Chapter 2

"Shit, it's the missing tribute that we’ve been looking for! She’s not deserted as we had originally thought!" a gruff voice urged desperately, waking me up from my unconsciousness. "What on earth has happened to this poor girl, and where has all this blood come from?"

"As If I care. I’m more pissed that we don’t get to whip the werewolf out of this dumb slut for deserting! Just pick the girl up and take her to the Princes," another voice commanded in a bored fashion. "Wounded or not, she is still a tribute. The Princes will decide what to do with her!"

"Fine, as you wish. Come on, you lazy lump!" the first voice growled loudly. "Get up, will you! Come on. We haven't got all night. You're a right mess you are!"

"Please just let me go home," I begged pathetically, groaning as surges of pain washed through me. "The Princes won't want me like this!"

"We will see what the Alpha wants to do with you!" the second guard sneered. "With any luck, he will feed you to the hounds. I've heard they are quite hungry lately!"

Their rough hands began pulling and tugging at my clothes, and my body finally woke up and began to move as I moaned loudly in pain. My body felt battered and bruised and pain radiated throughout me like a burning gorse fire on a hot summer’s day. The last thing I could remember was Rainie and her boyfriend, Everett, coming towards me with their gang of unruly misfits. Gingerly, I touched my face with bloody fingers and felt the spongy swelling and bruising around my eye sockets, one of which had nearly fused shut. My lips felt thick, heavy, and knotted, and as I was roughly pulled to my feet, the world spun in a blur of darkness. Every breath I took was like breathing in hot knives, and involuntarily, I whimpered out again in pain, not that the guards even cared. I glanced down, and my eyes lingered at my blood-soaked, torn dress, and my legs spattered with blood and dirt. No Prince would want me now, that's for sure. I was certainly better off being dead!

Mustering all the strength I could find, I allowed myself to stand up and get pulled through the stone archway toward the selection platform. The guards were pulling me so quickly that it felt like I was hovering above the ground. It didn't even register to me that my legs were propping me up. I raised my head slowly and squinted in the dark, hoping to see a friendly face maybe, or even someone kind enough to help me, but alas, the square was almost deserted. The crowd had somewhat dispersed now that the Princes had chosen their tributes. I could see the Imperial Family and their entourage was beginning to retreat to their carriages with their newly claimed prizes. Maybe I had a lucky escape? Perhaps they would just let me go so that I could return home to my grandmother?

"Your Highnesses," one of my captors called out loudly, causing one regal-looking man to turn around in interest. "We have found the missing tribute that we told you about! Apologies, but she is in a bit of a mess. We could just dispose of her now for you?"

“No!” The royal man spat out loudly. “Let me look at her first!”

Slowly the man turned around and walked back towards me. He glanced down at me with one disgusted look and gasped loudly before turning his head away quickly. I rested my eyes on his hunky physique and thirstily drank in the sight before me. Even under his gold armour, I could see that he was hunky and strong. His muscles bulged together under thick tanned skin peeking out from under the armour. Glancing down, I eyed up his firm, defined legs wrapped in snakeskin leather, his royal sword dangling from a jewel-encrusted belt. His face was home to a chiselled jaw and a broad nose surrounded by styled black stubble, while his black hair was gelled into many spikes, making him ooze sex appeal. The thought of this man working his muscles over me made me blush. Somehow, my wolf, Samba, was also intrigued by the mountain of muscle towering over us. Blushing, I lowered my face to hide my embarrassment at such lustrous thoughts.

"Well? Where was she? Where did you find her?" he barked in a loud authoritative voice, clearly annoyed while looking straight ahead. "What the hell happened to her?"

"We are not sure, your Highness!" one of the guards replied cautiously. "When we realised that this tribute had not turned up, we went looking for her. We found her unconscious, barely breathing in a pool of her own blood, just the other side of the stone archway."

"Hm, a possible attack then? Injuries? What are they? Do we know the damage?" the Prince barked loudly while still glaring the opposite way, his face and jaw tensed as if he was hiding an unbearable pain. "Do we know who did this to her? Was there a scent trail?"

"Um, busted face, possible broken ribs, cuts and slashes on her legs and arms," the guard whispered slowly. "I'm not sure who attacked her as she was all alone when we found her, but she needs some form of medical attention! There was a faint scent trail which we will get followed up. We will find out who did this?"

"Please, sir," I stammered quietly. "I can tell…."

"Don't you dare talk to any member of the Imperial Family without permission, you wench!" the nasty guard exclaimed loudly. He quickly swiped me harshly across the back of the head, causing me to fall to the ground in moans of intense pain. "You will learn your place, dog! You need finishing off. Such a waste of a virgin pussy!"

"That's enough!" growled the Prince loudly, turning his head to look at me in disgust once more, his hand on the hilt of his sword. "Don't you dare lay another finger on this woman unless I say so, or I swear to god, I'll have your head! And I’ll make boot ties out of your intestines! Take her to the Palace. I'll get her looked at by the doctors, and then I'll decide what to do with her! I'm sure either my brother or I can find a use for this, thing!"

"Yes, yes, Your Highness," the guard stammered loudly, clearly embarrassed at being told off by the Prince. "Sorry, I won't do it again. You heard him! Load her up!"

Before I could mutter a humble thanks to the Prince, I was roughly dragged to an empty cage and thrown in before the door was forcibly slammed loudly behind me and locked. Squinting at the guards, I saw them both smirk at me and laugh before walking away towards the front of the procession. Suddenly the horses pulling the cage lurched forward abruptly, sending white-hot pain riveting through my body. Loudly, I cried out and instinctively held my ribs in agony before attempting to curl up into a ball. Petrified, I huddled into a corner and peered through the iron bars, still battered and bruised and heavily bleeding. Sadly, I watched as the city, and my home gradually disappeared behind me as we made our way slowly towards the mountain top Palace.

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