Chapter 2 Lies
"Sophie, I need a 5 blade scalpel! Robert, give me report on his blood pressure."
Sophie rushed to my side with 5 blade scalpel in her hands.
"His blood pressure is stable for now." Robert said holding the patient's report in his hands.
Come on, Sadie, just one more push.
I pulled one of the glass fragments from left side of his abdomen. The cut seemed rather deeper than I had anticipated.
"Sophie, stich up this side. Robert, assist me on left one" I said as I rushed towards left side. On this side glass was embedded deeper down. I hated this part but at the same time I loved to know that I was helping someone though government was paying me for this.
You got this, Sadie. Come on, you can do it.
I make initial incision into his abdomen. The second cut I made was deeper into his abdomen. I gently pulled out another large fragment of glass.
I sighed in relief.
"Okay, its done." I said while stitching his cuts. I smiled at this small victory.
"You did it. I don't know how you managed to save him but it looked almost impossible!" Sophie said jumping up and down. She was one excited person, I had ever met. And that's what I loved about her- her carefree self. She was quite right, the cuts and incisions were deeper and nastier but nothing a doctor couldn't handle. That's what doctors were for; to save people. At least tried to save them.
"Well, that's what we are here for" I smiled and made my way towards washroom. I removed my gloves and mask and dumped them in dustbin. I washed my hands and then my face. I looked in mirror and sighed in relief.
"Dr. Quinn, congratulations. That was awesome!" Eric said as he rushed towards me with a small boquet of roses, as I exited the washroom. A small smile crept on my face watching him all excited and happy.
"It was nothing, Eric. I couldn't be able to do it if Sophie and Robert wouldn't be there." I said as he handed me boquet.
"Its beautiful, Thanks." I said as I smelled roses. Well, roses weren't my favourite, but he didn't had to know.
Eric was head of medicine department. He was a nice man with great sense of humor. We had been working together since we graduated. We studied in same University. Me, Samuel and Eric were best friends back then. But samuel decided to moved in business area or that's what he told me and I decided to be doctor. Well, yeah here I was.
"Dr. Quinn, you are needed here" Sophie called out for me from hallway.
"Oh yeah, sorry Eric, I have to go. I'll see you after....my break...?" I said as I rushed towards the doctors chamber. On reaching there, I called out for Sophie.
I put the boquet on table as I cleaned the mess that I had created earlier.
"What happened, Sophie?" I asked as she entered.
"There is a phone call for you." She said.
"Okay, then." I thanked her as I headed towards reception desk to pick up the call.
"Afternoon, Dr. Quinn." Our enthusiastic receptionist, Mark smiled as I neared the desk. He was sweet innocent guy working day to night to feed his family.
"Afternoon, Mark. How's your mother?" I asked as I redialed the number. The bell rang on other side as I waited for person to pick up.
"She's fine, Dr. Quinn. The medicines you prescribed worked wonders." He smiled warmly at me. I smiled as I heard hello from other side.
"Hello, Sadie. Is that you?"
"Yeah, it's me. Umm.... Sorry I didn't recognise you"
"It's Samuel here."
"Oh, hey Sam. What's up?" It was weird. Sam never called me during working hours. He in fact only called me whenever he had something important for me.
"I am alright, Sadie. I know you are working b...but I... Ca...." His voice cracked, like he was struggling to say something. What was the matter?
Something wasn't right.
"Sam? Sam what's wrong? Is everything alright?..... Is Olivia alright?" I asked worriedly. I hoped for everything to be alright. I never liked urgent phone calls. I recieved one six years ago when my mother's car crashed and one three years ago when my dad suffered from heart attack.
Oh god please let everything be okay!
"Everything is fine, Sadie. Olivia is...fine too. Its Just umm.... that... Shit! I don't know how to say this over a phone call but can you meet me?" He asked with tense voice. Sam was like a brother to me and somewhere deep down I cared for him too.
"Yeah alright. Meet me at cafe near my apartment at...6..? Is that alright?." I asked.
"Okay. I'll be waiting" he said as he hung up. I put the phone down on desk as Mark looked at me worriedly.
"Is everything alright?" He asked as he sensed change in my voice.
"Yes, everything is good," I said as I tried to smile.
I hope everything would be alright.
"Bye, Dr. Quinn." Sophie waved as she exited the hospital premises. I stood there waiting for my taxi. I reached cafe in 10 minutes. I entered the cafe and sat near the table at right corner, away from crowd. I hated crowded places.
It was already 6, Sam should be here any minute. I didn't knew why but today I was feeling a bit anxious after that phone call.
I leaned back against the wooden seat as I looked around and observed the surrounding.
Life wasn't always perfect for me. As a doctor I was always needed at hospital during emergencies. Never had enough time to spend with family, only if I had one. Olivia was all I was left with when my mother died leaving me and Olivia in hands of our father. I wouldn't say my father is irresponsible or something, but life played cruel game with him as he suffered heart stroke two times after her death.
He was admitted in city hospital with rich facilities and sufficient amount of care he needed. But expenses were quite high than my average payment.
Like I said earlier I hated phone calls. I got one a week ago from city hospital as they told me about Father's well being. His vitals were normal, and he was recovering quite fastly and to say I was happy would be a understatement. I was beyond ecstatic.
But with happiness life served you with equal amount of dejection.
At age of 24, I was quiet successful and good at what I was but there was this void in my heart that I was unable to fill. I was happy with my life but at the same time something was missing.
Love. Family.
I was not very active in my love life. Did I had one? No! I had a boyfriend but things didn't worked out between us so I broke up. Olivia still called me heartless for breaking poor Edward's heart. But he deserved better, wasn't it the hollywood way of saying.
"May I take your order, Maam?" I looked up to found waiter holding a paper and pen.
"Yeah, one coffee please" I said politely.
The sound of bells ringing against each other made me look at the opening of cafe.
A small smile crept on my face as I saw Sam coming my way. He looked tensed. His hairs were messy, looked like he has running his fingers through them plenty of times.
"Hey" he said as he took a seat opposite of mine. We ordered our coffee.
"How are you?" He asked as I took a sipped from my cup. It tasted too sweet for my liking, but whatever I had quit complaining years ago.
"I am fine. What was that you wanted to talk about?" I asked taking another sip.
"Yeah.... Well...umm....you know...." He inhaled deeply to steady himself.
I placed my hand on his from across the table and give it a little squeeze. He looked at me and half smiled.
"You can tell me, Sam." I encouraged him.
He looked around, then at me. He sighed and inhaled deeply.
"A deal...went wrong...I was going to tell her about-"
"About what, Sam?" I asked tensely. The way he was avoiding eye contact was confirming my fear. He took deep breath before looking at me.
"Olivia is kidnapped and they are holding her-
My eyes widened from shock. I zoned out from his words. Olivia? Kidnapped? Oh my god! But how! Olivia was only happiness I was left with. She was the only one who was giving me strength that I very much needed.
"What are you saying?" I didn't get what was he implying on. Kidnapping? What deal?
I heard him sigh before he said words I dreaded most.
"I am in some sort of gang, if you've heard of one...like the mafia if you know what I mean."
Tears began to stung the corner of my eyes as Olivia's face come in front of me.
"Olivia" I breathed out. My breathing shortened. I was struggling to hold back my tears.
"Listen, Sadie. I know-
"When!" I asked controlling myself to not break out.
"Two days ago". He mumbled.
I gulped down the lump formed in my throat. Two days. Oh my god! How? Why? Olivia is being kidnapped? Why-
"And you are telling me this now." I said as I looked up at him.
"Who? Why?" I asked again.
"They are some mafia people" he breathed out.
"Call the police, what you waiting for? For them to kill her?!" I snarled in disappointment. He should had told me this when he decided to brought harm on her.
"No! Please! No involvement of police!" He practically begged. What was he afraid of? If he thought I was letting her in danger any more second then he was so wrong.
"If they come to know about us outsmarting them then Olivia will be in more danger than she already is!" Sam panicked as he looked at me.
"I can't sit here when she is going through hell," I rubbed my temples thinking of all possibilities that could went wrong. I had heard about mafia and all but never imagined my own family to be involved in that.
"I have an idea, Sadie but for that I need your help," Sam sighed.
"What is it?"
~ ~ ~
Two days ago
"Thank you for your consideration, I just...thank you,"
"A free advice, Don't fuck it up," Dante said as he escorted Olivia and Samuel out of the club. Dante knew what was happening and he was so much overjoyed with the fact. This was Silvio's way to get what he wanted. Only reason Silvio agreed to help him was because of one name he hayed most, Silas Anderson.
Dante knew wiping a gang was as easy as snapping a finger with the power Silver had. And Silvio was using his power to get to Silas.
By helping Samuel, he was going to get one step closer to his enemies.
Dante smirked as he watched Samuel's happy yet excited face.
"I won't, Mr. Adios," Samuel smiled as he walked out of the club with Olivia by his side.
Dante felt something vibrating in his pocket as he pulled out his phone and swipe to answer.
"We're done here. What's next step?" Dante said as he heard Silvio's sinister laugh from other side.
"Waiting for my dearest enemy...?" Silvio said as Dante could imagine him smirking.
"What's the saying, Dante? Yes! A bird in hand is worth two in bush," Silvio said as Dante looked at retreating figures of Olivia and Samuel.
Dante could never understand Silvio's way of playing. He was ruthless in what he did and that's what made him exquisite. Dante knew Silvio was planning something but what it was? He hadn't had an ounce of idea.
~ ~ ~
Olivia looked at road as he walked beside Samuel. Her mind was drifting back to that man who was present there.
Silvio Salvatore.
She liked the way he looked at her with those intense eyes. She could feel herself getting flushed all over by the way he licked his lips.
"Who-who was he?" Olivia asked as he looked at Samuel expectantly. She somehow wanted to know more about him.
Samuel looked at her as he grabbed her hand between his and led them on cemented footpath.
"He's Silvio Salvatore, the business...tycoon...?" Samuel found himself lying again. He wanted tell her truth but he knew the weight of truth would brush their relationship.
"I never heard of him...?" Olivia wondered why she never heard about him if he was this famous. She was also in business department. She knew various business men, Tyler mason, Stefan Lockwood, Steven Richardson but never heard about Silvio.
She heard their conversation throughout the meeting but there was only few words she could understand.
"You hiding something...?" Olivia asked as Samuel heard her defeated sigh.
"Olivia! Come on...." Samuel groaned as he slowed his pace. He didn't anted to do this again but he was left with no choice.
"What? I wanna know what you do Samuel. You can't keep lying to me about your business," she said quirking a eyebrow at him.
"It's not necessarily that simple, Olivia," he said.
"Then explain it to me!" She persisted. Samuel never told her what he did for living. Only thing she knew was that he was running a family business in their two years of relationship, she suspected several tume that Samuel was hiding something from her. But like always his answers stopped at nothing.
Samuel tightened his hold on Olivia's hand as they went to cross the road.
"That's-" Samuel went to speak when all of sudden a black jeep sped around the corner. Olivia panicked as she saw jeep not slowing down. She felt a push on her shoulder as she landed on hard road as Samuel's body collided with jeep sending him flying.
"SAM!" She screamed as she ran over to him throwing herself on the ground and picking his head up. He had few cuts on his face and head and blood was oozing out of his nose but he was still breathing.
She whipped her head towards the jeep as she growled angrily.
"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" She shouted before all four doors of jeep opened as four men in black stepped out.
She immediately froze as they needed her.
"What are you-? Get off me-!" She growled a sone of them grabbed her by both hands. She went to shout but another man injected her with injection a she felt her body falling in numbness.
She watched as men kicked Samuel's limp body before dragged her to car. She felt herself picked and place into the jeep before she knocked out.