Chapter 3

"What do you mean you agreed to work for him? he's an arrogant bastard" Dylan yelled.

We got home not too long ago and I had to explain what happened and why I agreed to work for Jamie Estevan.

It seems the only information Dylan got out of the entire story was the fact that I accepted to be a nanny to Jamie's daughter.

"he's going to make your life a living hell I know" No shit Sherlock.

"I didn't have a choice". I say because who will deliberately want to work for the devil's spawn? Not me.

"How about your job as a barrister?" sometimes I think Dylan walks with no brain.

"Dylan, I assaulted a customer in public, which led to my incarceration, if that doesn't scream 'your ass is fired' then I don't know" because honestly showing up to work after today's incident is accepting eternal damnation as my forever home.

"you have a point," Dylan said as we both fell on our semi tattered couch.

After a while, she said "you have to admit Jamie Estevan is freaking hot, damn girl, I walked in and almost forgot I came to fight" Typical Dylan. But she has a point though.

Jamie is so fine, his jawline so sharp and defined it looks so surreal.

"too bad he's an asshole" was all I said because no, I wasn't about to admit to Dylan that I find Jamie attractive.

"Do you know his home address? Dylan asked

"No not really" I replied nonchalantly.

"so how do you intend on getting there?

"I don't know and right now I don't care" I was seriously tired and honestly, I think I deserve a ten hours sleep after today's incident.

But first I will have to organize my room, take a shower and sleep.

I will think of a solution later on how to get to Mr. Arrogant's House.

I walk into my room and I let out a heavy sigh.

Now I would not say I'm disorganized, no.

Being disorganized is not knowing where this item is. But I do know where every item is.

For example, I know I saw my favorite pair of grey socks under my bed because I was looking for my comfy house slippers and I found them there.

Did I bother picking up the socks? No.

But should I feel like wearing that specific pair of grey socks, Do I know where to find them?


Where? Under my bed.

Why? Because I saw it there.

Anyways I'll try and put some order in here. And by putting some order I mean just folding a few clothes and then I can shower and nap.

I hate folding clothes.

Sure I don't mind washing them. Be it with a machine or with my hands.

But folding them? I need five to six business days with five hours of daily rest, basically just complaining about folding my clothes.

That's how much I hate it.

I connect my phone to my Bluetooth and put on some music to make this work less painful.

I put on "Keenan te's independent " on repeat and got to work.

After some time of folding, I look at my phone and noticed I'd been organizing my room for an hour. I decided to leave it at that and hop into the shower.

After showering, I went to the kitchen to eat something. Not like we had any variety. The only thing we had edible was cereals.

And yes, I belong to the psychopathic group of people who put cereal before milk. Sue me.

After I eat, I go back to my room and the next moment, I am drifting into a heavy slumber.

I woke up from the sound of my buzzing alarm.

Then I remember I don't have a job. I am a free lady, So I decide to go back to sleep.

I close my eyes just thinking about random stuffs when all of a sudden..

Oh shit!

I start a new job today. Starting today, I'll be the nanny to Mr. Arrogant's daughter.

"God please she shouldn't be as stuck up as her dad and future stepmom". I begged.

After a while, I decide I should wake up and organize the kitchen counter. It's just 07:19 AM, Mr. Arrogant told me to be there at 10:00 AM.

But I didn't leave my bed. Minutes have passed and I'm still sprawled in my bed thinking of all the horrible decisions I made.

Accepting to work for Jamie Estevan is probably the worst of it all.

The ding from my phone signals an incoming message. I open the message and it is from an uncommon number.

It didn't say anything.

Just an address

Alvi Residence, 01987 Belfast Avenue.

I wonder who could be this silly to think I'll go to an unknown address voluntarily. I shook my head in disbelief.

This time around I decided to leave my bed and go to the kitchen, I walk in and realize Dylan had already organized everything. And she even made breakfast.

Chocolate Chips Pancakes

My favorite

I love you, Dylan.

I excitedly hug Dylan "thank you D"

"You are very welcome" we both sat down, said our prayers and quickly dug into our food. This is Divine.

"I got a text message," I say in between bites

"who is it from? Dylan asked as she picked up her glass of orange juice.

"foreign number. just an address" I picked up my phone and read the message out loud "Alvi Residence, 01987 Belfast Avenue".

"that's Jamie Estevan's home address," Dylan said nonchalantly.

I stared at him in shock. How does she know his address?

"Not creepy at all Dylan," I said.

"Ever heard of the Internet?" she bite back. "if you watch TV or if you used your phone to stay up to date, you will know he recently acquired Alvi Residence. It was all over the news"

Fair enough.

We finish our breakfast in silence, after we're done, Dylan offers to do the dishes so I go could get ready for a day of hell.

I am standing in front of Alvi Residence.

This neighborhood already makes me feel superconscious. I walk into the building anyways and I walk towards the reception area.

"hi please I'd like to see Mr. Jamie Estevan," I say and the lady looked at me from head to toe. Silently judging me.

"Is he expecting you?" she asked with such an attitude.

"yes, he is" I smiled as I said it.

Take that bitch.

"last floor" was all she said as she got back to her work.

I walk towards the elevator.

She did not even confirm with him. Or looked it up in her machine.

Right, he doesn't know my name so he couldn't have said he was expecting me.

But then again he did get my number so he probably knows my name.

But in any case, she is bad at her job. She could have looked it up.

I could be a killer for all we Know.

The ding from the elevator signaled I have reached my destination, and the elevator doors opens.

The first thing I see is Miss Warlock, arguing with a little girl who if I guess correct, should not be older than twelve.

"I will not ask this again Tracey, did you put a spider in my bag?"

Miss Warlock said.

"Great, because I was tired of hearing you ask" the little girl bite back, rolling her eyes.

Burned. If this was the kid I had to babysit, then yes, please.

She's got a great sense of humor.

Which I liked.


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