Chapter Six
The morning came fast and I was more than excited to get ready to go to work.
I was dressed in the brown dress Laurie got for me and packed my very long black hair in a bun. I couldn't stop admiring myself.
"You look amazing"
"Thank you"
"Oh Arya you look really beautiful" Joe complimented me
"Thank you, Joe. I appreciate your compliments"
"Can you sing me a song"
"I'd love to sing you a song but I'm getting late. I'd do that when I get back"
"I'll be waiting"
"Arya you need to get going"
"Yes, I do. See you guys later"
I took a bus going to the city, I could still remember the path Laurie and I took to the book shop and so I located it quickly. I took a deep breath before I entered the bookshop. I met a young lady, who was dusting some books on the shelf.
"Good morning," I said
"Good morning, you must be the new receptionist"
"Yes... and you are"
"I'm Jean the bookkeeper. What's yours?"
"Mine... oh my name... Arya"
"Welcome Arya, the boss is in his office"
"If you don't mind, please can you show me how to get there?"
"It is the first door by your left"
"Thank you"
And I went straight to the door she directed me to. I knocked lightly and I heard a voice permitting me to come in. I could recognize the voice. It was that of the man I had seen yesterday. I walked into the office and met him sitting.
"Good morning Sir"
"Good morning ....."
"Arya... my name is Arya"
"Cool. I have already briefed you on your payment plan and how you'd work."
"Yes sir"
He rang a bell by his side and the lady I met when I came in earlier came in to join us. Jean.
"I believe you have met Jean"
"Yes I have"
"She will show you around and track you what you need to know"
"Thank you, sir"
"You both may leave now"
And we both left his office back to the main shop. Jean showed me my space and I got settled in.
A few minutes later she brought a huge journal and asked me to go through it.
The journal contained the names of the books in the bookshop and their prices.
"You should study it and know them well enough," Jean said
"I will. But it will take a lot of time because this is a lot"
"It is" And we both chuckled.
"Do you live around here?" Jean asked
"I stay at cattagana"
"Wow!... that is very far from here"
"Kinda.... you stay around?"
"Yes, I do ...."
"That's great."
While we were trying to know about ourselves the boss came out to caution us.
"I didn't employ the both of you to make noise, get to work"
And Jean went back to arranging and dusting the books on the shelf.
People came in to get books or return some they had hired and I was able to attend to them properly even though I felt I was a bit slow. And fortunately, they were all nice, but I knew every day was not going to be like that. I had to learn quickly.
It was my closing time but not the same as Jean's. Jean will be closing a little bit late. "I'm ready to go home?"
"Why?... won't you at least explore the city and get to know around before you rush home"
"I'd love to but I should get going, mama is waiting for me at home"
"Okay... take care see you tomorrow"
And I left for the subway and got a bus going back to cattagana. It didn't take long before I got to the orphanage.
I was really hungry and so the moment I got there, I rushed to get some food to eat. Laurie was not yet back from work and the other kids were in their rooms, I could hear their little voices as they argued with each other, I didn't want them to notice me. Ma'am Gina was also not in sight, she was the last person I wanted to see.
Mother Pamela would be in her room and so I went to her room to check in on her and I met her shivering.
I rushed over to her and checked her temperature, it was really hot. She tried to act like she was okay but I knew she was sick.
"Mama you are sick, your temperature is high"
"It's nothing serious Arie, I'll be fine"
"No, you won't. I need to get you some drugs"
"You don't need to go anywhere, I have herbs I'm taking"
"But mama it is not working. I'll go and get you real drugs."
I thought about what to do next. I had little money from the one Laurie gave me for transportation, so I took it and went to an old pharmacy store a stone's throw away from the orphanage.
I got her some drugs and rushed back to her. I gave her the drugs and she took them.
I ensured she took her to bathe before taking the hot soup I made for her, then I timed her into the bed.
Mama didn't sleep immediately, she wanted to know about my first day at work.
"Tell me about your first day at work" I smiled knowing she wanted to hear it.
"It was amazing, I learned new stuff at the shop, and there were a lot of books they read"
"Wow .... how is your boss? Any colleague?"
"He is just there not bad and yeah my colleague is Jean, she is nice and she has been helping me to get acquainted with the shop"
"That is nice of her."
"That's okay mama, get to sleep"
And within minutes I could hear her light snores. I covered her and left the room.
When Laurie got back, I gave her a little gist about how my day went and she was excited about it too.
"We need to start making plans to leave"
"That's too early, firstly we need to speak to mother Pamela about it and secondly I haven't been paid yet"
"I have been saving for a while now and so money for a place is not a problem, I just need you to agree so we can get going"
"Okay, let me tell mama about it, and that will be after she gets better"
Laurie agreed. I was scared to see a sad reaction on her face when I told her. I just hoped she'll understand.