I could smell the strong scent of alcohol from him. I pushed him away gently.
"I have to go." I walked past him but he grabbed my forearm.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
He didn't answer. He just forcefully pulled me closer to him. His hold on my arm was so gonna bruise. "Let me go!"
"Stop playing hard to get."
"I'm not playing anything, you sick bastard." I yanked my arm but he wouldn't let go.
He grabbed my other arm and twisted me around so my back was to his chest. "Now this is gonna be fun." he whispered.
I roughly stepped on his foot with my heels and he let go. I ran to the stairs but he grabbed a handful of my hair, yanking me back. I kicked and scratched at him but his hold on my hair just got tighter.
I screamed for help but the music drowned out any noise I made: I turned around to face him and punched him in the face. But he still had my hair so I ended up falling with him.
He rubbed his jaw and I took the opportunity to get up and flee. When I was running down the stairs I saw Dawson. "Hey what's going on?" he asked.
"I gotta get outta here." I side stepped him but he blocked my way.
"Not so fast. The party just started."
I walked back and bumped into Hardin.
"Hey, babe. You're headed the wrong way." I let out a scream as Hardin put his arm around my waist, carrying me back up the stairs.
Dawson followed behind us.
Oliver was still rubbing his jaw when we got up the stairs. "Damn she did a number on you." Hardin laughed.
"Whatever, just get her in the room." I screamed and fought harder as they opened a door to a room.
I kicked furiously and as we stepped into the room, I grabbed the doorway. Hardin tried prying me off but I wasn't letting go.
Then I saw Corner in front of me.
He peeled my hands off the door and held out the rope. My heart was beating so fast. This isn't happening. I kept repeating that, just hoping this was all a bad dream. And if it was, I am so dumping Oliver.
I was thrown on the bed roughly.
Before I could scramble to get up, Dawson and Oliver grabbed my feet and hands while Corner tied me to the bed. And he put a bandana in my mouth to keep me from screaming.
From the corner of the room, I saw Dawson locking the door and he took out a camera.
Oh, God please save me.
I'll wash all my dishes from now on.
I'll stop stealing Jake's chips.
I'll clean my room more often.
I'll listen to Mom when she tells me to stop putting my feet on the table. Just please save me.
"Alright guys, and now we're recording." Dawson said.
Tears started to fall from my face.
I struggled against the ropes.
My pleas for help were muffled by the bandana. Oliver started to open my jacket and he took out a knife. My eyes got wider at the sight of the sharp blade. "Don't worry, baby, we won't hurt you."
He placed the blade at my throat. I swallowed hard and held my breath. He dragged it down to my shirt and cut it open slowly. When he got to the bottom of my shirt, he just ripped it open. I pulled at the ropes. I felt exposed in front of these vile human beings. The boys just laughed as I tried to get free.
I should've listened to Mom and changed. Now Hardin was touching near my waist. His hands traveled lower and he pulled my skirt up. He licked his lips.
Then he proceeded to unhook my bra. He threw it across the room, and roughly grabbed my boobs. I squinted from the pain.
"Yeah, man, take off her panties." Dawson directed.
Corner came around the bed and slid my underwear off. I cried harder. I was completely exposed. These monsters were enjoying my cries and screams.
Corner plunged his fingers in my most private area. He roughly thrust his fingers in me. Each time he entered, I would scream from the pain. But that only encouraged them.
Oliver came to the end of the bed.
He unbuckled his pants. I started to panic even more. I shook my head, looking at him, pleading him not to. He smirked. "Hey, back off." he said to Corner and Hardin.
I sighed in relief, but then he spoke. "I caught this one boys, I got my first dibs."
Corner and lance stepped to the side. "No fair, man. Hurry so I can have a go." Corner said.
Oliver continued to unzip his pants and hovered over my body. I started to pull more against the ropes, but Oliver smacked me roughly across the cheek.
"That's for punching me, baby." he whispered. "But you'll make it up to me."
He plunged his dick into me. He slowly removed himself and thrust even harder: I let out screams as he continued to paw at my boobs and bite my neck. I turned my head and saw Corner and Hardin jacking off. I turned the other way and Dawson was setting the camera on a dresser and began to unzip his pants.
When Oliver was through, he climbed off and Hardin automatically assumed his place. There was no pleasure, just pain. Complete, utter pain.
I would've taken death over this.
Each guy took their turn with me.
By the time Dawson climbed on me, I was numb. I didn't even scream. I just blankly looked at the ceiling as my tears fell.
Mid thrust, there were sounds of screams. All the guys turned towards the door. "Ay, check that out will you? I'm almost done." Dawson said.
Corner went to the door and stepped outside, making sure to close the door. Not five minutes later, he came running back in. "We gotta get outta here."
"Why?" Oliver asked.
"Some psychos are out there killing people! We have to go!"
They all quickly dressed.
"What about the girl?"
"Leave her!"