Seeking Revenge
I pulled up at the address I had at hand. It led me to a nice house. The final of three stooges. Then all I had to worry about was the ring leader.
I walked to the back of the house and easily picked the lock. I walked through the house and noticed pictures littered above the chimney.
Pictures of a family. His family.
But this had to be done. After all, it was Corner that said to leave me at the hands of a killer. A very attractive, mysterious killer. I shook my head from those thoughts.
I needed to be focused.
I lurked in the shadows, making sure not to be seen. I heard the sounds of footsteps and quickly turned around to see a little boy. A carbon copy of Corner. His green eyes were curiously observing me.
"Who are you?" he said loudly.
I put a finger to my lips. "Shh, no need to be loud, little one. I'm here to speak to your daddy. You know where he is?"
The boy nodded eagerly and grabbed my hand. I was shocked at the gesture. As he led me down a hall, I looked at him closer. He reached no taller than my hips. His eyes were so innocent and he was adorable, for a lack of better words. I almost felt bad for what I was about to do. Almost.
He gingerly pointed at a door. I nodded and thanked him. "Why don't you go back to bed."
"But I don't want to." I rolled my eyes. This is why I didn't have kids. And well, because I can't anyway.
I gently pushed him towards what I assumed to be his room. "Go on now."
He just shook his head. Ugh. I bent down to his eye level. "What's your name, kid?"
"Okay, James," I looked deep into his eyes, "you're gonna go to bed and sleep. You won't wake up until mommy says so. Got it?" He nodded and slowly walked over to his bedroom. Once he was in there and securely in his bed, I stepped away and shut his door.
Now, time for business. I hated using manipulation especially on a kid. But I had to do what I had to. I opened the door to Corner's bedroom and saw two sleeping figures. Their steady breathing echoed in my ears. I walked over to Corner and studied his sleeping form. The years have been good to him. He had a nice family and worked as a mechanic. But his decisions in the past will now affect his future.
I nudged him lightly. I wanted him to be awake for this. His eyes opened slowly. He blinked once or twice before his vision cleared. His eyes held shock. Before he could open his mouth, I covered it with my hand. "Make a sound and I'll kill your wife and that cute little James."
He didn't struggle after hearing that. "Good. You remember me, yes?" He nodded.
"And do you know why I'm here?" He gulped and nodded again. "Just to let you know, you're not the first. I made sure to get Dawson and Hardin and voila I'm here for you." I smiled. "But of course, I saved Oliver for last. Seems more dramatic don't ya think?"
"I won't make it too painful." When I leaned down to his neck, he kicked me in the stomach. It didn't hurt, but it did piss me off.
"Liliana, get up! Go!" he yelled.
His wife woke in a startle. She saw me and looked at me in terror. I'd be terrified too if some chick with red eyes and fangs was standing before me.
Corner took out a gun from beside his drawer and pointed it to me. "Stay back!"
My head whipped to him, "I wouldn't do that if I were you." I growled.
"I won't hesitate to kill you." he said.
I turned to his wife. "Liliana, right?"
"Don't talk to her!" Corner yelled.
I ignored him. "Your hubby hasn't told you about me has he?" She looked scared and confused.
I smirked. "Guess not. Well, let me inform you. Him and his buddies had quite a time using me four years ago. And by use I mean rape. All of them took their turns."
"Shut up!"
"Even filmed it."
"Shut up!" he yelled again.
His wife was crying. "Don't listen to her, Liliana."
"And now here I am. Collecting your husband's debt to me."
"I said shut up you bitch!" He took a shot but missed. It ended up flying past my shoulder. I shook my head.
"Bad choice." I stalked closer to him. He fired again, hitting me on the hip. I kept walking closer and he shot again on my left shoulder. As his hands started shaking, his aim was off.
I took the gun from his hand and bashed his head with it. I turned to Liliana. "I'm doing you a favor here, girl."
I kicked him repeatedly. His wife's screams were loud and honestly, annoying. I heard her shuffle around and saw her reaching for her cell. I scoffed. Does she really think the police are gonna do anything?
I went to her and held her by her hair. "Shut up, or I'll do the same to you. And no one can help you. It was all really destined to happen." I pushed her aside and went to her husband. "Now, Corner, where were we?"
"Leave my wife and son alone. I'll do anything you want." he begged.
"I don't want you to do anything. I just want your life." I snapped his neck in one quick motion.
Liliana's piercing scream was probably heard throughout the neighborhood. I sighed and walked over to her again. She scrambled into a corner.
Like, really? A killer is coming towards you and you smush yourself into a corner? Stupid girl.
I bent down and looked at her.
She seemed nice. Her honey blonde hair was all over her face and her blue eyes were frightened. I knew the feeling of fright too well. "Look, I don't want to hurt you. Just your husband."
She sobbed harder. Okay, maybe not the best thing to say. I looked deep in her eyes. "Your husband was a good man. He cared for his family. But he got caught in a drug deal gone wrong. You are going to grief. But you'll move on. You're gonna take care of your son to your best abilities. Now I want you to call the police exactly 30 minutes after I have left. Understood?"
She nodded. "I understand."
I walked out of the room and made sure to use the back door to avoid any suspicion.
I may be holding on to a four year grudge. And I may possibly be crazy for doing what I'm doing but I wasn't entirely cruel.
Now time for the finale.