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Chapter 5 I Don't

"Ms. Stephenson, please get in the car." The man's words pulled me back to reality.

After I entered the car, my manager jogged over, saying, "Haylie, just go. You don't have to worry about work. Your salary will not be deducted."

His flattering words made me even extremely uncomfortable because he usually treated me differently. Perhaps he thought that Corey and I were close, so he would be losing out if he didn't gain my favour.

The driver was a tall, handsome man who looked like he was in his thirties. Clad in a very classic suit, he had been looking at me through the rear mirror. "My name is Michael Robinson, and I am working for the fourth brother."

I couldn't help but ask, "Hello. May I ask if Mr. Corey Guzman is the fourth brother you're talking about?"

He looked back at me in surprise. "You didn't know?"

Was I supposed to know that from the start?

Sensing my confusion, he explained, "Mr. Guzman is the fourth brother in his family. Therefore, he is known as the respected fourth brother in Los Angeles. Only a few people call him by his name."

After making a soft sound of acknowledgement, my mind began to run wildly again. How could my child be Corey's? I didn't even know him before this, so how could I be pregnant with his child?

Perhaps he was not the same person Jaycob was talking about?

After all, the population of Los Angeles exceeded ten million. Therefore, many people were the fourth son in their families. The 'fourth brother' that Jaycob was talking about was probably not Corey.

But in my heart, a voice said, "If the fourth brother exists, I hope he is Corey."

I felt ashamed for having such an idea. We lived in separate worlds. How could I even think of that?

By the time I came to my senses, we arrived at the destination.

In front of me were several greyish-white buildings constructed in the style of European architecture. They were built on the mountain that lay before my eyes, and I had seen pictures of them on the Internet before.

As it looked like the White House, netizens called it the "Los Angeles White House". However, there was no clear answer to who the house belonged. The people on the Internet only knew that it was the private home of a rich man in Los Angeles.

The lawn of the Los Angeles White House was as large as a football field, and it was decorated with many floral arches. In the centre of the field, many rows of white chairs were neatly arranged. Behind a makeshift stage was a big screen, which was announcing a wedding I was all too familiar with.

No matter how stupid I was, I could tell that Corey's wedding would take place here. It turned out that he was going to get married that day.

However, why would he call me over when he was about to get married?

Michael led me to the last row and sat me down, telling me not to go anywhere.

After sitting there for a few minutes, I began to feel frightened and uneasy. I wanted to run away, but I hadn't seen Corey yet, and I still needed him to help me find Luke.

The guests began to arrive one after another, all dressed up for the occasion.

Dressed in my work uniform with my greasy hair and dull-looking skin, I grew increasingly restless. After all, I was sitting among very high-profile people.

Such a high-end occasion was really not suitable for me, especially in my current state.

Finally, I couldn't stand it any longer. I stood up and prepared to sneak away.

However, two men clad in suits quickly approached me. They told me that the fourth brother had asked them to take good care of me, so they instructed me to return my seat so that I didn't make things difficult for them.

I could tell that 'taking good care of me' meant that they were supposed to keep an eye on me to prevent me from leaving.

I squirmed uneasily. What was Corey trying to do?

Just as I was formulating my escape plan, applause and cheers filled the air. Corey walked out of the White House. Beside him was his bride, who was clad in a white wedding gown and her arm was linked with his.

Wedding music began to play as the applause continued. The bride looked very happy. She waved to the guests frequently as they slowly walked to the stage.

The host of the wedding was the most popular anchor of the Los Angeles TV station, and the officiant was even more impressive. He was the deputy mayor of Los Angeles County.

The wedding procession unfolded without any abnormalities. Both parties gave their speeches and all kinds of teasing remarks were made. Finally, the important part of the wedding had come. The officiant asked the bride, "Do you Emmy Brennan take Corey Guzman to be your lawfully wedded husband? To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, in good times and not so good times, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself unto him for as long as you both shall live?"

The bride's smile was so sweet that it made others envious. "I do."

Then, the officiant turned to ask the groom the same question. Just when everyone thought that the groom would also answer "I do", the groom fell silent, surprising everyone.

Silence filled the air. Although everyone was staring at the groom, he was still silent. He slowly turned from the bride to face the audience.

My heart began to beat wildly again because his gaze was in my direction. Then, he slowly said, "I don't."

The crowd burst into an uproar.

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