
The biology class went on so well for Nimah, she had really enjoyed Mr. Luckus lesson. He happened to be someone very jovial and he lightened every student mood with his necessary jokes and stories before commencing with the class.

Nimah couldn't believe that she was the one laughing so hysterically at the teacher's joke, she could not remember the last time she laughed so much if she had ever laughed that way.

"You look extremely gorgeous when you laugh."

Nimah heard someone say from a seat very close to her, it was Big Joe sending her a broad smile as she glanced at him.

How can I get rid of this chubby for nothing guy. She mumbled beneath her breath, averting her gaze back to the teacher in the class. She wasn't in for any compliment or unnecessary discussion but it seemed this guy was one of a loquacious type.

The biology class finally ended after some minutes and another teacher came into the class. He had a pot belly and he was bald. While he was exchanging pleasantries with the students, he caught the sight of the new girl Nimah, but she wasn't paying attention to what was going on in the class at that moment. It was the sudden silence taht brought back her consciousness.

She looked up, spotting the tall, bald headed man who stood in front of the class staring at her with his arms hung to his back.

"We have a newbie?" The bald teacher asked but in a rhetorical way as he took few steps forward.

"What is your name damsel?" He asked softly, keeping his gaze fixed on her as if trying to observe something in her.

Nimah's heart ceased as the man walked further up to her, his face didn't seem friendly,she felt he was staring at her just the way her father usually did. But he just called her damsel, if he had eveil intentions towards her, he wouldn't have called her that, she reminded herself.

She should not start to feel insecure, she had already left her cruel world, and everyone cannot be like her family, she had to start adapting to her new environment and not get scared of everyone. She breathed adjusting her gaze.

"I am Nimah Arthur." She responded gently with a low gaze.

Would she keep introducing herself to every teacher that come in? She had begun to get tired of repeating her name and surname so severally.

"You have a nice name." The bald man stopped few feet away from her, sending her a brief smile. "I am Cyph, your mathematics teacher." He introduced and went back to the front of the class to commence the lecture.

The mathematics class ended as well, within a very short time interval, but to Nimah, it seemed it took ages to end.

Not that she didn't like the lesson, it was not as lively as the biology class and Big Joe took the advantage of that to irritate her.

Another teacher came and went. She was a history teacher, and because Nimah love stories she was able to get along with her as well.

It was now lunch period. Big Joe had been trying to draw Nimah's attention but Nimah kept avoiding him. He was desperate to have a colloquy with the new girl before the other classmates influence her and turn her against him.

He knew that if he get to speak with her, she could get convinced and try making friends with her.

How can I get her attention? He held his jaw, staring at the ceiling and drumming his fingers as he contemplated.

"It is actually an absolute pleasure to make your acquaintance Nimah." He said, turning to her.

The way he said said her name was her undoing, the way the letters immaculately rolled over his tongue, that spark in his eyes when he genuinely smiled at her. She was so on edge that all she could utter was strangled "Likewise," taking off her gaze immediately to a painting behind her.

"It is quite an eye Turner, isn't it?" Joe suddenly asked. And for a moment she was confused, and then she realized that he was also staring at a painting on the wall.

"I think it is rather sad actually." She was proud of herself for finally able to muster the courage to form sentences. She turned to him, marvelled at how keenly he was staring at her. He narrowed his gaze a bit.

"Is that so? And why if I may ask do you think that?"

She shrugged and returned her attention to the art. Mostly because his visual inspection was sucking the air straight from her lungs.

"It is so... lonely. Every detail although a part of a whole seems deserted, like the barely thatched roof and the broken leg of the rocking chair. You stare at the painting, at the abandonment of it all and you can't help but feel lonely."

He said nothing. For two minutes straight there were no words uttered by him. She thought he was not really listening, but then he chuckled softly.

He looked happy having this conversation with the new girl, and Nimah seems to have been gaining interest in their discussion.

"Your optimism is enlightening Arthur." She could catch hint of sarcasm in his voice and it made her chuckle as well.

"Nimah, you can call me Nimah."

"Is that what everyone else calls you?" He asked and she gave him a Curt nod.

"Then I shall not call you Nimah."

"Why not?"

"Because it is not special. Your 3Fs call you that, so it is basically a tag with no actual unique significance."

She didn't know what she meant by 3Fs but she didn't mention it. She simply wondered where this conversation was leading and why it was leading there.

She had never got to talk this much since she was born. Whether that was how everybody in Marvel related to one another.

Whether it wasn't.

"It is my name."

"But it is not mine."

Was it just her or was there an added intensity to the word mine? She surely hoped it was just her.

"So, what d'you want to call me?" She narrowed her gaze, waiting for her response.

He thought about it for a while, then he gifted her with one of his half smirk half smile. She was lost.

"Nimmy, I think it add a nice ring to it, do you approve of it?"

Nimmy? She wanted to say she liked her name the way it was but reconsidered.

"I suppose so." She smirked.

Joe only looked chubby and dull, but he was actually cool, calm and bright. She thought.

"Now that we have become friends, can I shake your hand?" Joe drawled, stretching out his left arm. It took Nimah few minutes to respond.

The word friend sounded too weird in her ears and even with the opposite gender? She feigned a smile, slowly bringing out her arm and they shook hands.

The school bus suddenly halted in front of the white mansion of the Branz, jolting students up to reality. There was silence after the bus halted. Students chattering, playing, singing and gossiping in the bus, making Nimah uncomfortable and now she was glad they were home.

The twins had been avoiding Nimah as well as Nathan, they didn't want anyone to know she is anyway related to them.

The door of the bus opened with the twins alighting first before Nimah. Nimah was sitting at a corner not close to the door so she had to struggle out of the  people to the exit.

"Does this chucko live in this mansion with Nathan?" She heard a lady's voice as she moved out of the bus. She could see people expresing their disgust towards her but she remained mute, alighting from the bus with her backpack sleeping on her back and she headed into the mansion.

"Mum!" Kristen screamed on top of her lungs as she entered the living room, stumping her feet heavily. She looked angry.

"Mum!" She screaed again when she heard no response. She flung her backpack off her shoulder, heading upstairs.

"Oh, you guys are back?" She heard her mother's voice coming from the kitchen and immediately, she descended the stairs hurriedly running to her mother.

"Mum, imagining how embarrassing today was for me will be impossible for you." She frowned as anger surged through her.

"What is wrong Kristen? Joe, did you both engage in argument again?"

"Can you believe that Joe went to tell all my friends that I still wet beds. Why on earth would he do that?" She couldn't stop screaming as she remembered the moments all over again.

"Did you do that Joe?" Alicia sent a glare at him but he only chuckled and walked away.

Nimah slowly walked into the house, lowering her gaze as she noticed that Nathan was still standing there.

"Nimah!" Alicia called as she noticed her and walked to her.

"How are you Nimah? How was your day in school? Did Nathan show you around?"

Nimah's heartbeat skipped at that question, she looked up at Nathan who frowned at her. Should she say yes?

Yes would be a lie and saying no will create more problems. She didn't have to answer that question, it must be rhetorical she said to herself.

"Why are you quiet Nimah? Didn't he?" Alicia turned to Nathan but he quickly averted his gaze, mumbling something under his breath.

Now Nimah had to say something, saying no would definitely hurt Alicia somehow and saying yes would hurt her inner conscience. Telling lies wasn't her thing.

Nathan listened, waiting for the crockadillapig response.
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