Chapter 4
Lucas s POV
I SLOWLY tapped the cheek of the woman in front. I didn't intend to scare it before, I was just comforted to see its reaction. I know I m different, but despite that I still have a principle, and included in that principle is that I don t taste human. this is also the reason why my parents were forced to migrate here to the Philippines. Ate and I can't stand what others like us, including my Grandfather, are doing. I m not saying my parents don t, but as much as they can stop, they do it for Ate and me.
here we chose to live, in a secluded forest far away from others, where we could freely do what we wanted.
"Hey ..." I muttered between tapping the woman's cheek. One of its legs got caught in the vine earlier so it sank underground.
jez, why isn't he still waking up ?!
"Miss what ..!"
She s still not in conscious. I sighed desperately, looking at her face
"You left me no choice .." I murmured. I slowly down my face onto hers. Just a little more..
..Suddenly it opened its eyes. they almost came out when I realized that the distance between my face and his was only a handful.
I'm not going to do anything, I'll just give him CPR.
"Bastossss!" it screamed at once pushing me. It was so strong that I fell into the water.
Argh! naman!
"What the hell is wrong with you ?!" annoyed I asked him. Takti, I still drank water.
"Arrogant and rude!" its cry is also irritating. "Are you going to seduce me?"
I dunno whether to laugh or get annoyed with what I ve heard.
"Hey, uhm what s your name again? Max --- Maxine, right? "
he once mentioned his name at the grocery store but I don t know if it s correct.
"I don't love you ..." I uttered looking at her wet body. "And then look, there's no difference between your back and your future, eh .."
Well, that was lie.
he looked at himself and his eyes were so masculine when he saw the wet body. She was wearing a white cotton t-shirt so she was wearing a red bra.
I'm getting close. Does she has to storm? It s too irritating. she took off her rubber shoe and threw it on me.
"Stop it!" I reprimand. I caught his shoe.
"Manyak!" he stripped the other and threw stones at me again.
"If you don't stop, I'll really hit you." timpi ko. I caught his shoe again.
"And what are you going to do ?!"
"I'll zip your mouth."
Its eyebrows met even more I said.
"Try mixing the skin with the peel!"
I can't understand him.
"You think I'll jump for joy when you do that ?!"
Fine if he wasn't touched by what I said.
"It's not like you're so handsome, I'm going to kiss you!"
His noise. Won't he stop ?! I m so excited for pete s sake!
"Even if you're the only one left ---."
"One more word from you and I will really kiss you .." I warned him, and I mean it.
its eyes widened as it stared at me. It doesn't seem to believe what it sees. I knew it wanted to ask but it suddenly fell over. Fortunately, I caught him quickly. He made so much noise that I was forced to use my speed to approach him.
"Eh don't stop either .."
I turned violently to the back. I could hear some foot steps coming, he was not alone then. I carefully laid him on the rock, and I immediately hid in the top of a tree.
"Maxine! Where are you?" shout of a woman's voice. I can see from above that the woman I think is about the same age as Maxine.
"Maxine what --- my God, Maxine!" frantically the woman ran to where Maxine was.
"MAXINE!" call who in conjunction with a weak shake on my shoulders. I slowly opened my eyes. It was Meghan. The weird, when else has it learned to worry me? When will it get better?
"Are you okay? Does anything hurt?" worried its question. "Why are you so wet?"
I sat down. Where is that arrogant one? I was really surprised earlier. How could he get in front of me out of the water so fast ?! I didn't see him go up.
"Hey, I'm talking to you ..." Meghan whispered.
"W-have you seen a man here before?"
"Nothing. And who s that guy? "
"I don't know either ..."
"You better get up. An hour is about to run out. We haven't found any food yet. " then Meghan stood up.
Of course. I lost it in my mind.
I decided to stand up. We had to find food, but we did later.
we CONTINUE to search for Meghan. I also felt cold, because I was wet before.
"Maxine look!" Meghan suddenly ejaculated. It taught me what to do.
Waaaaaaaaaaaa! Foodnnnn!
I don't know but it's like we're themes that jump for joy. It's like seeing food for the first time ?!
Grabe naman kasi. Our Instructors are really big. Does your peg look like a Philippine survivor? When I graduate and get married to the rich I will really curse 'this camp!
"There we have lunch!" Meghan's excited language.
We approached the tree where a variety of fruits lay on banana leaves. Meghan took off the top and tied both sleeves of it.
"What are you doing?" I asked in astonishment.
"Makes it fit ..." it refers to fruits. "You undress too when we have more."
"B-we're going back to the camp area with just brazirie?"
"So? What are you, we are computer age, don't inherit. In America, women are almost ready to translate. "
I whistled and sniffed at him. "It's in America."
"Translate quickly ..! They can't get that, eh. Until they just think. Unless other wise if you are hiding something in your body .. do you have herpes? "
"Excuse me ?!" I raised an eyebrow ejaculating. even though I don't have expensive body massages, my skin is smooth.
Against the inside I took off my t-shirt. I want to tell this woman that I don't have BUNI jusmeyo!
"You're sexy, eh ..." Meghan commented looking at my body. "Infairness, your skin is smooth."
I stared at him. We picked up the fruits one by one and put 'em on our t-shirts.
"W-wait ..." Meghan whispered afterwards. It stopped picking fruit and looked at me.
"Why?" I will ask. I also stopped and faced it. the color seemed to escape its face which I wondered.
"H-can't it hurt?"
"What do you mean?"
"Think about it. Who will put that here? "
I thought about what it said.
"There can't be cannibals here!" Meghan was still terrified.
We both stared! tapos ---.
"Waaaaaaaaaahhhhh!" we screamed together while still picking up the fruits.
ALMOST everyone was in the camp area when we returned. Everyone's faces were full of comfort and admiration when Meghan and I saw each other. I just don t know if it was because of the fruits we were carrying or because we weren t wearing clothes.
"They re hot!" I heard the language of who. There are even whistleblowers.
Seriously, I seemed to be floating while walking among the clustered students included in the punishment. Meghan? as if stumbling into a pageant.
"Good job, both of you!" Miss Calupe commented through microphone. "I guess you're the only two who brought a lot."
There was applause throughout the area. but it seemed even louder when Hevo walked in my direction and took off his top.
my face.
"Wear this. You're so wet, you might get sick. " its weak language as I wear the t-shirt on my head.
"A-I'm ..." I grabbed and put down the bag. "T-thank you!"
the scent of its t-shirt. Love the smell of unfairness!
"Enough guys!" Miss Calupe scolded, because the other students were shouting. My face became hot. "Mr. Fontanella, go back to your seat. Acting like a possessive boyfriend, huh! "
Hevo followed, shaking his head.
I looked at Meghan and her looks were so teasing.
"What?" knit when I asked in a low voice.
"What?" back to its question.
"What was that look for?"
"You re blushing!" its temptation again.
"Okay participants we ll have a ten minute break. you can go back to your tent now. " dag-dag by Miss Calupe.
We are inside Meghan's tent and currently getting dressed.
"I still wonder to this day. Who put no n don .. "said Meghan. It changed short.
"I also do not know.."
"Didn't you see anyone else there?"
I stopped what I was doing and turned to Meghan.
"Why?" its question.
"No ..."
I saw nothing but arrogance.
It s impossible for that arrogant person to help me!
Still, Maxine s POV
AFTER a ten minute break we had to go back to the hall. This serves as the place where we all gather.
"Okay participants, fall in line by course ..." Miss Gillany announced. Everyone followed.
"Sit on the ground." its command again. We sat in a row on the green ground.
"Maxine, look ..." Meghan whispered from behind me. I sat next to it.
I followed its lead and caught Hevo looking in our direction. they are the first line since they are higher degree and we are the next line. It was still a bit shy to smile and simply wave.
"Looks like you're typing no'n, ah ..." Meghan teased.
I shook. "You are wrong. He was just kind to me .. "
"I don't think so ..." he shrugged. "I'll bet."
"It's up to you." I just shake. We arranged to sit down when the mic echoed.
"Good morning students!" greetings from the newly arrived Instructor. "I will be your first speaker for this morning. By the way, I am Belsie Macalisang but you can call me, Ma am Bellz .. "
It looks kind.
"Actually, I just arrived from Europe for my research yesterday. I thought I wouldn't be able to follow because I still have jet lag, but thanks to God, I made it to be here today with you guys .. "
Moments later it began to discuss.
Blah, blah, blah!
I was yawning. I don t know, but this is really the best sleeping pills for students who are lazy to listen, 'The discussion .
I looked up when I felt the object hit my head even though it didn't hurt. I saw a crushed leaf. I turned to Meghan in the back.
"You, you have no forgiveness, you can pass your stone first. We are not in school. " I sniffed at him.
"Not me." shook his head in denial and nodded in Hevo's direction so I complied. He smiled and signaled me not to sleep.
"See? He likes you .. "Meghan whispered.
I turned my attention back to Ma am, I just ignored what Meghan said.
"Okay students, that's the end of our discussion."
It was as if everyone was revived from drowsiness to what they heard.
Thank you. We can eat too. I've been hungry before!
"Have a question?" Miss Macalisang asked.
No one spoke, everyone seemed to be hungry.
"Okay .. before we finish I'll just ask .."
"Does anyone here familiar of a gray wolf?"
A few raised their hands.
Not me. I know the different races of that.
"Great. actually, that s my research study all about since I m fond of wildlife species .. "
"But do you guys believe in the existence of human wolves?" Ma am sighed again.
We face.
It looks like Ma am is hungry. Of course there is no such thing. Only in the movie do they exist.
he laughed suddenly at our reaction, but also immediately became serious.
"I know what you re thinking. But believe it or not .. they do exist. " it took what was out of the bag, a flash-drive. "Lemme show you something. This one caught my attention when I was traveling. "
"But this hasn t something to do with our topic a while ago of course. I just want to share with you what I saw. "
We all fell silent and just stared at the white cloth where the projector was focused. Everyone seemed to be interested to see what Ma am was saying.
"This picture was captured when I traveled somewhere in central Europe .." he said in the picture shown on the screen. It was taken by a woman with large scratches on her face and chest while inside the vehicle. there are also traces of cracks from the nail, perhaps the car that looks like it was made by an unusual animal. Around it were curious people.
"The woman was not alone. She s with her kid and husband when the incident happened. " Ma am continued and showed the next photo. a man not far from the car was exposed, his chest was torn, and his lower body was gone.
I bowed. I can t bear to see the picture, I feel my stomach turn upside down.
"Excuse me ..." Hevo said.
"Yes .. Mr.?"
"Hey Fontanella." introduce the latter. "You ve mentioned that she was with her husband and kid. Where is your child? "
"The child is now in the care of a hospital in central Europe. He was lucky to survive. "
"And how did you know that it was a wolf who did that?" second also to Miss Beatriz. "Maybe another animal."
"According to the child himself. He saw how the person his Daddy was talking to turned into a monster. "
"Looks like you were carried away by Ma'am's story, ah ..." Miss Gillany whispered. "Okay participants .. stand in line for lunch except for those who participated in the punishment."
"Thank you guys for listening .." Miss Macalisang whispered. "See you on my class next week. We will continue the story. "
Lucas s POV
fROM the backside of the palace, I passed tthrough the wall and went straight to the balcony on the third storey where my room is. It s past Two in the afternoon. I had fun strolling that I wasn t aware of the time.
I formed a smile as I took off my t-shirt. That woman s face reaction amused me. i don t know what made me help them find for food. It just that I had to do something when I heard them talking about it. Weird.
But darn, I didn t expect what they did.
Will you translate in front of me ..?!
Of course I was there.
suddenly, I felt a little bit fever down on my belly reminiscing the scene a while ago. Shaking my head, I decided to take a shower.
I GOT DOWN after taking a bath. I met manang Ebeth on the stairs.
"Good afternoon, Sir ..." he greeted.
I smiled in response.
manang Ebeth has been our housemate since we migrated here. And believe or not .. it knows our secret. But manang is kind and trustworthy.
"Shall I make you a cabbage salad?" manang asked. It knows that s my favorite.
"Let me.."
I CONTINUED in the kitchen. I felt hungry and I wanted to eat cabbage salad. Weird, but I guess I'm the only CANIS vegetarian.
I took the cabbage out of the fridge and the other ingredients to be used.
"Cabbage salad again?"
I stopped slicing the cabbage and looked up. It was my sister, just entering the kitchen.
"Can't you get rid of that baby brother?" its a ridiculous question.
"Stop me."
"Fine ..."
"Do you know I saw her again .." I uttered without giving her a glimpse.
"The girl at the grocery store."
"Done?" I heard her hissed under her breath. From the corner of my eye, I saw her coming closer and watched me.
"Nothing. I just comforted him. "
"Forget about her. You'll only get hurt."
I raised an eyebrow. "I did not say anything."
"That's where it's going." she insisted.
I sighed in dismay. I know I can't. But jez, I didn t say I liked that woman. All I said comforted me. Is that hard to understand? And why am I explaining anyway?
Ate put down a newspaper.
"They attacked again ..."
[Family attacked by a BEAST]
That's what is written on the page.
"I've read that ..." I replied while busy with what I was doing. The attack happened somewhere in central Europe.
"Your birthday is near.."
I stopped what I was doing and looked at Ate again.
"Lourine .. can't we live normally?" I snarled, I couldn't hide the annoyance in my voice. "Can we just forget the other CANIS and even that old hag for good?" pissed I put down the knife I was holding. "Can't believe you ruined my day."
I completely stopped what I was doing and left Ate alone in the kitchen. I hurriedly climbed back into my room.
I m not happy I ve been like this.
And for HEAVEN s sake I want to curse my origin!
To be continued...