The sun shone brightly as always, not concerned by what was happening below it. Its rays reached far and wide busking the land in an orange aura. Although the weather was good, the mood was somewhat lacking. Even with the sun trying its best to brighten the day, there was a sense of dread in the air.
People left their homes with a caution that was not there before. Maybe because today felt different from all the other days. Today felt like the beginning of a new era, one no one knew whether to look forward to or dread. The events of the past week had left everyone on edge. The anxiety and tension could be felt in the air.
Little by little the village people trickled from their homes and started their daily routines. Whatever happens today will affect them in one way or another but that won't stop them from trying to make a living. The store owners opened their stores cautiously while the farmers selling their produce on the streets started to display them.
The blacksmiths lit the fires and hesitantly worked on their swords and armor while the bakers started baking and in no time the town smelled of freshly baked bread. Despite the sweet fragrance breezing through the village, the villagers wore a worried expression on their faces.
Women, men, elders, children, and guards would glance at each other on the streets, without actually conversing out loud. They were afraid that chatting would only make matters worse.
The light from the sun finally reached the enormous castle that could be seen from the bottom of a big hill. The castle was a day's journey from the closest village but you could see the view perfectly from the village. Even though the distance was long this village was the first to receive news from the castle, before they could send word to other villages farther away.
An elderly woman who was busy arranging her cabbages on her cart turned to look towards the castle and sighed. Like most subjects in the Kingdom, they had no power and thus could not advocate for any change.
On the other hand, the castle was bustling with activities. The maids cleaned the rooms from floor to ceiling, others positioned flowers around the castle corridors in hopes that it would lighten the mood. The cooks prepared breakfast for the people living in the castle while the gardeners trimmed the bushes perfectly.
Everyone was doing their best to make things perfect to avoid the wrath of the new king. The stable boys fed the horses, brushed them, and checked their hooves especially one horse in particular, the King's horse. While everyone rushed to perform their duties, the maids who served the King were dreading his wake.
They stood outside his chambers and waited patiently to be summoned inside. No one was allowed to enter the King's chambers unless they were summoned by the King or they came to clean. Even those who cleaned his chambers, cleaned in the presence of at least two knights.
"Come in!!"
The clear command from the King was heard by all those who were near. The maids gave each other a look, gathered their courage, and opened the door to the King's chambers.
The King had already risen from his bed and was taking in the scene of the Kingdom from the nearest window. His chambers overlooked the garden and the closest village could be seen from afar. He was still in his evening robe which hid his pajamas. When he didn't hear any movements behind him, a frown made its way to his face.
" What are you all standing there for? Prepare my bath, now!" He commanded in a loud voice that made the maids gasp.
Scared to anger the King even further, two of the maids rushed to prepare his bath, one chose his royal attire and the other made the bed. The King's attention was still on the garden but he could see what they were doing from the reflection on the window. Seeing their agency and fear amused him.
" Your bath is ready your majesty" announced one of the maids.
He raised his right hand and signaled that he wanted to be left alone. When he heard the sound of the door closing, he loosened his shoulders and went to take a shower. His male maid was already waiting to help him dress as soon as he stepped out of the bathroom.
Within minutes he was dressed in his ceremonial clothes. Today was an important day for him. This was his first important act as King. That doesn't mean what he has been doing wasn't important but today was more meaningful to him.
The moment he walked out of his
chambers, the knights guarding his chambers followed him. He took steady but confident steps towards the throne room, where everyone was waiting. He knew he was late but today he didn't care, he was the ruler after all.
He stopped at the heavy golden doors of the throne room. An announcer who was stationed at the door opened the door and announced his presence.
" The 5th King of the kingdom of Vigor has arrived. Kneel before the King"
The King walked through the doors and all the subjects went to their knees as is customary. The path to the single throne was covered by a red carpet. The King had taken his time to consider all the facts of this case, as well as the evidence presented and he was ready to give his verdict.
He was aware that his decision today would be questioned by the members of the court and the nobles. His decision today will affect his entire kingdom. He sat on his throne comfortably before he gestured for his subjects to rise.
His hand touched the hand of the throne as he contemplated on which words to use.
" I, the King have thought hard and for long. I make this judgment, not simply as the King of this Kingdom, but also as the son of my late father. I order that all the traitors be punished by beheading" his cold voice announced.
The nobles, the royal court, and even the subjects gasped in astonishment. Murmurs could be heard as they discussed the decree amongst themselves.
" But your Highness..." One brave nobleman tried to object but he was met by a harsh stare that made him latch his mouth.
" This is my royal decree!"