Chapter 5
Maxine s POV
"PARTICIPANTS, no one will come out of the tent. Everyone go to sleep because we are early tomorrow. " said a voice from the megaphone, Miss Gillany.
It's past seven in the evening so it's forbidden to leave the tent. Meghan and I were both covered in blankets because of the cold. I was wearing a long -sleeved dress but I could still feel the cold biting into my body.
"Maxine ..." I heard Meghan say in a low voice. I turned my back on him. The surroundings are very quiet, only the chirping of birds and various kinds of insects can be heard.
"Hemmm ..." I muttered. I closed my eyes.
"Is what Ma'am said true?" its question. He was referring to what Miss Macalisang had said earlier.
I didn't bother to look at it. I remained turned away. I'm sleepy.
"Sure ..."
I jumped in shock when it suddenly squeezed my back.
"Isn't there something here then?" whispered the question again.
He was too exaggerated. Didn t he hear what Ma am said? In Europe.
"There is no such thing here. And then go to sleep. We are early tomorrow. "
"Why are you turning your back? Come forward. "
"I do not want." I refuse to speak slowly. "I salivate when I sleep."
As much as I said he hit me in the back, just weakly.
"Ewww, you really are Maxine. You don't look like a woman. "
I secretly smiled at my joke. he was too naughty.
"Night Meghan ..." I whispered. I was completely swallowed up by drowsiness.
SLOWLY I got up so as not to make a noise the next morning, Meghan was still asleep. I opened the tent and went out. the fug surrounded the whole area so it doubled the cold I felt. Some students also woke up. I stretched my body a little, my back was a bit sore because maybe it was cold. I closed my eyes and took a breath of fresh air.
This is life! ?
I slowly opened my eyes when I felt something land on the bridge of my nose. I smiled when I saw a butterfly .. I was almost swayed by the brightness of its color. Nice.
"W-wait ..."
The butterfly flew but did not move away. I tried to catch it but I failed. Again it flew upwards but it did not leave.
I raised an eyebrow, he wants to play?
"You're teasing huh ..." I smiled as I lifted both sleeves of my dress. This 'bubwet is challenging me.
I had so much fun following the butterfly that I didn't realize I was far from the camp area. I stood dumbfounded as I looked around, daring to see the way back. But my God, I can t even remember where I went before.
I was stunned for a moment. I hear a noise from 'not far away, the howl of an animal as if chasing something or someone. I was terribly backward. As time goes on, that voice gets louder and louder and at the same time there are footsteps that seem to be running.
I was so shocked when I saw the running pig ramo in my direction.
Out of fear, I ran away, shouting loudly, hoping that someone would hear me and help me. But even if I screamed, no one could hear me. I also don't know where I am in the forest.
But that fear only increased when I realized I had nowhere to run. I'm at the end of the abyss.
"My God ..." I sobbed. I catch my breath. I turned to the back again but the pig ramo was gone. where did it go?
** KRAKK **
Suddenly I stooped to that volume, it was too late to dodge. The part of the ground I was stepping on collapsed and at the same time it fell with me.
"Tulonggggggggg!" I shouted. I didn't fall completely because my clothes got stuck in a branch on the shore. "Help me akoooooooo!"
"My God, I don't want to die like this ..." I couldn't help but cry in fear. I could see no ground beneath my feet. only sharp rocks that I could kill when I fell.
I knew that little by little my clothes were being torn. Gradually, I began to feel numb.
"Help ..." I whispered despite the lack of hope that I would survive.
i desperately closed my eyes, and just waited for my fall. I m hopeless. My whole body was shaking. How is Mom? I can no longer fulfill my dream of giving it a good life ..
The branch rang, warning that I would fall at any moment.
but to my great surprise I slowly rose upwards. Again, I burst into tears as I opened my eyes. Finally someone heard me, someone.
"Hold on ..." said the baritone voice from above. And for a while I had no difficulty pulling it upwards. until I could feel the hard object under my feet. I am safe.
"T-thank you!" I groaned while hugging the person in front. I didn't even bother to look at his face due to a mixture of fear and regret.
"Do you plan to make a handkerchief on my chest ...?"
Suddenly, I stopped crying. I couldn t help but frown even though I still remained hugging the man. Later I heard its faint laugh.
"Having fun?" there is a sarcastic tone to its question. I looked up.
"I-you?" I exclaimed in a low voice.
Lucas s POV
SURPRISE was registered on her face as she lifted her head at me. She even gave me the look as if asking how did I get here.
I stared at her. her dress was torn causing me to see that parting covered with a rosy pink look.
"Silly, how did you get here?" I burst before she could ask, trying to ignore what I have seen.
She looked away but remained silence, seeming she doesn t want to tell.
"Hey, didn t you hear me?"
"Ku-kuwan .. k-kasi .."
I sighed. Maybe it can't get here without it.
"Say it." I commanded.
He scratched his head as if hesitant to speak.
"S-I followed that butterfly earlier .. I didn't ---."
"What ?!" I exclaimed. I could not believe what I heard. "You almost lost your life just for that damn butterfly?"
I think this woman has a problem with her head.
"Aren't you thinking or are you really not there ?!" I uttered almost yelling. I couldn t hide the irritation in my voice. Danm! i sacrificed my breakfast just to save this idiot in front of me. Just bullsh*t!
It suddenly frowned.
"I know I owe you my life, but that doesn't mean you can speak ill of me." she said, sobbing.
I still feel guilty.
"It just has to be for you to grow old. You are not on the playground. "
She took a deep breath, as if trying to calm down herself. Her eyes flashed --- with anger.
"Sorry." she said violently wiping away her tears. "I'm sorry if I bothered you. And thank you again. "
I know it s not genuine.
He passed me. I don't know, but I was found guilty while watching its back. It stopped suddenly but did not look back.
I laughed. He doesn't know the way I guess.
To my surprise, my feet automatically stepped towards her direction. he stared at me in astonishment when I stopped in front of him.
"I'm sorry ..." I apologized. I made him before he could even complain.
"W-wait, what are you doing? Take me down. "
"Don t worry. It s just fast. " my smiling response made her face blush.
I started to climb the tree and jump on its branches.
"How can you climb without difficulty ?!" she stormed hysterically.
I did not answer him. In the trees I preferred to pass to speed us up. I know I shouldn t have done 'this. But I am calm. I know we will never meet again. So she won t definitely know my SECRET.
I could feel her trembling body towards mine. She must be scared. I pulled her closer and hugged her tight. I also accelerated my pace and jumped in the trees.
after a while I saw the pitched tents. This is probably that. I decided to lower him 'not far away.
"We're here ..." I whispered and carefully lowered him.
She slowly opened her eyes and passed it around. the expression on his face lit up as the other companions looked on.
"S-thank you again ..." There was still a trace of confusion on her beautiful face.
I just answered with a smile. I know it has a lot to ask.
"I gotta go. don't turn the forest into a playground again. " I turned around and started walking away.
"W-wait ..."
I turned to him. It was still a bit shy to smile.
"What's your name..?"
I can t believe he forgot my name. Extraordinary.
"Lucas .." I answered. "Keinth Lucas Harrison."
"Thanks again." its smile and bowed its head. "I can also pay you one day .."
I did not speak. I knew we would never meet again, and there was no reason for our paths to cross again.
We turned our backs on each other at the same time.
dunno, but I can't stop the small smile from appearing on my lips.
Third person Point of view....
COM's management camp was successful. Students and some Instructors are currently back from camp.
"Hey, just wondering. Where did you go yesterday? And why are you wearing something bad? " Meghan. As usual, he and Maxine are together again. they are not separate although they are not close to each other.
"I went for a walk. How many times did you ask that question yesterday? How many times have you e-ni-re. " and Maxine. It no longer bothered to glance at the neighbor.
"Hah! you re hiding something, I knew it. " unconvinced Meghan insisted.
"You're just imagining it." Maxine leaned back in the chair and decided to take a nap.
"No ---."
"Shhh! I will sleep. " the girl even grabbed what Meghan had to say. He knew it would suck again.
"I hate you." the latter just whispered and rolled his eyes.
"Same here .." he laughed back here as well. Even she is mysterious to the man who saved her.
He knew that the first time they met the young man had not been good. he immediately judged it for its arrogance. But in what it did to save him yesterday, it is undeniable that he had a good heart despite his rudeness and arrogance.
Maxine and Beatriz arrived at the mansion at the same time. at school they were dropped off by buses and the students just commuted home .. 'the others brought the drivers or their parents.
"Wait!" and Beatriz. It turned to Maxine and crossed her shoulders.
"Why?" Maxine asked as she bit by bit the maiden boss's belongings.
"In camp I still want to do this, eh."
Maxine stared at Beatriz in surprise. And it did not expect what the maiden boss did next. It laid a hand on him. However, contrary to Beatriz's expectations she did not show any emotion.
"What's that for, Miss Beatriz?" full of Maxine's sarcastic question that made the young boss even more annoyed.
"B*tch!" Beatriz is about to slap Maxine again when ..
Both turned to the source of the voice. Mrs. Alfonzo.
"What do you think you are doing?" he asked the Son as he approached.
"Eh, that mutsa-tsang. Too much news in the camp! You'd think which princess would get a t-shirt, it looks like a rag! "
"My God, your mouth Beatriz!" hysterical rebuke of the Lady to the Son.
"What ?! my God 'Mom she s just a piece of waste .. and she doesn t deserve to be treated like ---."
Maang Beatriz stared at Ina while holding her injured cheek. Even Maxine was shocked by what the Lady did, because this was the first time she had laid her hand on the Son.
"I didn't raise you like that to be an animal!" angry language of the Lady, traces in her voice the displeasure of what the Son had done.
"You slapped me just for this damn rag?" the girl asked Mother incredulously as she stabbed Maxine.
"Even if she's just a waitress, she deserves to be treated well."
Beatriz let out a violent sigh. It could not hide the frustration with the Mother.
"How I hate you' Mom! " its weak salt then walked into the mansion.
"Be patient Beatriz, ija .." then the Lady apologized to Maxine when they were alone.
"It s okay. And then you shouldn't have done that to Miss Beatriz .. it might hurt you. "
"Let him. the tree as early as possible, the branches should be pruned so that it grows well. " said Madam and smiled sadly. "Alas, I didn't even do that to Beatriz. I spoiled him too much. Look at her now --- it's hard for her to control. "
"Your son's luck, Ma'am ..."
"Perlita is luckier than you. He supported you alone but he still raised you well. " smiling language of the Lady who even messed up the girl's hair. "By the way, how is the camp? Did you enjoy it? "
"It's okay. I really enjoy it. "
"Good to hear."
Moments later the white car stopped in front of the two. The somewhat older man came out and opened the door for the Lady. Manong Simon, the driver of the Alfonzo family.
"Osya, come in and then you can rest. I still have a walk. " said the Lady to Maxine before entering the car.
"All right. Take care." the girl waited for the old man to leave before closing the gate and then finally went inside.
Maxine s POV
I WAS still in the living room but I could smell Mom's fragrant cooking from the kitchen. I went straight to the dirty kitchen to surprise it. I saw Mom busy with what she was cooking. Smiling I approached and hugged it from behind.
"Miss you,' Mom! " I ejaculated as I hugged its back. I thought I would never see it again and embrace it like this.
"It's like we haven't seen each other for a year. Eh, you only disappeared for three days. " said Mom as she turned around. It wasn't even surprised by my presence.
"Andaya .. don't you think you're even surprised?" I sniff here.
He tasted the cooking again before speaking.
"I saw Miss Beatriz. Doesn t it seem like a good mood then? "
I shook. "I'm aware of that abnormality ..." I whispered.
"Maxine, listen to me."
I just shrugged and hugged Mom again.
even though I'm lacking in material things .. I still don't regret that Mom became my parent.
"Take a bath and get dressed ..." he said as he let go of my embrace.
"Yes!" I responded enthusiastically then went to our room. It is just next to the kitchen area.
I PLEASED to observe my own reflection in the mirror as I combed my wet hair. I was wearing a black t-shirt and shorts.
I'm beautiful, I'm sexy too .. but why don't I even have a lover ?!
Maybe it's because I don't even know how to fix it. waley also in clothing --- I only have a t-shirt and jeans.
I rummaged in the backpack where my vintage phone was kept. Limahong is still the model of that time so don't be surprised by the ringtone.
"Hello?" wrinkled when I opened. the number is not registered.
I think my forehead furrowed even more when I heard the baritone voice from the other line.
"Who is this."
"It s Hevo. "
That's great, eh!
"You called? Do you need something?" I will ask. I combed my wet hair again.
"Just want to ask if you re free tonight .."
I don t know if it s hoarse or just cute on the phone.
"Tsk, will you take me on a date?" biro ko. I don t know why I said that.
Long before it answered. I even heard its sigh.
"Is it okay?"
"Ha-ah-eh." I no longer struggle to answer. I almost let go of the cellphone I was holding.
"Don't you ..?"
I don't know if I was just imagining, but Hevo's voice was sad.
Fine, I'm assuming!
"It's not like that .. in case I don't have a formal dress, eh .."
tsk, it s embarrassing to admit but that s real talk.
"Don t worry about it. Wear what makes you feel comfortable. I won t mind. You look beautiful no matter what you wear, eh. "
I think my ear is three inches wide. This is the first time a man has praised me. My God.
"Okay ..."
"Thanks. I ll pick you up at Seven. Bye "
"Bye .."
A few minutes passed before I finally hung up the phone. I have a date. I must be excited but it seems normal? Where do I usually read in books?