Chapter 5 Like A Moth To A Flame

After a few failed attempts to keep his hands off me, we find ourselves half-hour later back on the road. That was amazing; it is the second craziest thing I have done in two days. I have never kissed another man before; Brendan was my first and my only. Tyler made my body tingle and my knees weak. He seems like a man that knows what he wants, and I want to be the woman that he wants.

The first few minutes of the trip are in silence; he, too, must be twirling the heated kisses over and over in his mind. Finally, I guess more out of trying not to cause himself any more frustration; he breaks the silence.

"So what is this deal with the wedding dress?"

"Nothing really, I just forgot to grab my overnight back when I left."

"Must say it is a nice dress."

"Pity I am never going to use it for what it really is intended."

I watch as he hesitates for a few moments, not sure if he should ask, but he does anyway.

"Why did you do it?"

"Do what?"


"I realized I did not want to marry him, that it is a huge mistake."


"I did not love him anymore."

He cocks his head and raises his eyebrows, more out of shock than curiosity.

"Just like that?"

"He was boring; all he cared about was work. He never spent time with me; we were like an old couple."

"Why not before? Why on your wedding day?"

"I don't know; reality hit harder on my wedding day. I think I just lied to myself all those years, that I was happy when I really was not."

He nods his head as if he understands, but I sense there is a bit more to the emotion that he is showing.

"Have you spoken to him?"

"No, but he has phoned."

"Will you take him back?"


I see a small wicked smile appear at the corners of his lips for a brief moment.

"Do you regret it?"

"No. If I have to do it over with him, I will do it again. I will just remember to take my overnight bag next time."

This time he truly laughs from deep in his chest as he finds my last words as quite amusing.

"What now?'

"What do you mean?"

"Where are you going?"

"I am staying."

"Staying where?"

For a brief moment, he takes his eyes off the road and searches for my eyes, taking my breath away from the instant they lock.

"Here in this town."

"Why here?"

"I told myself I stay where my car runs out of gas."

"You are crazy."

"So I have been told before."

"This is a small town; there are really no open places to stay in."

"I thought that might be the case."

He goes silent again. For a few minutes, he seems to go deep within thought, turmoiling over something in his mind to such extent that it brings a frown to that gorgeous face.

Then out of nowhere speaks, "I am going to regret this."

"Regret what?"

"Offer you a place to stay."

"Why would you regret it?"

"Because all I can think of is pinning you to a wall."

I am shocked to silence at the boldness of his confession. Never has a man been so brutally honest to me before.

"You say pinning me to a wall"

"Yes, you."

"Do you want to stop again?"

He gets a goddamn cute smile on his face, "Nice try."

After what felt like half a day, we finally reach the town with the mall. Their idea of a mall and mine is completely different, at least this one has three clothing shops, one for really older people, one for very conservative people and for what I believe is teenagers.

"Is this better for what you want?"

"No, only one can be considered."

"You impossible to please."

"I know one thing that can please me."

"What is that?"

"Meet me in the fitting room, and I will show you."

And there is that cute smile again, "Nice try."

"I will take off my dress."

"Still nice try."

The clothes in the teenage shop are not bad at all, lucky I am petite enough to fit in them.

"Don't you think you the wrong age?"

"Wrong age for what?"

"To shop in this shop?"

"What is wrong with that?"

"It's kind of short and revealing."

"And your problem is?"

This man is a sin; when he smiles at me like this, there are so many things I want to do to him. It plays over and over in my mind to absolute frustration. But yet he smiles with ease.

"It's going to be distracting."

"What do you mean?"

"How am I supposed to concentrate when you are going to walk around like that?"

"Walk where?"

"In front of me."

"In front where?"

"Where you are going to stay?"

This might just take a while, so while he is trying to get to his point, I carry on looking through the clothes on displays.

"So where am I going to stay?"

"With me."


"Not with me."

"In the other house on the property."


"Did you decide that for me?"

"Someone needs to keep an eye on you."

I head into the fitting rooms to try the outfits that I have chosen. They fit perfectly, a couple more of them and I am all set. I love how my new life is coming together. It is a lot to get used to, but I know I will be fine. I think so far, it is one of the best decisions I have made in my life.

"Are you finish changing in there yet?" I hear him yell at the entrance of the change room.

"Why are you so impatient?"

"I am not."

"Yes, you are."

"Just answer my question?"

"Yes, I am."

The next thing there is a knock at the cubicle's door.

"What are you doing in here?"

"Open the door."




"Open the door."

"No. "

"Then I am not kissing you."


"Open the door, and I will show."

He steps inside, presses my body into the wall, and pins my hands above my head. I splay my hand against his chest, intending to push him away, but instead, I leave it there. "You can't..." my shaky voice tries to protest at him.

"Ssshhh Jenna..." He places a finger on my sweet lips, preventing me from saying yet another word.

His hand trembles as he takes it to my cheek; he leans in a little closer, our foreheads now gently touching. I cannot fight against the thoughts that are going through my mind. He is flooding my senses in every possible way.

I stare into his deep brown eyes. This man that has so much power over women has me like jelly in his hands. He smiles at me before he slowly leans into me. The sound of my heart is beating so loud I cannot concentrate at all. It feels like I am going to explode. I so desperately want to claim his lips.

"I am going to kiss you," he boldly states; not waiting for me to answer, he starts moving my lips breath by breath closer to mine.

The moment our lips touch, the world vanishes in an instant. His lips are even softer than they were before, and he tastes even sweeter than heaven. His lips are firm against mine, but the kiss remains soft, gentle, and slow. We hold it for a few seconds before our lips begin to move in perfect sync. My eyes fall closed, and all I could feel was him. His warmth, his touch, his being. He is inflicting sensations I have never known I was capable of feeling. The kiss is getting deeper, deeper than all the galaxies in the universe. His lips are imprinting themselves like a footprint in the snow.

I slowly force myself to pull away; it takes me about a minute to settle my racing heart before I can finally speak to him.

“Do you always do this to strangers?”

“No, there is something about you that keeps drawing me in. I am like a moth to a flame.”

We gather everything together, and I head to the teller. Tyler picks up my wedding dress and turns to me.

“What are you going to do with this?”

“Keep it; it is a symbol of my freedom and hope.”

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