Chapter 3

Anna fell asleep while thinking, she heard someone shout her name and jolt into consciousness.

"Anna, come down for dinner and also get ready for the party, or you don't want to go again?" Of course it will be Jason shouting her name who else? She sighed and got up from the bed. Just the thought of dinner, she realized she was hungry and she yawned.

Walking down the stairs she saw Jason already eating, his hair was wet like he had just walked out of a shower, he was also dressed in a fresh clothes, looking at him all neat and tidy she frowned.

"Did I sleep that long?" She asked as she also took a seat.

"Yep, approximately two hours" he answered.

"Where is mom?"

"In her room, preparing her speech. Said she would leave early."

"Oh. You think she will really be back in two days like she said?"

"Nope. Be expecting her in let's say...four or five days time. It's not the first time she has given us a date without meeting up to it" he continued with his feeding "hurry up and take a shower. Josh will be here soon."

"Oh. We will be leaving in his mom's car again?"

"Yea, I asked mom for hers, said she doesn't have enough fuel and hoping to fill up tomorrow."

Anna nodded as she settled for her spaghetti with bacon and eggs which Jason was already done with his.

Minutes later they were calling "mom we are leaving" as they jump down the stairs in twos in order to shout at the driver of the car whose horn was blaring in the ears.

"Okay kids have fun and Jason don't forget, Anna is not to taste any alcohol" Veronica shouted from her room.

"Yes mom" Jason shouted back as he closed the door behind him "hey Josh, you break down my walls, you are giving me your trust fund" he shouted as he made his way to them. Anna was already sitting in the back seat with two pretty blondes and a dark haired guy called James, one of Jason's teammates.

Josh laughed at his words "well you wouldn't blame me, what was holding ya inside? Anna was?down here already and you were making us wait for you like a girl."

"I have just told you my own" Jason got in the passenger's seat.

"Next stop, Megan's" Josh stepped on his accelerator and sped off.

By the time they arrived at the party, it has already taken off with a lot of their school mates dancing and drinking. Jason walked in with Anna in his arms in time to see Melody walking up to them.

"I went to the gym but I couldn't find you, thought Anna said you will be playing?" She questioned.

"Yea, but the game was cancelled" Jason offered.

"I figured. So, you wanna dance?" She asked.

"Nah, I just wanna sit and have a drink, maybe later" he gently brushed her off and her eyes traveled to Anna, more like to remind her of their deal.

"Sorry, I tried, but he..." She was answering.

"I already had in mind to come with her" Jason interrupted and Melody nodded.

"I see, okay then, see you later" she turned and walked away immediately.

"She is hurt" James whispered from behind.

"Yea, not my fault" Jason replied as he dragged Anna with him to get a drink. He got two disposable cups with alcohol and offered her one.

She smiled as she took the cup from him "mom said I shouldn't drink remember?"

"Yea and we both know you were not going to obey" was his reply as he sipped from his drink. She looked at him and he offered a smile and she had to look away shyly.

"Wait for me here" he said and she watched him fight his way through the clustered dancers. She was able to still spot him because of his height, he towered a lot of the students dancing with an inch or two. She smiled as her eyes followed his blonde hair until he was out of sight.?

"Hey Anna" someone called and she turned to see Cashmere, he is Jason's class mate but they were not much of a friend.

She smiled to him "hey Cash, wasn't expecting to see you here."

He chuckled "yea, Megan invited everyone in class."

"Oh" she nodded as she reminded herself that she was not supposed to be there since she was not in their class.

"Wanna dance?" Cash asked and she smiled before shaking her head.

"Not really. Jason asked me to wait here, don't want to trouble him looking for me when he returns. Maybe later then?"

"Sure, you know where to find me" he smiled to her before disappearing in the crowds.

Anna stood watching as everybody was having their fun, she really didn't want to come to the party but if it means being beside Jason, she doesn't mind. She sighed as she sipped from her cup while waiting for her brother.

"We had a deal you know, and you broke it" Mel said from behind her and she turned to look at her.

"I'm sorry. I did tell him as your request, but he insisted he will come with me and you know how he can be, stubborn."

"Yea but at least you could say you don't want to come."

"But I do. I only accepted your request because I thought since Megan didn't invite me that there is no way I can come. I just didn't know that he will invite me himself."

"I did come with the tickets, was hoping to give them to him to give to you and you know what? I don't know what I will be doing with three extra tickets so how about you let me stay by his side tonight in your stead and the tickets will still be yours?" Melody offered and she sighed.

"That won't be in my power to decide again Mel, he was pretty mad this afternoon when I told him I accepted to ask him on your behalf, so how about you wait for him to come back and ask him yourself? I really don't like it when he is angry with me."

Melody stared at her with her slightly intoxicated eyes "you know he won't accept."

"Then I won't be blamed anymore, you can also keep the tickets since I didn't keep my own end of the deal."

"I got them because of you!"

"Then you can gift them to me" Anna said indifferently and Melody's eyes were already red from anger and alcohol.

"Anna" Jason called and they both turned to face him "come with me" he said as he grabbed her by the hand and pull her away with him but not before casting Melody a warning glance.

"What happened?" He asked Anna as they made their way through the dancing students.

"She is angry because I didn't get you to be her date" she shouted over the music.

"That's why you need to consult me first before agreeing to any of this bullshit. I don't want anybody hurting you because of me, is that clear?" He shouted back. They had made their way to the other side of the room by then "here" he handed her a bowl of grapes "got them from Megan" he said in her ear before offering her a smile.

She smiled back to him "thanks" she said with a slightly raised voice for him to hear since she can't talk to his ear due to his height.

Jason smiled and popped a grape in his mouth "mm" was the sound he made as he picked another one "sweet" he reached for her mouth and she opened for him to put the grape "see?" He asked as she burst the grape in her mouth letting the juice settle on her tongue before she swallowed.

"Yea" she agreed while nodding and he picked another one and placed on his lips. It burst and a single line of the juice slipped from his lips down his throat. Her eyes followed the line the juice made down to his open chest. She suddenly felt a lump in her throat and had to swallow hard, her eyes locked on his chest. She felt the urge of kissing his chest or better still wiping away the juice but how is she going to do that without giving herself away?

She recalled herself immediately and looked up to see him looking at her too, there was tenderness in his eyes or more like passion? She couldn't name it but she was lost in those bright blue eyes of his. He blinked and then turned and walked away while she watched him leave.

Anna stood oh her own for what felt like hours and Jason did not return nor has she seen him anywhere around. She sighed as she thought on what could be his problem, she had already finished the grapes and was waiting for him to return the bowl but since he was no where to be seen, she decided to return it herself. Forcing herself through the crowds and almost approaching the kitchen, she caught a glimpse of his hair, she would know that anywhere. She looked closely and saw him talking to Megan with a brunette giving him a side hug.

She frowned, she knows every single soul in the house because she sees them in school except that brunette in his arms, is she Courtney, Megan's cousin? She figures it had to be her since she is the only stranger in the room. Watching as he was talking and laughing with the girls, she felt her heart breaking. Seeing the way his hand wrapped on the supposed Courtney shoulder, she felt cheated on and had to remind herself that they were not dating and most certainly won't.?

She turned and walked away from the heartbreaking sight in time to hide her tears. Her hand reached to wipe away the traitor tears and she dropped the bowl somewhere on the floor. She can't actually tell why she is crying should she be asked and so have to hide it before someone sees it and had to report to Jason who would then come asking to know what's wrong with no idea that he is the reason.

Clearing her blurry eyes from tears, she saw Cash dancing and walked up to him "hey Cash."

The dancing blonde turned to look at her and smiled "hey Anna, wanna grant ?me my dance request?"

She smiled at that "sure" she replied as she let her hands circle his neck while his hand grabbed her waist as they both danced to the music. At the other end of the room, a pair of blue eyes was watching them as his hold tightened on the shoulder of the girl in his arm.

"Ouch" the girl said looking at him.

"Sorry" was his reply as he released his hold on her.

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