
She sighted a rubber white small cover from where she stood and walked towards it to pick it up. In a second, she was back with it and poured some water in it several times to quench her thirst. She had forgotten what it felt like to drink a clean water since everything she had always had was nothing but the dirty ones.


She heaved a sigh and smiled. Her heart was at peace since her belly was filled.

She hadn't noticed that the house was unexpectedly empty till that moment. There was no sound of her family nor sight of them. She heard no noise and it was unlike them.

Had they gone out? For how long would it be?.

She thought.

She was happy that they were out. It was her chance to see things she had always wanted to see. Her chance to see the outside world.

She walked closer to the glass window side and pushed aside the cotton a little to see if it was clear outside before stepping out. She didn't want to be seen by neighbors or anyone, it would raise suspicion and talks.

The coast was clear.

She pulled the cotton back into its position before heading for the White huge door, imprinted on it was two golden birds on both sides. It was beautiful and she loved it.

She held out the edge of her Ash gown to hold the door knob with it. She didn't want her hand or body to stain the house or the door. She pulled it backwards and carefully stepped outside with one side of her titled to squeeze through. She dreaded opening the door fully.

What if it ended up breaking in her hands? What if it made a loud noise that would attract people?.

She gently closed the door behind her and turned around.

The green grass well trimmed and beautiful as the sun shone its light on it. She took in a long deep breath, closed her eyes and smiled. It felt refreshing, refreshing to inhale clean air. The smell in the air was nothing like her rotten smelly basement, it was nicely scented. It made her never want to stop breathing it in.

She placed her bare feet on the grass as she stepped down and giggled softly. It excited her, everything did. She moved closer to the big tree that stood in front of their porch and ran her hand through it. It had been a long time she had seen the outside world. She was starting to envy the others for having a good stress free life.

If only it had not happened. Maybe then she would be leaving a good life too.

She sighted the beautiful Red and Yellow roses on the other side of the neatly laid road. It was on someone else's porch but she really wanted to touch it. She just couldn't resist the beauty. It had her favourite colour on it and that was Yellow. She just had to touch.

She looked both sides to be sure nobody was outside and that her family was not back.

Here goes nothing.

She took a deep breath, squeezed both of her palms and summoned courage. She ran quickly to avoid being seen. In a minute, she was there, staring at the beauty of the tree as the light shone on it. She doubted that she had ever seen anything as beautiful as nature. Nature had a way of lifting her dead spirit up.

She ran her hand over the tree and chuckled, her hand could barely reach the top of it and she wanted to pluck a Yellow one, something to remind her of the risk she took today. She raised her toes up as she stretched her hand up, trying to pick one. She jumped at intervals but it was still the same thing. She couldn't pick any and it saddened her. She just couldn't give up, not now, not here.

She jumped again, this time with force.

Got it!.

She screamed in her head happily as she plucked it, placing it on her left palm. It looked more beautiful when close.

It was time for her to go back to her basement, her old world. One that lacked the excitement she wanted.

Her heart ached that she would have to leave. If she could wish for anything then it would be, to be invisible all her life so she could stand outside, grow and whither away with Nature than to die alone.

She squeezed the flower in her palm gently and sighed before stepping back on the road.

She was too excited to check both sides of the road. She was also in a hurry to go back home. She jumped into the road and ran through.

" Watch out." A gentle male voice yelled and she turned, frozen. The bicycle was running towards her and the guy on it was clearly signalling her to leave. He was yelling something she couldn't make out. The shock was too much on her. It brought back images she wanted to push aside. Tears were running down her cheek and her hands were shaking vigorously.

Her legs froze at that spot. She felt like her life was flashing through her eyes. She closed her eyes to let the pain pass through quickly. Finally she would die. She had always thought peace was in death and hoped it was so but doubted if it was true.

If it was true then why did......

Something pushed her and she landed on the other side of the road, her back hitting the grass and it sank into her skin causing her pain.


She let out and slowly opened her wet eyes to stare at the sky. Her head hurt and she laid there.

Where was she? Was she in Paradise already?.

She felt a drop of water landing on her face and smiled.

Wooh Paradise!.

She wished she would never have to get up and do whatever it is, they do in Paradise.

Maybe she would meet Pal.

" Hey, are you dead?." A male voice yelled aloud and she heard another laughing so hard.

She sat up in fear and looked around. She was sad to see that she was still alive, in her old place of torture.

Why didn't it kill her? Why was she still alive?.

" I think she can't speak bro." The other one said and continued laughing.

" Stop it Gazam." He scolded and walked towards where she sat.

Nimah's eyes ran over him as he walked closer, taking in every little detail and admiring him. His golden hair was curled neatly to a side of his face. The hair looked rich and healthy. It made her envy him.

The Sun was in her eyes as she tried to take in more details from where she sat, it was starting to hurt her eyes.

" Here let me help you up." He said and stretched out his hand which it took her a while to take. The moment her palm landed on his, her heart raced. It was the first time she would cone in contact with anyone, stranger or family.

He pulled her up and sent her a smile.

" Are you okay?." He said, moving his lips back and forth. Everything he said sounded so slow to Nimah. Everything around her moving in a slow rate. It was as though time had stopped so she could have all day with this stranger.

His blue eyes captivating, his brown brow rich and full and the shape of his face made his whole feature beautiful. He sent her another smile showing off his perfect set of teeth. He was putting on a Black short that reached the knee and a Grey sleeveless shirt that showed his arms.

The accuracy of the coincidence baffled her. They were both putting in Grey colours.

Did that mean they were meant to be?.

She thought and stared into his beautiful blue eyes. She wished she would get a chance to stay prisoner to those beautiful eyes and never escape.

" Are you okay?. " He said again and looked at her closely to see if she really couldn't speak.

Couldn't she hear too?.

She watched his lips as it moved and her heart raced the more. His eyes rolling as he spoke and stopped at intervals to stare at her like he was trying to get something out.

He was starting to pity her and wondered where she was from since he had never seen her around. He was sure that no new tenants packed into the street.

Or was she adopted? Was she too shy to reply? Was it part of her thing to stay silent? Or perhaps she couldn't hear nor speak?.

" Hello!." He said again and waved his right hand in her face to signal her that he was talking to her but she wouldn't respond.

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