Taking a quiet walk down the woods, the moon still had it's light shining round the entire landscape, the winds blew through the leaves of the trees and through their hairs, making some strands fall on their faces, while they used their hands to take them out.

With still being quiet, and no one talking to anyone, all that was heard was just the sound of an owl hooting at the far end of the woods, it's sound echoing throughout the forest and also the continuous chirping and croaking of the crickets and the frogs respectively..

But as they walked through the woods, their feet passing through other layers of grasses and leaves, the sound was heard as they both walked.

The unusual silence kept on, the look on their faces changed as they walked together, these were the Same persons that had met under an unusual circumstance, but grew past the moment to get bonded with each other.

But the bonding process was weird, not the way they thought it would be. Could it have been infatuation or.. just love?

They both had this strange sensation within them, one which connected them in every aspect, one which made them crave for each other's presence, one which made them feel more of the moment and wished for it's continuity rather than it's end.

With every gaze, every touch, every smile they both gave out to each other, they felt satisfied in their presence, they felt safe in each other and if this was truly love, then, it was a mystery none of them could ever solve.

It was like a river without an end, one whose waters rushed and flowed freely, the sound of it alone enticing and intriguing to the one who listens, the sight of it which made one to wonder in amazement at such beautiful masterpiece.

It would find it's way throughout any boundary, breaking free from any kind of limitation, and would take one with it's strong waves and take them to places beyond their imagination.

But this feeling, this sensation, Richard hasn't heard or felt it from anyone before, even if he did feel it from someone, it didn't give him this realization, it didn't assure him of the comfort which laid within it, it didn't complement this void that tried consuming him.

This lady beside him, he couldn't help but gaze at her undenying beauty. The winds had done the perfect work as to drying up the sweats and the tears which were on her face, but even with the dirts which still harboured around her hair and parts of her body, he could tell that more beauty was hidden and would be unveiled to him later on in this path they followed.

"Could we sit here..?", Emily asked with a light tone, taking some strands of her hair and tucking them behind her ears, pointing her fingers towards a large rock, high enough to let them see the hidden beauty of the full moon.

"I would love to see the full moon..", she said again, this time, her alluring eyes met his, and all he could utter out was, "Sure.. there's no problem..".

He watched her, mesmerized by her wide smile, the way she gushed at the sound of his voice, it made him crave for her voice again, and with his courteous attitude, he motioned for her to sit on the rock first before he proceeded into sitting on the rock too.

While they sat, their bodies touched, a tingle of excitement oozing out from every motion of their bodies, but they're eyes never locked again.

They sat together, and with a powerful being like Richard, for the first time in his existence, he could tell he was shy of talking to the one who sat beside him, and this made his attention get fixed on the full moon.

The moon was in it's fullest form, and from afar, it's colour could be described as being blue, and the sky also glowing blue, but being round in shape, it had some darks spots on it which still added to it's beauty.

Playing with his fingers, he had to speak up in the silence, since he was the one who insisted on sharing his story with this newfound lady he met in the woods.

But he was blank in thoughts, not knowing what to say in particular, not knowing what topic to bring up which would stir up something lively between them.

"Do you agree with them that I'm a monster..?", He asked Emily while his gaze was still on the moon, exhaling deeply and taking courage into looking at her eyes.

But she didn't look at him too, she only lower her face to the ground while she spoke out to him, answering his questions, "I mean.. you seem to be like..!", She said shrugging her shoulders with her hands up in the air.

He was dumbfounded for a bit, in as much as he expected her to call him that, he acted a bit surprised at her words and then asked her again, "But you just met me..!".

"Yeah..!", Emily answered plainly, "..but the man I met almost broke the arms of a defenseless woman..", she said, rolling her eyes and referring back to the moment Richard grabbed her hand, preventing her from leaving.

"But I saved your life..!", He retorted with a smile on his face, one which seemed to be ignited by the statements they made between themselves while they sat on the rock opposite the moon.

"I'm thankful for that..!", Emily said as she tucked in more strands of her hair behind her ears, looking down at the ground while she swung her legs slowly but unconsciously.

They paused for some moment, silence returning again between them, one capable of making one listen and hear the heartbeat of the other who sat beside themselves

"You know..?", Richard said as he smacked his lips, and then continued his statement, "Not many people know what this monster go through within".

Emily paused the swinging of her legs as the moment became quiet intriguing, and his story was drawing more of her attention.

"..the battles I've faced..", he continued his statement, "the void, the emptiness, all makes the man who sits beside you.. all that makes the monster everyone thinks I am..", he spoke out in the silence.

His voice was not as deep as what she had heard the previous times, but this time, they cracked to some extent, being a bit emotional and when she turned round to view his face, he was concentrating on the moon.

"Do you know how it feels like.. to wake up every morning with the same knowledge that no one likes you?.. or even loves you?", He asked while he bit his lower lips, and then went on, "To look at the family you were born into with everyone hating you for something you didn't know of.?"

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