She had suddenly lost her tongue and her heart was beating so fast. It was out of control since it was the first time, it would come so near with an handsome guy or any guy at all. She didn't believe her Father or Brother were really what they were supposed to be and that was males instead they were monsters, heartless ones.
Time stopped, her ears stretched and she could feel something strange as she froze and listened carefully. She could hear an horn from afar, it sounded like her Father's car. She had gotten used to hearing it everyday since the basement wasn't far from where it was always parked. It sounded several times and everything started moving at it own pace again. She ignored the words coming from his mouth and suddenly turned to look in the direction it came from but saw nothing.
Was it her head? Did she hurt it that badly?.
She turned around and picked up her scarf, covered her head with it before running into the house without looking back. She could feel his gaze in her as she made every move and felt an urge to look back at him but stopped herself. Staring in his eyes would make her glued and she couldn't afford being caught.
He noticed that her cloth was dirty and torn and she also had marks all over her body.
Was she the stubborn type? Or was she batting with a mental issue that required her hurting herself? Or was she allergic to the sun, was that why she ran in?.
He was confused as his eyes traced down her body.
" Wait, you are bleeding." He screamed after her but doubted she heard as the door closed behind her.
" Don't you think she is strange, Brother." Gazam said as he walked closer to him.
" Why do you say so?." He asked and turned to look at him, his cute little brother. Unlike him, his brother had brown hair that was too hard to style or curl. Their parent had said that he took after his grandfather with the rich hair and that made him happy.
" I thought I saw something but let's okay. Let's just go home.' He said and jumped on his bicycle lying in the middle of the road. ' Beat you to it." He screamed and drove away.
" Oh no Gazam." He yelled and jumped on his, paddling it away. He turned to look back at his weird experience and face forward again to stare at his little brother giggling.
Nimah dropped the Brown scarf back in its position as she crawled into her basement. She stared at her palm and realized she had dropped the flower when she fell.
She could hear her Father's car parking in the front and wondered what had happened and how she had predicted that so easily.
Her mind drifted back to the guy she had ran into. The image of him smiling made butterflies in her belly.
Why was she thinking so much about this stranger? Who was he? What was his name? Did he perhaps stay around?.
She had no means to know anything about him and doubted if he knew anything about her too. Nobody did. She doubted if anyone knew she existed on the face of this planet earth since she was always locked in for years.
If only her tongue had not given up on her in front of him, maybe she would have known at least his name. Knowing his name would have made matters worse, it would make her want to know him more and she couldn't.
Chicken Nimah.
She called herself as she laid her back against the wall.
Maybe she would take the risk again and run into him again one of these days. She hoped she would have some courage to say something to him.
She heaved a sigh and laughed softly.
Today was the most interesting day of her life even though she had almost died but it was still worth it. Taking that risk made her feel so alive. She hoped she would take more risks one day and wondered when that freedom would come.
Will she ever be free from this? Will she ever be herself one day? When was that going to be?.
She thought.
She felt a sharp pain at the back of her leg and dragged it up to get a closer look at it. She was bleeding, it wasn't much though but the cut looked deep.
When did she get injured? How had she not noticed? What if she had left some traces of her blood in the house? Does that mean she would eventually lose her life today if Father found out?.
Her heart skipped and ran so fast.
She stretched for the Brown scarf and cleaned the wound with it, biting her lips to stop herself from feeling the sting as she applied the bottle of spirit in the room, not far from her. It was what she used for most of the wounds inflicted on her by her Father.
A tear dropped down her eyes as she tied it with the scarf to stop it from bleeding the more. She doubted that she was doing anything right or had done anything right since she was born when it came to taking care of her wounds but whatever it was that she did, always saved her and healed the wounds.
A soft tap landed on the door and a tray was pushed in. Nimah smiled at herself. Her luck was really on her side. It only meant that they didn't notice that she had left the house, that meant she had dropped no blood.
She was so happy as she moved closer to the tray to stare down at the bowl of chicken soup with a jar of water. She quickly opened it to see if it was the usual bad water but was shocked to see the water so clean.
Oh luck, please stay on my side forever.
She pleaded as she scooped some spoons up and munched them, humming happily.
Oh what a best day!.
The constant shaking woke her up and she yawned while trying to get up but something held her tight. She slowly opened her eyes to stare at the empty dark space. It felt uncomfortable for her, more painful than it usually was. The floor had suddenly grown bumps that made it painful to rest on.
She suddenly remembered that she had a candle somewhere in the room and tried to get up to go pick it. As she tried sitting up, her head hit something.
She screamed and tried to rub her thumb over it but something held her back. Her hands were tied to her back.
Who would tie her up and why?.
She tried turning over and discovered the space was unexpectedly small. The basement wasn't that small.
Where was she?.
She tried to calm down and listened carefully. She could hear the sound of an engine and the horn honking.
It sounded like her Father's.....
Her Father's car! Why would she be in her Father's car? Who was driving it? Why would the person tie her up? Was she been kidnapped? Was her family aware of it?.
She screamed loudly.
She had to save herself, notify someone, anyone that could save her but no one came to help.
She screamed again, this time harder and felt the car suddenly stop. She could hear the door open and somebody stepping out. The footsteps grew nearer and suddenly the bright street light shone into where she laid.
" I told you to cover her mouth but you wouldn't listen." It was the voice of her Father talking as he cursed under his breath.
" I'm sorry. I just never thought she would wake up soon." Her mother replied and bent down, sending her an angry look.
" Mo..ther." She whispered slowly, a tear running down her cheek.
What were they up to? And why was she locked inside the back boot? Did that mean they had drugged her?.
" Shut up!." She snapped.
" Cover her mouth.' He ordered and walked closer to them. ' I will do it myself. I just don't trust you to get any job done." He hissed and picked up the cellotype beneath her feet, stretching it.
He pulled it over her mouth several times and hit her as she struggled to free herself, sobbing quietly.
" We need her asleep." He said and brought out the small bottle of sleeping liquid in the back of his pocket, handing it over to her.
She watched her mother drag some into the injection steroid she had in her hand and bent down to inject her.
She struggled, afraid it would kill her and felt a slap land on her face before her Father's strong arms pinned her down making it easier.
" Done, now to go....."
The words faded away as her eyes closed slowly.