Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 29 The Truth Does Not Set You Free

So I have just landed my ass into jail, and I do not regret it the least bit. Given the chance, I would do it again; the next time, I will break something more permanent. The only thing I do regret is sitting next to me, Luke. He did not want me to spend the night here alone, so he punched Tyler; I must say there is a part of me that enjoyed it.

"Jenna, please lay down on my lap and get some rest."

"But what about you, Luke?"

"I am fine. I am worried about you."

"I am sorry."

"Don't be; she had it coming."

"But now you stuck in here with me."

"I was not going to leave you in here alone."

"What is going to happen to us?"

"We will find out in the morning. Now lay down."

I lay my head down on Luke's lap. His one hand is resting on my side; the other is caressing my cheek. His hand is soft and gentle; it is sending a warm feeling throughout my body, it is not the warmth you get from a blanket but the warmth you get from a deep desire for love and intimacy

As I slowly drift off to sleep, I vaguely hear the sound of two male voices; it is Tyler and Luke.

"I would prefer you not doing that."

"Do what, Tyler?"

"Touching her like that."

"What, do you think you have the right to get jealous after you fuck Clara? What about you two screwing around?"

"I have not screwed her, I respect her feelings for you. But I think she should seriously reconsider."

"I love her; we will get through this; I will not lose her again."

"You should have thought about that before you went to Clara."

Then I hear Tyler go quiet for a few seconds, "Clara is insisting on laying charges; I think she did it on purpose."

"Of course she did."

"I will talk to her and ask her to drop it."

"You mean you are going to fuck her."

"If it means that she drops the charges, then I will."

I am not sure if I heard Tyler correct; he is going to fuck Clara to get me out of jail. Should I say something or keep quiet? If I keep quiet, I let him hurt me again but just saying he might do it hurts just as bad. Has he lost his last functional brain cell?

"That is completely messed up."

"Jenna," I watch Tyler as he nearly chokes on his words. "I thought you were sleeping."

"And I thought you have at least a bit of self-respect."

"Jenna, it is not like that."

"Get out of my face. Go call your whore and tell her she can have you. You and me, we are done."


"No, Tyler. Go call that woman; I want to speak to her."

"Are you going to punch her again?"

"No. I am going to kick her."

I hear Luke chuckle next to me.

After a while, she finally walks in with Tyler; her smile is almost as wide as her ass, and that is wide. What these two ever saw in her amazes me; I think I will just put it down to the fact that there is a lack of women in these small towns.

I am going to talk to this woman on her level, and that is low, lower than beyond low. If they can just let me out of here for five minutes, she will regret ever touching Tyler and Luke.

"How did you do it, Clara?"

"Do what?"

"Stop playing stupid."

"I don't know what you are talking about."

"Drop the act. Answer my question. How did you do it?"

"Do what?"

"Get him to fuck you?"

'It's easy; we love each other. What are you getting at?"

"You never made love to him, did you?"

"We never made love."

"You are both the same kind of fucked up. He is all yours; you can grab him on your way out."

"I am sorry, Jenna."

"Save it; I don't care."

With that, Clara turns and heads out for the door.

A few minutes later, Tyler and Luke walk back in. Both of them have the same smile on their faces. Tyler, with the thought that everything is now okay, that we are okay, he has got hope and love in his eyes, but they are filled with a lot of regrets as well. Luke, though, has a thought I cannot place; there is a complete mystery in his eyes.

"What did you do?" Tyler asks as he walks up to me. "She is dropping the charges?"

"I just showed her that she is not thinking. Clearly, it must be from the punch against the head."

"Will you come home now?"

"No, Tyler."

"Can we please talk?"

"I have got nothing to say to you. Luke, please take me home."

The ride back home is quiet; I don't feel like talking, my heart is breaking again. I love Tyler so much; I want to be with him, I want to go back home with him. I don't know if it is me or him or the both of us. Why is it not working? All I want now is time for myself; I came here for a reason, everything is just falling apart. I don't want to run away again; I have to make this work.

We back at Luke's house, sitting in the kitchen having wine; I can still not read his face. Something has changed in him; I hope it is not because of me; I hope I have not broken him. First Tyler and now him.

"Do you want me to run you a bath?"

"Please, I need to get that icky prison smell of me."

I hear the water running in the bathroom; I make my way up and find Luke standing there. He does not say a word. He keeps his eyes on me as I slip the straps of my dress over my shoulders. He steps forward and slides my dress down my body, resting it on my feet. He steps backward, admiring my body, still not saying a word.

.He stands there for a moment, unable to move; he watches as my body disappears into the water. Without further hesitation, he begins to soap my breasts which glistens under the flow of the water. Next, he scrubs my back, rubbing the cloth gently between my shoulders. When he moves to my neck, he lays down a soft kiss that shoots sparks through my veins.

When he is done, he wraps me in a towel and carries me to the bed. He gently lays me down; slowly, he begins to draw the towel apart until I lay exposed. His hands are floating over my body, discovering every bit of me.

"You are beautiful; I have never met anyone near as special as you."

He lowers his lips onto mine; in an instant, we melt into each other. Then he kisses me, he kisses me with purposes, like his lips have a plan, like his tongue has a plan. He is possessing me; he is owning me. I look into his magnificent eyes; the swirls of emotion I see there make me gasp. I never knew a kiss so innocent could be so intimate. I feel like I am walking on air. The way his lips connect with mine. His mouth is so warm, the caress of his lips so soft. He makes me breathless.

I think I know now what that look in Luke's face was earlier.


"Yes? What's wrong?"

"What is wrong?"

"I have grown more attached to you than I should have."

He lifts me up to carry me back to my room.

"Put me down."

I wriggle around to escape from his arms; for a split second there, I forget I only have the towel on; when I squirm again, the towel drops. My naked body presses hard against his chest, skin to skin, hot against each other.

"For fuck sakes."

He drops me to the floor, and the towel crumples at our feet. I feel his body tremble against mine; I have never noticed how amazing every bit of him is sculpted. His breathing has become slow; his heartbeat matches the bursting of mine. The moment feels awkward yet electrifying.

I pull him by his waist deeper into me and dig my fingers into his back, and pull him even closer. Then I curl my arms around his neck, pushing my breasts into his melting hot chest.

His fingers land, warm and radiant against my skin. His rough hands wrap around my hips, hands that are skillful dive deep into my body. He kisses me; the touch of his lips makes the world fall away. It is slow and soft, comforting in ways that words would never be. His hand rests below my ear, his thumb caressing my cheek, our breaths mingle. Unable to contain ourselves anymore, he pulls me deeper into a fiery and passionate kiss. When we broke apart for air, I rested my forehead against his.

"Luke, I..."

"I don't want us ever to forget this night, Jenna."

He knots my legs around his waist, taking me back to his bed. I fall back, the soft red satin sheets wrapping around me. My body quivers as his naked body lowers on top of mine. Our hips move against each other as he settles between my legs. His erection is growing larger and harder, the desire in him growing deeper. Absolutely nothing in this world feels as good as the sensation of him slowly sliding into me.

It's hard to experience desire while at the same time controlling it. We are trying to lose control, and when he takes my head in his hands, we know we on our way. We are kissing each other and holding each other and rolling on and off each other, slowly then vigorously, like two solid worlds trying to come into one.

We are moving purposefully, into and against each other. I am holding the top of the bed, my eyes falling back into my eyelids; he arched his back, letting moan after moan leave his lips. With my tongue and he with his whole damp body, we are following our desires, such as we understood them.

Twisting and gasping together. We are drawn close to that sensation that only goes beyond sexual pleasure. It feels as if something inside me is slowly working its way through him. We fall back on the bed, staring up into the ceiling and feeling the presence of a world we were for the better of an hour, not part of.


"Yes, Luke."

"I love you."

I know now what that look in Luke's face was earlier.

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