a walk before mom comes?"

"That serious?"

"Sort of."

"You already asked me to marry you," I nervously say. "What can be more serious?"

"You are not dragging it out of me now," he says as he laughs deep from his belly. "Get dressed."

"You no fun," I huff as I fold my arms around my chest.

"Are you first having a shower?" He asks.

"Yes, of course, "I jump off the bed and make my way to the shower, but Sebastian is following close behind me. "What are you doing?"

"Watching you shower."


"Just now, you fall."

I only but shake my head and chuckle at him, "Sebastian, I am not going to fall."

"I am just checking in case you do."

I frown my brows at him and cock my head to the left, "You are acting creepy. Go make coffee or something."

Sebastian is acting weird. Something is going on; I am starting to worry about how serious it really is. Is he having second thoughts about marrying me, about me?

But as the thought runs to my mind, I call after him, "Sebastian, are you still sitting there?"


"Go make hot chocolate. Don't let me come out there."

"Why?" He asks. "What are you going to do?" He says as he taunts me.

"Nothing that you are going to like."

"Are you going to be so bossy when we are married?"

"Someone has to be the grown-up."

"I am grown up," he protests, still very much sitting and watching me.

"Says him sitting outside the shower watching me."

"I am not sitting outside the shower."

The next thing he is standing completely naked in front of me, "Sebastian, what are you doing in here?"

"Watching you."

"Get out!"

"Really?" He asks as he looks somewhat disappointed.

"Ok, just for a minute."

As he pulls me around my waist close into him, he speaks with a loving smile, "I have seen you naked hundreds of times before, and you still get shy."

"Are you teasing me?"

"No, I think it is cute."

Just then, we hear the front door goes open; it is mom; she seems to a little early than we anticipated. From the lounge, we listen to her calling, "Kids, I am here."

Sebastian, who is looking somewhat frustrated, steps out of the shower, "Coming, mom, just having a shower." Then he turns to me again, "This isn't over."

A few minutes later, we join mom in the kitchen; she has this mischievous grin on her face. "Hey, you two. Kati, it's unlike you to get up this late."

"We have been up early," Sebastian explains. "She is trying to drag out of me what I want to talk about."

"And he won't tell me until we go on this silly walk," I add.

Then than grin around mom's face, becomes even wider, "I can see why he is so hyperactive this morning."

"Why?" I ask.

"It looks like you two had that shower together," she says without even blinking."


"Hey, it's natural; if I had a boyfriend that looked like my son, I would also shower with him."

"Mom! That is gross."

"Come," Sebastian pulls me by the arm, "Just now, she starts talking about sex."

And true to Sebastian's word, she chuckles as she speaks, "Take a blanket with just in case."

"Why?" I innocently ask.

"Don't ask," Sebastian pulls me even harder on my arm. Then it hits me what she has just meant.


We walk down the slippery green path; the river seems so clear today, you can see all the giant fish swimming at the bottom. This path takes us to the giant tree out in the middle of a beautiful field. This is where we spent so many days and nights before. It has always been so beautiful and peaceful here. This is where I told Sebastian for the first time that I loved him, the first time where he told me he loves me back.

But as we turn the corner, "Sebastian, no!"

"What's wrong?"

"The tree."

"What's wrong with the tree?" He asks me as he looks at me, concerned, then as he looks up ahead, "Oh shit!

"What are we going to do now, Sebastian?"

"It is fine, Kati."

"It's not fine!"

I can see that he is barely able to contain his laughter, "It is a little less leafy than usual."

"Sebastian, it is not a little, more like a lot."

"It is just a tree."

The minute those words roll from his mouth, there is a fit of incredible anger that consumes my body, "How dare you! It is not just a tree!" My words come out hurtful and aggressive.

"Kati, it's okay, we can make another plan."

"There is no time for another plan," I snap back at him. The once beautiful smile has now left his face. "I am not getting married under this monstrosity," I firmly refuse.

"You are overreacting."

And he should not have said that for all I see is hot read fury as I stare at him, "I am not overreacting."

"You are."

"Sebastian do not test my patience."

"Fuck, what have I done wrong now?"

"I am not getting married under a tree with no leaves!"

"Seriously, Kati?" I can see the irritation is very clear in his eyes now. He is about to explode, and not in a good way. "The wedding is about us and not a stupid tree."

"Fine, you get married underneath the stupid tree by yourself."

"Kati! You are being ridiculous!"

"No, Sebastian."

I still firmly insist that I want to get married under the tree where we found out love; it holds a very special place for me. I thought he would have felt the same way, but it is obvious that it does not.

"Kati, are we going to fight over a tree?"

"Yes, you are not taking this seriously."

"It's just a tree."

"Sebastian, it is more than just a tree, and you know that."

Then his face turns soft again as he tries to take my hand, "We can make new memories under this one."

"No, I want the old tree."

"What do you want me to do? Go stick new leaves on the branches for you?"

"I don't care; I don't want this one."

"Fine, I will cut this stupid thing off."

"Sebastian!" I call after as he starts to walk off. "Where are you going?"

"To get a chainsaw."


He turns his face to me for one final time; I can see the pain in his eyes. I have hurt him again, and I promised I would never.


"Please leave me alone, Kati."

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