Chapter 1

Anna dressed up after her shower; she left her room to join her family for breakfast. Walking down the stairs to see her brother dropping a plate of pancakes on the table, he turned and smiled at her.

"Glad you decided to show up, I was thinking if I had to send mom up" he commented with a smile.

Anna rolled her eyes at him, he always mention calling their mom because he knows, should it be their mother waking her up, she would have been downstairs by five am "whatever."

"Is that you Anna?" Veronica called from the kitchen.

"Yes mom."

"Okay then, hurry up and have your breakfast so that you won't be late for school, don't forget, you will be doing the dishes before you leave."

Anna groaned "why me again mom, it should be Jason."

"Don't question my authority young lady" Veronica said as she walked out of the kitchen carrying a bowl of applesauce.

Ann bit her lip and pulled out a chair before sitting down, she glanced at Jason and he was smiling, she groaned and looked away from him, he is always killing her with that smile of his, she wonders if he knows what it does to her body and so was doing so on purpose "where is dad?"

"Left early, will be back tomorrow in time before I leave for my conference, hopefully" Veronica answered.

"How long will you be staying away this time?" Jason asked.

"Two to three days."

"Oh" he nodded shoving a folk of pancake into his mouth.

Anna paid no attention to what they were discussing, watching her brother eat is like watching a porn star, he takes the pancake little by little with the sauce greasing his thin pink lips, she felt this urge of walking over and licking it with her tongue.

"Ah" she groaned and shut her eyes immediately.

"What?" Veronica asked.

Jason was already staring at her, wanting to know if he is to switch on his protective mode.

Ann looked at her mother and shook her head "nothing, I just remembered I didn't do my math's homework."

"Why didn't you? You were at home all day yesterday" her mother accused.

"I forgot" she mumbled as she played with her fork.

"Don't worry, I will help you with it in the car" Jason smiled.

"You are spoiling her too much Jason, she always forgets to do her homework and you are always there to help, you are graduating this year. When you leave for college, who will be doing so for her?"

"Mom, it doesn't matter, when I'm gone, she can take care of it. Let me help her now that I'm here, right baby sis?" He smiled.

Anna nodded with a smile while Veronica rolled her eyes.

"Hurry with your food, you are running late" she said as she jumped into hers.

Anna forced herself to forget about her steamy dream with her brother last night, it's going to hunt her the rest of the day and it's not going to help with him being all so loving and caring to her, she shook her head to clear her mind as she tried to eat her food, she is in a big mess.


Getting to school, Jason walked her to her class as he always do every single day.

"You know, you don't have to keep walking me to class every time" she commented.

"Why? You don't want me to?" He asked.

"Not that I don't, but just that, should anyone not know we are siblings, they will think you are my boyfriend" she stated.

Jason chuckled lightly "well, I can be your brother and also be your boyfriend to those who wants to see it that way. Or can't I be your boyfriend?" He raised his brow.?

Anna shut her eyes immediately, dammit, he looked so good "well you can't because you are my brother" she said mainly to herself.

Jason laughed at that but he still gave her a look that made her wonder if he feels the same way for her too, but gosh, of course he will love you, you are his sister. She opened her mouth to speak again but Jason saw one of his basketball teammate.

"Hey Josh" he greeted.

"Jason my man" Josh shook his hand and they hugged in their brotherly way or so they call it.

"We have game this evening, you remember?" Josh asked.

"Of course I do, how can I forget?" Jason smiled and Josh looked at Anna.

"Hey Anna" he greeted.

"Hey Josh."

"Hey dude you can't believe what I just heard."


"I heard Megan is throwing a party tonight and guess what? Her parents are out of town, you know what that means?"

Jason grinned "of course I do"

"There gonna be hottie's, I heard Megan's cousin is in town, she is one of the reason her parents were able to leave the house alone for her and I heard she is hot" Josh licked his lips at that.

"What's her name?" Jason asked and Anna looked at him with a frown, is he interested in her? She felt herself hating this unknown girl, how dare she catch the interest of her Jason? Em, her brother, she corrected.

"Courtney" Josh provided.

"I like that" Jason added.

Oh mama, why didn't you name me Courtney? Anna found herself wishing. The bell rang then and Jason turned to Anna.

"Hey there baby sis, see you during lunch" he kissed her head "I love you" he smiled and tuned to Josh. Anna watched them walk down the hall heading to their class.

"I love you too" she whispered "more than you expect" she shook her head and groaned, ah, this is a sin, she reminded herself before walking into her class.

Class was boring, since technically, their teacher chose to tell them his life story rather than teach, he laughed at everything he said not minding that none of his students were laughing with him, some ended up dozing off on their desks and he had no idea. Thankfully, his time ran up and she saw herself hoping that the rest wouldn't be like that.

Actually, she found herself wishing all morning classes will come to an end, she can't wait to see her brother again.

"Hey Anna" someone called as she was walking to the cafeteria. She turned to see Melody A.k.A #1 hottest beauty, or so she call her self, Anna didn't have a problem with her except for the fact that she is totally into her brother and she doesn't like that.

"Hey Mel" she greeted with no much enthusiasm.

"Hey, I'm sorry to stop you but you see, Megan is throwing a party."

"Why are you telling me?"

"Oh it's nothing, I just don't know how to ask your brother to go with me, since with the fact he always turn me down whenever I invite him to something."

"So you are hoping I can ask him for you?"

"Yes, judging by the fact that he hardly say no to you, so do you think, you can ask him for me? I can get you a ticket to the movie on Saturday, what do you say?"

Anna stared at her, is she bribing me to tell my brother to go with her? "He has game this evening, so he might go late."

"I can wait for him."

"I don't think he will accept."

"Two tickets then."


"Three tickets."

"What will I be doing with three tickets?"

"It's a public school, you don't have any friends?"

"Hmm, deal."

"Thank you, I await your good news" Melody smiled and walked away and Anna regretted agreeing, she still has Courtney to worry about and now she is sending Melody into his arms, just how many of them are you going to fight off? She asked herself.

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