Chapter 2

Carl's locks were moving chaotically as he walked with his lunch box heading to the back garden by himself as usual..

Carl is in a private school for boys only, the reason for this is his father's strong desire to stay away from the opposite sex so that he does not fall in love!

His relationship with everyone is calm and formal, with the highest grades in school!

He looked at a group of students looking at a paper hanging on the wall, he was curious about this gathering, so he kept contemplating them while he was eating his food, and when he finished he stood and walked towards them, and they automatically gave him the way to look at the hanging paper..

The paper was an advertisement for a competition for the best painting by students of the Painting Club.

Size" 60cm x 50cm

on the canvas "canvas"

It doesn't matter what kind of canvas you will draw, the evaluation will only be on the quality of the coloring and the hue.

Delivery" Tomorrow!!

" Carl, you are first in everything! Try painting!"

"It's true Carl, you are the number one player in basketball, in grades, and even in the behavior file!"

He looked at the students he didn't know! He smiled a little nervously.

Then he walked away, as if to escape from them.

He arrived at the basketball arena to start playing until the other club students joined him..

He ignored those gazes that were piercing him by Rex but he was threatening him inwardly!

Especially since he hears on the streets about Carl's older brother!

The problem is also that his name matches Carl's name exactly and the rumor has spread throughout the school, especially since Carl is famous therefore any news about him will be spread quickly!

He raised his hand to throw the ball into the basket, but his eyes widened and the ball fell to the ground and echoed down the hall before his classmates gathered around him. He crouched with his right wrist in terrible pain, and ended up in the school clinic.

The lesson began and the students felt Carl's absence, and the teacher noticed their gestures until Rex raised his hand and the teacher allowed him to speak..

"Professor, my brother Carl, is in the clinic. I'm going to check on him, can I?"

"Yes, you can, but don't be late."


He stood outside for the school clinic.

Carl was lying on the bed, clearly tired, his forehead sweating and he was breathing hard.

The pain in his wrist was severe, he put his left palm on his face while the doctor gently pressed his right wrist..

Carl looked into the doctor's eyes, his eyes were so black he could hardly see the pupil, he was wearing glasses, he had dark black hair, and his features were very serious, he didn't look very old, he was in his thirties.

"Doctor.. what exactly is wrong with my hand?"

"It just happened all of a sudden right? While she was playing, she didn't twist or something, but..."

"but what?"

"Want to know?"

He said vaguely while Carl's expression rose in surprise, the doctor pressed Carl's wrist tightly, a groan on his face.

"What are you doing! Are you a doctor!?" He said it in panic while the doctor brought his face close to him and muttered words Carl didn't hear very well...


Inside Rex said it in a loud voice and then ran towards the doctor and didn't seem to be moved by this wind like it was nothing.

He raised his right foot to kick the doctor's head from his right side while the other grabbed Rex's ankle with his left hand firmly and looked sharply into Rex's eyes.

Rex's eyes widened in astonishment" "What-!"

The doctor squeezed Rex's leg until a bone-crushing sound came out in which Rex screamed in pain as the doctor pushed him before he jumped out of the window without opening it! Leaving shards of glass behind.

Rex just sat up holding his ankle in pain and Carl got up from his bed and staggered before falling, balancing himself with his hands on the floor and looking at Rex.

"Are you alright, Chef! You didn't save me?!"

"It's my duty as Big Brother..." said Rex, softly in pain.

Carl, with excitement and amazement" "Don't tell a lie and you will believe it!" Having said it, he hit Rex's head hard and stood up as if he had just realized who was right in front of him.

Carl irritably" "It's my house, you idiot!"

Carl grabbed his hand and looked the other way wearily" "Damn it! It doesn't matter, it's my house and you're not going to behave in it as you wish, I understand! You've intruded too much into my life and won't go any deeper!"

Rex" "I don't know which one of us got into each other's life all of a sudden! In the middle of the night I walked that way on my first day in my new house!

Carl" "Exactly the opposite!"

Rex" "I can kick you out of the house at any moment!"

Rex sighed as a few who were alarmed by what happened walked in.

Professor 1" "What's going on here!" He said it while looking at the shattered glass and then at the two students, each of whom was in pain on one side.

Professor 2" "Where's the doctor? You don't look fine!"

Student 1" "I saw someone in the back yard had jumped out of the window, I didn't recognize him because of the sun, but he's wearing a doctor's clothes."

Professor 1" "Who is this!"

Carl" "It's the same doctor. He attacked me and Rex all of a sudden when he tried to help me."

Student 1" "It wasn't the doctor."

The professors turned their gazes between Carl and Rex and this student, who was none other than that short, bespectacled blond.

Carl hesitated before saying, "Actually it's my first time in the clinic so I don't know what a doctor looks like if it's someone else!"

Rex" "And I'm a new we're not sure if it's the same doctor?"

The blond individual" "The doctor has blond hair and brown eyes."

Rex and Carl looked at each other and then toward the professors" "It wasn't him!"

Professor 1" "Where did he go, leaving a mess behind!"

He said it and then left looking for him while Professor 2 came down to treat the two students himself, while the blonde was standing at the door looking at them in complete silence.

The professor interrupts Sarhana" "What's wrong with you, little boy?"

He calmly replied, "Nothing, the professor told me that Rex was late for that.. I had come to take him back to class, I'm going now.."

He said it and then straightened his stance and looked at them silently before leaving.

Carl" "Why is he looking at you like that?"

Rex" "What do I know?"

They heard Professor 1's voice from outside" "They found the doctor tied up in the basement of the school!!"

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