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Chapter 5: If Marrying You Was a Mistake

Maliyah was shocked that I proposed a divorce.

Since the Barton family was bankrupt, my marriage to the Navarro family was an act of hypergamy.

"Selena, don't ever mention divorce again."

"Bridger never loved me." Besides, my body was now impure.

When Maliyah heard this, she looked displeased. "You've been married to Bridger for half a year, and yet you haven't conceived. How can a husband and wife sleep in separate rooms? Selena, men need to be seduced. With you like this, it's no wonder Bridger doesn't pay you notice!"

"Aunty Maliyah, you've heard it yourself. He already has a child with that woman. I'm the outsider," I said. "And since Bridger hates me, I don't wish to sabotage their happiness."

The moment I finished speaking, Maliyah's expression shifted.

"Utter nonsense! The reason why Bridger has a mistress is because you can't keep him. Being able to marry our Bridger is a blessing. Since the Old Mrs. Navarro had instructed you to marry Bridger, then you must fulfil your duty. Helping your husband become the heir of the Navarro family is your responsibility," she said, turning to leave.

My mind was in a whirl.

Marriage. Treating me with care. Illusions, all of it.

I must divorce him. This marriage must end!

Maliyah picked up her purse, wiping the displeasure off her face. Reverting to that dignified demeanor of hers, she said evenly, "The illegitimate son of the Navarro family's master returned to the country two days ago. Who knows what will happen then. If you dare to cause a stir during this time, your father can forget about obtaining a single cent from Bridger."

Done speaking, Maliyah left the hall.

I wiped off the tears in my eyes. Sucking up the pain in my body, I went upstairs.

For my mother's and younger brother's sake, this grief was nothing.

Two hours passed. Uncle Alberto told me to go to the hospital.

I asked Uncle Alberto what was up.

Uncle Alberto merely told me with a serious look on his face that he didn't know, and that it was an order from the young master.

I was bewildered, but still hurried to the hospital. Bridger's personal driver led me into the ward.

"Selena Barton, you murderer!" Jennifer lay on the bed in a hospital gown, looking as frail as could be. At the sight of me, she sat up, seemingly wanting to slice me up into a thousand pieces. "You b*tch! You've killed my child. You murderer! My child was only four months old. How could you bear to kill a four-month-old? You've killed Bridger's and my child..."

Jennifer wept and yelled incoherently.

Before I had the chance to speak, Bridger kicked me in the stomach. I was fortunate that we were in the VIP ward. His kick had made me fall on a sofa.

"I told you, Selena. If anything happened to Jennifer, I'd never let you go. Why couldn't you talk to us, why did you hit her? And since you like to hit people, then don't blame me for this." His tone was fierce and his movements were aggressive.

Was he going to kill me?

All my hope vanished. I felt a chill in my heart and shut my eyes.

"What did I ever do wrong?" I asked, bearing the pain. My body trembled. "If marrying you was a mistake, then we should divorce."

I smiled bitterly at Jennifer, who was lying on the bed with her tangled mess of long hair. She stared at me with a grim look on her face. "Ms. Atkinson, you've really gone to great lengths trying to drive me off. Liars get their tongues cut off. Best be careful when you go out."

Jennifer didn't seem to expect that I would say such things, and was stunned. Then she jumped off the bed, rushing over. How could a woman who had just miscarried be so agile?

She clutched at my collar, wailing hysterically with reddened eyes. The buttons on her hospital gown were not all buttoned, exposing half of her neck. A trail of hickeys could be seen.

"You b*tch! She-devil! Murderer!" she yelled as she hit me, still gripping my collar. The angelic beauty from earlier in the day had now turned to a crazed woman.

She raised a fist, preparing to strike me. On instinct, I dodged. She lost her balance and fell onto the floor.

"Do you wish to face your death, Selena Barton?" Bridger shoved me, then hurriedly helped Jennifer up.

Jennifer sobbed. "Bridger, please file a report against her. She's killed our child! The doctor said that I have trouble conceiving, and that the odds of me being pregnant are infinitesimally small. And now she... she's... Bridger, I don't want to see her again. She's a murderer. Witches like her should be jailed!"

"Alright, I will report her. Do rest and don't cry anymore," Bridger said gently as he carried Jennifer back to the bed. Then he grabbed my collar, saying harshly, "We'll take this outside."

I was dragged out of the ward.

Bridger's expression was rigid. "You can't divorce me yet. For now, I will let Jennifer live in the house. You can stop being an eyesore and pack your things. I'll get my driver to send you off to Andercus Chateau for a while."

He was forcing me to a corner, making me unable to escape.

And now, he had the audacity to say things like this.

Bridger had a death grip on my wrist. It hurt so much.

I looked up, meeting his gaze. There was no fear in my eyes as I spat, "I will hire a lawyer myself. We will divorce tomorrow."

He was used to behaving like a gentleman, speaking and acting in dignified fashion. But right now, coldness flashed across his grim face. He tightened his grip on my wrist, saying harshly, "I don't agree to the divorce. Don't you dare even think of it."

"We will divorce!" My mind was made up.

He clamped a hand around my throat and held up his left fist, intending to hit me.

I didn't even bother to struggle, shutting my eyes in surrender.

But the blow never came.

I opened my eyes.

Before me was a man with a large frame dressed in a grey suit. He had caught Bridger's hand mid-air.

My gaze panned up, getting a clear view of his face.

Was it him?

It felt like I had been struck by lightning.

It was the b*stard who had robbed me of my virginity in the hotel!

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