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Chapter 6 Mayhem


SOAKED TO THE SKIN, I run as fast as my legs can carry me. My dress clings to me like a second skin and I feel my dripping hair stick to my forehead, cheeks and nape.

I just knew she won't be happy for me. But I didn't know her envy ran so deep that she unleashed a storm and in the Torrid Season! What would the people say? Would people suspect her? The stupid girl is going to get herself hanged if she doesn't control her witchcraft.

My heart is beating as loud as the talking drum and my legs wobble under me. I have to reach the market as soon as possible, I have to tell my parents that Isla is responsible for the rain. I know they already suspect her but I have to let them know that I was there, I saw Isla do it. In fact, she did it on my account.

A few people are running back from the market, no one gives me so much as a glance. Mothers carry their babies strapped to their backs, fathers carry their goods and they run home. I mentally shake my head, do they think that they'll be safe from witchcraft in their homes?

I run a few metres and hear ear-splitting screams coming my way. A wiry barefooted woman with bloody ripped clothes is running my way with full speed. Her eyes are so huge they are almost falling out of the sockets and She screams hysterically. She collides into me, making me fall to the ground as easily as a rag doll.

"They have burnt our market! Go back! Go back!" Her screams fill the air as she runs away with a backward glance.

Her words sends an icy chill down my spine. Who has burnt our market? What is she talking about?

I jump to my feet and continue running. The further I go, the more I see frightened people with torn and bloody clothes running from the market. No one said a word to me, a fee gave me terrified glances but no one else warned me. I can hear rumblings, screaming and... neighing?

It sounds like a stampede is going on just ahead. I gulp.

That woman had said our market has been burnt down but by whom? And why? Something inside me tells me to stop and turn back. Somehow I know whatever lies ahead would be nothing good. But I defy the voice in my head and I edge forward. Just a few steps and I'll see the market stalls. Just a few steps and I'll see mother and father and tell them—

I come to an abrupt halt as soon as I see the first stalls in the market.

Chaos. Mayhem.


Smoke is rising in long ribbons to the angry sky and the remnants of burnt woods is everywhere. The stalls are nothing but piles of ash on the grounds. The fire had been fierce, I can tell but Isla's storm had put it off.

Her face came to my mind once I comprehend what's going on; people are running and screaming from demons on horseback. The demons wear gold masks which only have holes for their eyes. I see some demons load cages holding people captive like animals onto carts. What's happening? What have we done to deserve this? Where are our soldiers? I'm sure this is a surprise attack but why? Is this my end? I begin to hyperventilate but I summon all my strength not to pass out or fall and weep

In panic, I run to the burnt remains of my parents' stall, if I'm to die without seeing my family for the last time then I'll at least die in a place that is connected with them but a sharp pain stops me half way, I scream and sink to my knees. Pain creeps up my spine and spread round my body from the top of my head to the tip of my toes within the blink of an eye. I do all I can not to writhe in response to the unimaginable torment I'm suffering.I can feel my dress cling to my back as it is soaked with warm liquid which can only be one thing.


A horse neighs thunderously and comes charging at me, the demon on its back is holding a bow and arrow and pointing it at me. My heart thumps wildly as if it is about to break out of my chest. I shut my eyes not wanting to see the arrow's projectile as it sinks into my chest.

The thud and pounding of the hooves grows loudly matching the earthquake that vibrates under me as the horse and it's rider comes closer. I feel a huge swoosh of air on my face—


My eyes open against my will to the voice of the one my heart beats for.

I'll know that proud stallion anywhere and the handsome brothers who sit on it like royalty are not strangers to me.

My betrothed leans down to grab me, the flying arrow embeds itself into his stomach.

"Cirok!" The sob catches in my throat as I see Cirok's body somersault from the bestial stallion and the stallion disappears from sight not before I catch Cerrik's backward glance. I can't believe he's leaving us here, he's a traitor!

Cirok lays on the bloody ground that is soaked with the blood of hundreds of people. Around us, there is chaos and confusion and death. But I don't hear it, nothing exists but us.

His face is damp and clammy but he smiles and it breaks my heart to see him in so much pain.

"There's an arrow sticking out of your back," he chuckles making me scared and confused. A tear escapes my eyes and roll down my cheek.

This is not how we are supposed to end, this is not how I pictured my day. The sobs break free and grow louder yet it's inexistent in this world of madness.

How can Cirok joke when we are inevitably going to die? My only joy is that I'm blessed to see him one last time before I'm mercilessly snatched by Death's cold hands.

"There's one sticking out of your stomach," I point out amidst sobs. I bow my head and let the tears flow freely, I'll die weeping for my betrothed.

He chuckles again then his face suddenly grows dark and serious," I'll always love you, Mavli. I came to find you and I'm happy to see you before I die." His dirty, sweaty hand cups my cheek and he stares intently into my eyes.

A yelp escapes me as the arrow is yanked out of my back. The pain is excruciating and my eyes roll back in their sockets. The golden mask makes an ugly noise as it picks me up by the arm and throws me into a cane cage.

"Cirok!" I will my last strength to scream out for him. The door of the cage is slammed in my face and the demon laughs throwing it's head back. Cirok is lifted up by another demon and his limp body is tossed into another cage.

My cage is lifted by a couple of the demons and placed into a cart. The rider whips the horses and the cart starts moving fast as we leave the market behind.

My eyes become heavy and the earth starts to spin fast and colours melt into each other and blurs appear in the midst of disorder and confusion.

In between the time the demon laughs at me and I let myself be carried seduced onto the solace of darkness and oblivion, I weep for my sister. I weep for Isla, the only companion I've had since my birth. I know Isla is safe. I know that her powers will save her from the raid of the demons upon our kingdom.

I only wish that I see her again. I only wish that I reunite with my sister, my Isla.

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