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Chapter 31 A Box In A Box

I wake up with a pounding headache; it feels like my head is about to explode. I try to push my body off the bed, but everything is spinning. Exploding and spinning, I definitely had too much wine to drink. Most of the night is a total blur to me; I do not even want to know what Luke and I got up to, emphasis on up, we definitely had sex. I am pretty sure he is going to make me remember.

Luke is lying next to me; he looks so peaceful in his sleep; there is nothing like having a sexy man in your bed. He probably does not feel half as bad as I do. I am not going to wake him up just yet; instead, I cuddle up next to him, with my head resting on his chest. Why am I cuddling with him; he should not be in my bed to start with. But I do it anyway; it does not take .long for me to fall asleep again.

Then I have the most awful nightmare, almost like it is real. It sends fear and panic throughout my body; a cold sweat settles over me. In my dream, Tyler walks in on Luke and me, naked in bed together, my body shudder at the thought. Something about this dream is not right, though; I just cannot place it. Then it hits me as Luke is being ripped out of bed.

I forgot Tyler is coming over this morning, "What is going on here?"

"Tyler," Luke says, surprised. Tyler was supposed to meet me at my house.

"Do not Tyler me! What is going on here?"

"Tyler," I say as I am trying to calm him down

"Jenna, what is going on here? Luke, if you know what's good for you, you better start talking."

"Please calm down, Tyler."

"Calm down, Jenna? My wife and my friend are in bed together, naked!"

Then Luke just has to say it, "She is not your wife anymore; you guys broke up three months ago."

Tyler balls his hand in a fist and smashes it hard into Luke's jaw. There are a slight cracking sound and a noise escaping his lips. His face trembles from the impact, throwing him off balance.

"Tyler! Stop it!"

"No, Jenna. It's the second time he has done this to me."

"Tyler, let's all just sit down and talk."

"Fuck talking."

Tyler prepares to have another swing at Luke's face. His fist crashes against the side of Luke's eye, dangerously close to being full-on; it splits his brow open, blood is dripping from it. It's the kind of punch that is going to leave a big bruise under his eye

"Tyler! That's enough!"

Luke, having gathered himself, takes his fist to Tyler's jaw; in an instant, the impact splits his lip open. Before Tyler can even retaliate, Luke drives his fist into Tyler's nose; you can hear bone crumbles as he breaks it, blood runs down his lips, over his chin.

"That is enough!" I shout as best as I can to try then to stop.

"If you guys can't act like adults, then get out of here. I won't tolerate this shit."

He bursts out laughing at me, "You won't tolerate this shit? I won't tolerate this asshole sleeping with my wife."

"Tyler, just calm down; let's talk."

"Jenna, I love you, but you are testing my patience now."

"And what do you mean by that?"

"I don't share. You can't have both of us; you can't have both of us."

"If you say I must choose, then both of you can fuck off."

"Tyler, you don't test my patience either."

"Please sit down, so we can talk."

"I don't want to talk. Jenna, you do know he is just using you for the sex?"

Luke, highly annoyed by now, lifts his fist without Tyler noticing. At first, it is not clear where Luke is going to punch him. Then in a flash, he jabs Tyler into the stomach. Tyler drops to the floor in agony.

"Luke! I said that it's enough."

Tyler manages to get up as he recovers from the blow. He walks up to Luke; his body is trembling, not a good tremble but that of a man that is boiling over with anger. He stares Luke straight into the eyes.

"You have always been a man whore."

Luke does not even bother to answer; he rather let his actions speak for his words. With one precise move, he knocks Tyler out cold. Tyler drops in a pile on the floor.

"Luke, that was not necessary. I told you guys to stop it. Please help me get him on the bed, and then you can go."

It takes Tyler nearly a half-hour before he comes to. Before he opens his eyes, I brace myself for what is going to happen next. Mostly I am expecting the look of anger and betrayal in his eyes, the pain in his voice, and his body shattering to pieces. I doubt that we can come back from this; our relationship is for sure over now. This is a mess, a mess I made for all of us.

"Hey. How are you feeling? Do you want an aspirin or anything?"

"No, I am good, thanks."

"Tyler, I am so sorry."

"Leave it, Jenna."

"But I have to."

"No, I don't want to hear anything."

"Please, Tyler."

"I said leave it."


"I said leave it. I am disappointed in you. I warned you about him."

"Tyler, we were separated."

"So what do you think it means you can go fuck someone else. Not just someone else but Luke."

"Tyler, I am sorry."

"Sorry means nothing at all to me."

"Please, Tyler."

"No, you and I are done."

Tyler, still a bit unsteady on his feet, gets off the bed and heads for the door. He looks back for a brief minute and disappears down the stairs. Moments later, I hear him start his truck, screeching out the driveway.

"What have I done! I have destroyed one relationship. Two friendships. And three lives.

I make my way downstairs, the very same stairs Luke went down, the same stairs that Tyler just disappeared from. Luke has still not come back after leaving.

In the kitchen, I find a note tucked under a box; it must have been Luke before he left. As I opened it, I realized it is not Luke's handwriting but Tyler's. My heart drops; I know this is going to be the saddest thing I am ever going to read because I know his heart is breaking.

"Jenna, I love you, funny how these words come so much easier when you finally admit it to yourself. The less funny part is it has come too late; the words are taken from my mouth as if they were never there as if I never loved you.

You broke my heart; I vowed to never give it to another; when I finally do, it is ripped from my chest and fed to the wolves. I give you something sacred, and you treat it like it means nothing to you.

The Jenna I met is not in your body anymore; she left that day when she went to the city and never came back. I don't know who you are anymore. I am saying I love you to a stranger; I don't even know if she is still in there.

I don't know if I will ever forgive you; you were the reason I lived for. No other woman would make me happier in this world, or so I thought, now no other women make me more unhappier in this world.

The day you left for the city, leaving me on the doorstep, you threw something at me and told me to shove it; well, what is in this box, you take it the same and shove it. If you take the time to open the box before you chuck it into the bin, you should have an idea of my intentions this morning before I caught you in bed with someone I thought was a friend."

Before I get the courage to open the box, a million thoughts are racing through my head. What is in this box? It must be something very important to him; he left it here for me to see. Is this what my life has come to, a box and three broken hearts?

The box is black; it is the kind of box you buy in gift stores, the ones that are already made, the pop a present in sorts. I take the lid off; there is another box, a box in a box, this one a fragment smaller, this one a deep red, a perfect color between black and red. I take the box out of the box and take off the lid. Another box, this one red, it is small but not very small, a box in a box in a box.

There is a card, a little heart-shaped on, which reads, 'You broke through the layers of my heart to find my love for you.' Tears start rolling down my cheeks; I know that whatever is in this box will break my heart forever. With a slight bit of hesitation, I take off the lid.

"Oh fuck, Tyler."

What do I do now? Do I phone him? Do I text him? Do I leave him alone? Do I go to his house? Do I go to his work? What do I do?

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