Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 3

Heather's POV:

It was so dangerous, I couldn't even imagine what this pervert was going to do to me. I didn't dare to stay in the cedar grove any longer and ran out in the other direction.

I turned back the way I came, not daring to stop the whole way. When I got back to the lounge, my foster parents were standing inside with Principal Smith. "She's not going to run away, is she? Oh my God, she mustn't do that!" My foster mother's anxious voice reached my ears.

This is the first time that my foster mother has shown such an expression because of me, as if what ran away was her most important treasure. I was a little excited, stopped entering and hid behind the door to peek.

"Stupid woman, don't be ridiculous, she wouldn't dare to run away!" The foster father pressed his eyebrows down and pinched the foster mother hard, he looked curtly at the principal and said, "She definitely wouldn't dare to escape, don't you worry, or follow what we just agreed."

"Sure, let me see that kid first. If she's really as pretty and well-behaved as you say she is, she can get a lot out of this place if I teach her well." The old man on the side chuckled, his voice raspy.

The speaker is Principal Smith, he has a head of white hair, looks at least seventy years old, head covered with a felt hat, and a pipe in his mouth, when talking like to squint and smile, the commission of the eyes through the shining, discomforting.

The look was like a big bad wolf waiting for its prey.

I shook off those strange thoughts and looked at my parents' anxious looks for me, which made me smile and run in, "Mom, I'm here, I just ......"

"Slap!" Before I could finish my sentence, my father rushed up and gave me a slap. My face was knocked to the side, and I saw my father raise his arm again, and I craned my neck in fear.

"Okay, honey, stop fighting, the principal has to look at her face!" The foster mother stepped forward and stopped him, looking equally bad.

"Heather, you brought this on yourself, it's your first day of school and you're so disobedient, it's so unforgiving, you better give us a reasonable explanation." She accused me discontentedly.

Three pairs of eyes looked at me at the same time, and although my mother wanted me to explain, I knew that admitting fault at such times was much more useful than explaining.

"I was wrong, mother, father, please forgive me." I covered the cheek that had been hit and hung my head and said in a muffled voice, my voice trembling a little from aggression.

"You should admit your mistake to the principal, who promised to give you a tuition waiver, and you should express your apologies to the principal, ask for his forgiveness and give thanks." My foster mother kept winking at me.

President Smith is going to give me a tuition waiver?

I looked at the principal in surprise, he gave me a smile, and I immediately bent down to apologize in a bureaucratic manner, "Sorry, Principal Smith, I accidentally got lost just now, I hope you can forgive me for my rudeness."

The principal laughed cheerfully, and his throat made a ho-ho sound, as if he had a mouthful of old phlegm stuck in it. He pinched my arm with his old, dry hands and said to me affectionately, "It's okay, my good boy, there will be time to visit the school later. As long as you do well in school, there will be more benefits to come to you."

His tone and smile were odd, as well as his behavior was uncomfortable. No principal would be this close to a student, and it was not a safe distance.

"I see, principal, can you step back a little?" I tried to break free from his grip, but he held on to my arm and wouldn't let go.

"Your name is Heather, right? What a beautiful child." Principal Smith released his grip on my arm, but the hand was immediately placed back on my face, and he gently stroked my cheek, sweat standing up where it had been touched.

I felt so nervous and uncomfortable that I couldn't help but raise my hand to open it, but Principal Smith grabbed my hand again, his hazel eyes fixed on me, his body pressing closer and closer to me: "Good boy, what do you want? Don't resist me."

I smelled his disgusting tobacco smell and I was literally fainting from the smell, which was worse than falling into a cesspool.

As I was about to resist once more, he suddenly held me in his arms, and to my horror, I perceived a hard object against my thigh, and my eyes widened as I struggled violently, "Get off, get off, you old rascal!"

The principal's strength was amazing, I couldn't push him at all, and such behavior made him more excited instead. He strangled my waist and whispered excitedly in my ear, "Good girl, don't be afraid, you're so beautiful! The principal just wants to hug you!"

"Mom, come and help me, he's an old rascal!" I looked to my adoptive parents, who were standing by, and cast them a look of help.

The foster parents looked at us in alarm, their eyes dodging, and my foster mother quickly said to me, "Heather, have a nice chat with the principal and we'll wait outside!"

After that, they left the lounge and closed the door behind them. I stared incredulously at the direction they left, finally realizing their true colors, and was overwhelmed with despair and grief.

I thought I had secured a new life for myself, but I never thought I would fall into another hell. I didn't understand why my adoptive parents were so cruel. Since they didn't love me, they shouldn't have picked me up and brought me home.

I was pushed onto the couch and the disgusting old man slipped his hand up my skirt as he stroked my thighs with his large dry hand. I shuddered uncontrollably but gradually stopped struggling and fixed my gaze on the corner of the table not far from me.

It was a very sharp corner of the table, and if I had used all my strength to rush over it, it could have all been over.

Principal Smith turned his head in horror, astonished, as if he had seen death. The woman gave him a slap on the face and proceeded to rip him away from me, and Principal Smith fell to the floor in a heap, rolling halfway around before stopping.

"Honey, why are you here? Give me a break, it's a misunderstanding!" Principal Smith raised his hands above his head, fearfully shielding his face.

"You fucking scum, scum! I should really beat you to death!" The lady kicked the principal a few more times hard, but the principal didn't dare to resist or hide at all.

The lady was wearing a dark blue suit and a wrap-around skirt of the same color, with a pair of high heels under her feet. She looked very elegant, although the fine lines on her face and silver hair highlight its age, but also can be seen in her features when she was young and ravishing.

I stood against the wall with my hair in disarray, looking blankly and dumbly at the turn of events before me. Fortunately, I was saved, and I should have escaped immediately. But I thought of my indifferent foster parents still standing outside, and lost the courage to escape.

A chaotic scene ended with the otherwise scenic Principal Smith on the floor, afraid to move, and the lady stepping on his back in a triumphant manner, taking a few breaths, then looking at me and asking, "You're the new student?"

I looked at her timidly and didn't say anything.

"Don't be afraid, child, I'm this scumbag's wife and I won't let him hurt you again." The lady reassured me and said, with a kind smile on her face, "Those are your parents out there, aren't they?"

"No, they're my foster parents." I whispered, having learned her identity, I let my guard down with this lady, with her the principal should have no chance to violate me again.

"What a poor kid." She looked at me compassionately, "You can choose to leave, or you can continue to go to school here, and I'll waive your tuition, as long as you don't tell anyone about this, okay?"

I looked at her in amazement, I certainly wouldn't tell anyone about such an embarrassing incident, and it would be better if I never saw that old rascal again. I don't know how many people in this school have been subjected to such abuse. Maybe I should leave here immediately, but if I walk out now, I'll just have to follow my foster parents back to the town of Sfield and be given to the captain.

The lady waited patiently for my answer, and after a moment's hesitation, I made a voice from my throat with difficulty: "Thank you, I would like to stay."

After my answer, the lady told me that her name was Jenny and she was the vice principal of the school, which was originally founded by her father and later given to Smith. although she knew that her husband was always molesting students, she had no way to send him to jail and could only try to stop it from happening.

After that, Principal Jenny took me out of the lounge, and my foster parents were still waiting outside. When they saw Principal Jenny, they looked a little embarrassed, and apparently they had heard those words.

My adoptive parents thought the plan was a bust and were ready to take me away. jenny stopped them and said she could finance my schooling if they wanted. Their ultimate goal was for me to find a rich man at school, and they had allowed Principal Smith to bully me in order to save on tuition, and now that the plan hadn't changed, of course they were happy to do so.

Principal Jenny took me to the classroom where the students were dressed beautifully, and there was a clear difference between those luxurious fabrics and the linen I was wearing. The moment I stepped into the classroom, they all looked over at me with smiles on their faces, but their eyes weren't friendly.

After that, Principal Jenny and the foster parents both left. The adoptive parents kept winking at me before they left, and I couldn't stand the way they looked at me anymore, and I felt ashamed to think that all they wanted was for me to seduce men. I avoided their eyes and hurriedly found a seat.

Strangely enough, as I sat in this empty seat, there was some chatter around me, mixed with a few snickers, which made me feel a little uneasy. Did I take someone else's seat? I took a quick glance into the belly of the table and found a black school bag tucked inside.

Oh, this is terrible, I've taken someone else's seat! The teacher had already started the class, so I didn't dare to move my seat, so I waited anxiously for the class to end. I prayed in my heart that the owner of this seat would come back later. Thinking that someone else might tell that person about it, I started praying again that it better be a classmate with a good temper.

But this hope is very slim, because until now, I haven't met a single friendly person in this school. Even for the girls, their eyes are full of malice.

I listened restlessly to the teacher and tried to keep my mind on the textbook.

"Bang!" As I finally focused on the class, the back door slammed open and the entire classroom suddenly went silent. Everyone's attention was drawn to it, and I looked over in shock.

A scruffy man stepped in. The man was so tall that he had to bend over to get in, and was wearing dark colored clothes and pants that looked very baggy.

He has a messy black curly hair, long to the neck, with a thick beard around his mouth, I do not know how long it has not been cleaned. His eyes were night-like black, and although he made no expression, there was an air of fury in them.

The chatter of classmates and familiar snickers rang out around me again. I suddenly reacted that this man might be the owner of this seat.

Damn, he's coming towards me!

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