Chapter 4
Ms Warlock gazed at the little girl with a stunned expression. The little girl looked unfazed and glared back at Ms Warlock. I wonder if now will be a great time to make myself known.
Probably not.
Ms Warlock walks towards the little girl "I said did you take my favourite pair of shades? she asked again.
"I thought you weren't going to repeat yourself? the little asked back.
Ms Warlock stares at the little girl in an attempt to deter her. But the little girl stood her ground.
It is kind of amusing watching Ms Warlock this tightened. Maybe I should enjoy this for a bit.
Or not.
This silence is defening.
I clear my throat to signal that they were not alone, and on cue, they both look in my direction. I walk towards them slowly. Ms Warlock rolled her eyes, not hiding the fact that my presence has just worsened her mood. The irritation on her face was obvious. Did I care? Absolutely Not.
"Sorry to interrupt your family reunion, I'm here to see Mr Estevan," I say once I'm standing facing Ms Warlock, who just folded her arms and looked at me.
"and who are you?" the little girl asked with an attitude.
I go to answer but Ms Warlock shushed me before I could say anything, answering the question for me.
Miss girl, do not shush me.
"Tracey dear, this is the mean lady who hit mummy yesterday" she spoke too sweetly to the little girl like I didn't just witness Tracey roast her.
"You are not my mummy," Tracey said looking at Ms Warlock with an annoyed expression like she was fed up with clarifying that.
Roasted again, I think to myself.
Then she looked at me.
And said "I like you" and she was gone, leaving Ms Warlock flabbergasted.
I wasn't sure if she said she liked me because of what Ms Warlock had said about me hitting her or she genuinely just looked at me and decided 'I like this girl'.
In any case, I hope it stays that way once she finds out I'll be her nanny.
"What do you what with my fiancee?" she asked emphasising the fiancee part.
"uh didn't he tell you?" I was confused, aren't partners supposed to communicate?
"Tell me what?" she asked.
"he let me out on the condition that I be Tracey's nanny. so that's why I'm here" I said calmly, where is Mr Arrogant anyways.
"you're lying. he wouldn't do that" she said.
Bitch the fuck? Why will I lie? Why else did she think I came here for?
"maybe you can just check in with him?" I asked.
She looked at me from head to toe.
Unbelievable. I roll my eyes.
"babe!" she yelled.
No answer.
"babe!" she yelled again but this time pulling the 'babe' like some whiny little kid.
She starts blabbing about something but my focus drifts from her to the gorgeous man coming down the stairs.
This moment right now could be classified as those scenes in movies where the male protagonist comes to take the female protagonist on a date and he is starstrucked by her beauty.
I always hated such scenes because I thought they were so cliche and unrealistic. I found it has to believe you get butterflies and tongue-tied from looking at someone.
That's impossible.
But boy was I wrong.
Because when our eyes met, I felt all of those. If not more.
He is dressed in pants and a white shirt and the sleeves of his shirt are rolled up through his arms which made his biceps look firm.
The first two buttons of his shirt were undone making him look casual but dangerously and sinfully sexy.
His steps were painfully slow.
My heartbeat matched his every step as he descended the stairs, never taking his eyes off me.
He reaches the steep of stairs and stands by Ms Warlock. His gaze still fixated on me. His lips start moving but I am too mesmerised by his beauty I lost focus.
"did you hear me?
I just keep looking.
"Hello!!!" he snaps his fingers to get me off my trance.
"Uhm.. yeah ...yes" I stutter
The fuck? I never stutter.
What in the hell is wrong with me?.
"I said you're late. First day and you're late" he said.
And he's back. Mr Arrogant.
"I walked right through the elevator at exactly 10:00 AM" take that.
"on time is late," he says casually.
Seriously? I can't help but wonder how his employees deal with him.
Oh right, starting now I'll be another one of his employees.
"this way," he said walking towards what I presumed was another living room?
"you seriously can not be thinking about hiring her?" Ms Warlock asked walking behind him like a puppy.
"we'll talk about this later," he said with an annoyed expression.
Oh God, she bores him too? Mm interesting.
"But I want to talk now, make her wait" she ordered.
He stopped in his steps, turned and looked at her.
"do you realise what you just asked?" he said.
"yes, I do. You can't hire this lowlife. Not after what she did to me" she replied folding her arms.
"Andrea wait for me in my office. Down the Hall" he ordered.
Damn sexy.
Well, fuck me!
I walked down the hall as he ordered. I see a huge mahogany wooden door and I guess this is his office. I'm about to enter when I hear him say
"well if you weren't so arrogant maybe she would not have laid hands on you. Also who's going to look after Tracey," he half yelled.
How ironic. Mr Arrogant calls someone else Arrogant. Looks like there's trouble in paradise.
Well now I can't miss on this juicy conversation, can I?
I stand outside to eavesdrop on their conversation
"I'll keep looking after Tracey, I've been doing just fine" I hear Ms Warlock say.
"Tracey hates you. She can't stand you" Jamie bites back.
Then why be with someone who your daughter hates? I can't help but wonder.
"no, she doesn't " Ms Warlock replied.
"yeah whatever Andrea is hired and that's it"
"then it's over between us" Ms Warlock yelled.
More Silence.
I'm about to peep to find out the reason for the silence but a figure blocks me.
My heartbeat increases.
I stare at the figure's stomach way too long, six-packs could be seen through his shirt.
Slowly I move my gaze up.
Everything about this man is attractive, I've never been attracted to someone's Adam's apple, but right now I can't help but admire his.
Finally, my gaze meets his face. My eyes lock with his.
I know his eyes are blue, but being so up close and staring into them makes me realise that the blue sky doesn't come close when compared with the colour of his eyes.
He smiles.
He caught me checking him out.
How in the actual fuck did he get here?
With no footsteps heard?
And where did Ms Warlock go?
"well aren't you a curious little one?" he smirked.
I swear it was both the sexiest and the most annoying thing ever.
I wanted to wipe the smug look off his face by high-fiving his face with a chair. Thrice.
That will be so satisfying but at the same time, my heart betrayed me and by doing summersaults.
"I didn't hear anything" I quickly defended.
"I didn't say you did," he said folding his arms and wearing a sly smile on his face.
"I swear I didn't" even though I heard everything. I don't know why I was trying so hard to make him believe me. I was caught red-handed for fucks sake.
"I believe you" he said.
Of course you do, I think to myself. I roll
my eyes.
"did you just roll your eyes at me? he asked raising an eyebrow.
How the fuck do you raise a brow? I've tried doing that so many times, but every time I try, I end up looking like a constipated dog. But he does it so effortlessly and.. and.
Oh boy.
I'm in deep trouble.
"I'm sorry" I apologised because I don't know what will happen if I dare defied him.
He just looked at me.
"mmmh" that was all be said before he walked right past me and into his office.
I guess this is my queue to follow him. I walk in a close the door behind me.
His office is big. Very big office with antique mahogany furnitures.
A mahogany bookshelf, a huge mahogany desk, a mahogany corner desk. That wasn't all but now wasn't the time to take in all the tiny details, since I have an arrogant sexy man waiting to interview me.
Yay me.
Or not.
This man seems to be in love with everything made out of mahogany. I think it says lot about his personality.
"sit," he says.
Right now I feel like I was about to be punished. The way he says "sit", takes me back to high school when Dylan would act all rambunctious and we both ended up in the principal's office.
I take my seat. The sit feels really soft and big. I sit just halfway through the chair which is uncomfortable.
"I'm sorry about yesterday," he said.
I'm taken aback. I wasn't expecting that at all. I never thought he was the type to apologise. I don't say anything because honestly I'm shocked.
"I shouldn't have spoken to you like that yesterday, I should have tried listening to your side too" he added.
Well, well. Who would have thought Mr Arrogant isn't so arrogant after all.
I genuinely don't know what to say. Someone pinch me, because never in a gazillion years would I have thought him capable of saying 'I'm sorry'. This gesture alone is enough to make me rethink all negative thoughts I had about him.
Let's not kid ourselves. I never once had a negative thought, just a narcissistic rich man attitude, but now I see him in a different light.
"thank you," I say. Because I am grateful he apologised
He smiled. Not in his usual cocky annoying sexy grin. But a genuine smile that made my insides all tingly and fuzzy.
I smiled back.
We're both looking into each others eyes. An intense wave of current flows through my veins.
What is happening to me?
Why do I feel the way I do when he looks at me?
"Okay, so the job," he says waking me up from my trance.
"yes, the job" I repeat.
"So like I said, you'll be my daughter's nanny. Her name is Tracey. I should have started by introducing you two" he said quickly
"no-no. I already met her" I said "I met here earlier when I came in," I said calmly.
"right okay"
Silence again.
I hate it when it's silent. Especially right now. Because I know he's trying to read me.
No scratch that.
He is reading me.
I don't what it is about him but I can feel my walls falling. Walls I've built over the years as a defence and protective mechanism.
And all it takes is being alone with him, like right now, in the quiet for me to allow him to see right through me.
Which if I'm being honest, felt good.
Scary but good.
"And my salary?"
"One Million, five hundred thousand CFA"
Shut the front door.
One million, five hundred thousand? My other job paid a hundred and fifty thousand. And I had to work my ass off daily. And I get one point five million monthly? Wait he didn't specify though. For all, I know it could be yearly.
If it's yearly then that's a hundred and twenty-five thousand each month. Twenty-five thousand lesser than what I received at my former work place.
Well, I don't have a choice though.
I have gotta work to pay off the debt I got into for ruining Ms Warlock dress. Just great.
What will I save? rents, groceries? At this rate, I should say bye-bye to my dream of one day owning my coffee shop.
"uh is that yearly?" I asked out of curiosity even though I had mentally done my maths.
"no monthly" he responded casually.
Shocked doesn't come close to express how I feel right now. One point fucking five million a month to be a nanny?
There has got to be a catch.
I mean deep inside I was hopeful it was monthly, but hearing him say it out loud?
"And what are my responsibilities?" I want to know because a salary of one point five million probably requires a lot of work. Plus I've never worked as a nanny before so a little bit of orientation will be great.
"not much. Make her breakfast, take her to school, assist her with her assignments. Tuck her in bed at night and that's it"
Okay, so school, assignment, food, tuck her in and that's it? Pretty easy to me.
"so after I pay off Ms Warlock dress, and pay you back for bailing me, Will I still work for you? I remember you said her dress costs one million, and my bail two hundred thousand CFA" I wanted to know because that was the condition under which I was released. What happens after I pay that off?
"let's talk about that in one month" he replied.
That will be fucking painful. Wondering if I still have a job after a month or if I go back to job hunting.
"okay" I replied.
"great, so if there are no more questions, that will be all. You start work on Monday. You can go home and get your things ready, I'll send a car to come to pick you tomorrow evening" he says getting up from his chair.
I was confused. What does he mean by 'get my things'?
"uh, why do I need to get my things?" I questioned.
"yes, you will be living here starting Monday "
Say what now??!