Chapter 7
After what I saw earlier, I tried to review my notes but nothing entered my mind. My mind is occupied by the things between Baki and Jas. I can't control not to compare myself with that girl. I didn't know her very well but I know I have nothing compared to her especially about Jas. I may look desperate, but I want Jas to stay and love me back. I know, this is to fast and to early. Love doesn't matter in age, isn't it. I am now seventeen and mature enough. I know the differences between love and infatuation. I know myself and this the first time that I felt this kind in person. It's only been a few days since our paths met and as time goes on I don't want to lose him anymore. There is no certainty of everything but I want to make sure I won"t lose him. I made the right decision to shift my schedule to the night so that we could spend more time together. For the time being, I must persuade myself not to think about what I witnessed earlier.
I need to be pleased because Jas is glad to be with Baki, even though I wasn't the one who was with him.
That is the genuine meaning of love; you do not have to be selfish and let the person you love to engage that make him or her happy.
Yet, especially with Baki, I cannot swear that I will always be tolerant.
I'm aware that she doesn't perceive Jas as a friend, so I'm not going to let him defeat me.
I'd like to put a limit on all of her acts and gestures, and I'm not sure how I can do it that way.
I awoke the next day to the sound of my phone.
Because I didn't set the alarm because I was in night class, I was perplexed when my phone rang.
0992 ******* calling ... I swipe the answer button and wait for the caller to speak. "Good morning, Miss Trivor," says the speaker.
"Yes? My name is Elanor Geove Trivor, and who is this?" I asked, my tone sleepy.
"Oum, this is Mrs. Fancy Clifford, the dean of Cannard University's former secretary."
I sat up in bed in horror as soon as I heard that.
I also turned up the level of my phone volume so I could hear what she was saying well.
"Hello, what can I help you with?"
"I'm sorry, Miss Trivor, but the changes you requested in your schedule have been canceled. You have already started the schedule, and if you change it, more things are going to change in the record.
As the call ended, I just shrugged my shoulders and gasped. I lay down on the bed once more, oblivious to the fact that I would be late for class.
It was fine in my thinking. Life is so incredibly unfair to us.
How will I be able to keep my promises?
How can I going to take care of him?
How can I know everything about him?
What time can I gamble just to be with him?
Our world and time are diametrically opposed.
I rest the time he is free not to hide in the corner of his room. What other choices do I have? Someone is waiting and hoping for me, so I must accept and fight.
It was clear to me at that point that I was here to study.
To please my father and not to ruin the trust of my guardians, Auntie and Uncle. But now I'm perplexed. I wasn't sure what I should prioritize first.
This isn't where I expected to be.
I never expected to be in a situation where I might consider ditching school because of the love I have for him. Everything in this world is unpredictable, and you never know when, where, or with whom it will happen.
In the middle of my thoughts, my phone suddenly flashed.
I'm getting a notification that someone has texted me. When I opened it, I was surprised to see the unexpected text.
From: Jasper no longer a stunt
El, have a wonderful day.
You do well in class.
:> I'll see you later.
"When did I receive his phone number?" I asked myself.
Oh, I recall him asking for my phone number.
He took my phone and put his number on it as well.
Why don't I have any idea?!
And his phone number name, Jasper no longer stunt makes my lips curve.
The huge weight I was carrying dissipated almost instantly as a result of that text.
This is ridiculous, and I already appear insanely in love with him.
What can be done to avoid this?
I've been engulfed in bad thoughts lately, but I'm starting to sense the need to get up and move on again.
I'm not sure how he did it.
He has a strong influence on me, and I'm not aware why.
That is the primary basis for my feelings for him.
He made me happy, and while I was with him and talking to him, I forgot about my problems.
He's the one I'd describe as serene.
I wasn't continuing to waste any more time.
I immediately showered and dressed in my uniform.
I had just eaten an oat meal and run on to the bus station.
Because I arrived late, I was able to catch up in the second batch of the flag ceremony, and when it was over, I almost rushed along the corridor.
Our teacher was already in the room teaching the first subject contemporary arts when I arrived.
Ma'am came to a halt in her discussion, and all of my classmates fixed their focus on me.
"G-good morning, Ma"am. Sorry, I am late," I apologized.
I am thankful that CONTEM is our first subject because she is the youngest teacher at CU. She was kind and close to everyone so I knew she wouldn't be upset that I was late. "Miss Trivor, this is your first time being late; may I ask as to why?" she asked, smiling.
As I stood in the doorway, she continued, "By the way, you can have your seat."
I started to step and at the same time the suggestion of one of my classmates. "That is the effect of having a late night talk, Ma"am!" "She had a darling time! Hopefully all!" One of my classmate followed. "Prayer reveals how gained love from Ivan Gil Clifford!"
I heard those statements as I walked towards my seat; everyone was yelling and teasing me without knowing the truth. Are their minds really that shallow? Do they believe what their eyes see? What a bizarre society!
I just shrugged it off and sat back in my chair as if nothing had occurred.
Ma'am too was smiling and seemed puzzled by the stories my classmates were inventing.
"Quiet, class," she said, and the room fell silent, but she didn't look away. "Is it true?" she asked.
The class erupted in applause once more. They were all cheerful and excited.
Except for myself and the person who sat next to me, she has that nerdy style and appears to be afraid of me.
"No, Ma'am," I replied, "what they're claiming isn't true."
She approached her because she didn't seem to hear me.
She shut off the noise and signaled for me to repeat what I had said earlier.
"No, Ma'am. What they are saying is not true." After saying those words, my classmates whispered with each other. "I'm sorry if I didn't stop them sooner; are you upset? Don't worry, Miss Trivor; this won't happen again." I can feel her sincerity in her eyes, and I can't blame her for what my classmates have done.
I simply smile, and he reciprocates.
She swung around and resumed her previous position.
She began to continue the lecture until recess.
I just got yakult and lemon square during our snack break.
My table has no other people at it, and it is near to the buyer's line.
I overheard something about me by chance and couldn't stop myself from listening.
Their voices sound familiar, and when I peek at them in private, I notice that they are all my classmates.
"You know what, at first I was blown away by Elanor; she's stunning and intelligent."
"You're right, girl; that's why, even though I have a crush on Ivan, I'm not against him when he's around her; they appear to be a cute couple; nevertheless, when I heard what she said in class earlier, I couldn't help but be irritated at her!"
"Who is she to say no to Ivan?" Almost every girl on our school want to be noticed by Ivan!"
"She has no right to act as a domineering
queen, despite her intelligence. Yes, she is attractive, but I believe this is due to the fact that her skin tone is not dark.
What do you think?"
"I agree with you.
Her face is large, and her lips are little, just like Tweety's."
"I thought she was nice. In our class, she is very quiet.
I also intend to invite her to our group so that we won't have trouble answering our quizzes and tests."
"How about we do it? Even Ivan's circle of friends will be with us when that happens!"
"Oh my gosh, this is so exciting!" I stood up and walked up to them.
We're also separated by some distance, so I'm confident they don't see me.
When I got close enough in front of them, I could see the look of surprise on their faces.
"Are you my classmates, aren't you? Come on, sit there," I said as I pointed to my seat.
"Let's have a snack together," I added, smiling as I look the three of them.
"How long are you there?" one of them ask, obviously nervous.
I lied and said, "Huh? I just arrived. Come with me, don't be shy."
They won't believe I haven't heard if they're not dumb.
From their conversation even I did not heard at first, it will still be known that they are fake. "All right, Elanor, we won't refuse." She smiled and sat down at the same time, causing her two companions to follow her.
Oh, just like I said, it's so obvious that their heads are empty of anything but pure air.
This is likely to be the most memorable day of the month.
"It's my treat," I said, "what do you want for a snack?"
"Woah, you're simply not smart, Elanor. So polite and friendly too," one exclaimed as I pulled out a card from my wallet.
"Elanor is too lengthy; just call me El,"
And, as I had predicted, they did indeed order the more expensive ones.
But that's fine.
I'm confident that I'll be able to pay it.
They were solely interested in their parents' occupations, such as bags and clothes labels, which I couldn't keep up with while we were eating. They are the only ones who understand and I will just pretend to listen to them. I"m not interested in anyone. I am here to play with them because this is what they want.
"El, do we have a quiz in PreCal later?" one inquired as she wiped tissue from her mouth.
"Yes, we have a long quiz for identifying famous areas," I replied, while I awaited them to open something.
"Are you reviewing, El?" "Would you please provide us a copy of your answers?"
And this is what I'm looking forward to.
"Of course, why not? We're friends now." They both nodded enthusiastically. "Come on, let's go back to the room." We stood up and when I got to the door of the cafeteria , I let them know I was going to the comfort room.
I now stand in front of the mirror, staring at myself.
My bravery and intelligence were clear in my eyes.
Defiant and unpretentious, but most importantly, fearless
"Get ready, bitches; you don't know who the real me is; no one does; even I don't know who I am."