Chapter 3

I smiled when I finished putting on the clothes of a servant I had just kidnaped, I looked at the body of the servant who is now not breathing. Looks like hell this one failed.

I looked back to the front and narrowed my eyes when I saw a servant going in this direction so I immediately walked to meet her.

"You're just here." She said and suddenly handed me a tray with only food.

"Take it to the prince's room and tell him to take a bath, that pet of yours is really reprehensible." She said so I smiled, it looks like the prince is the only one I victimized. If you are lucky again.

The Yuniko is the prince's bodyguard inside or outside the palace, meaning I can always follow the prince, wherever he goes.

It's good that this weak creature didn't even notice that I looked different.

"I'm going to see him." I said and walked into the palace carrying the tray that the woman handed me.

As soon as I entered the door of the palace, I immediately smelled the sins of everyone here.

"Smells good." I whispered and grinned.

"Yuniko! Take the prince's food to his room and-- wait who are you?" an old woman asked me who was already wearing the dress of the servants here.

"Yuniko." I answered, frowning at him.

"I know but where is the old prince's Yuniko?" This question made me laugh.

"You're late for the news." I said while looking into his eyes. "My cousin has resigned from his job because of the prince's very naughty, so I took over his job so that the dear king will not have a hard time finding a new prince." When I lied, she nodded as if She really believed to me.

"Is that so, go ahead. Take his food to the bedroom, wait a minute what's on your head?" she asked while looking at my little horn.

"Is that so?" I asked and touched my horn then laughed. "Head band, I'm just feel beautiful to this headband so I bought it and wore it." I said, again I convinced her.

This person, she is easily deceived, I will not wonder why she loses so much because she is quick to trust others.

"All right, at the top turn left and at the very first door, the prince is sitting." she said and smiled at me.

"Did you know that maybe the job of a that is right?" she asked, I nodded.

"Well then, bring that there because the prince's meal is past the time." she said then I left, I followed the gaze of that woman then walked up the stairs and followed the direction she said.

Even if she doesn't tell me the direction where the prince is, I will know and I will still know where that prince is. Of all the people here inside the palace, he was the only one I didn’t smell who had committed a sin. That's why he's my mission. I stopped in front of the door with two soldiers guarding me.

"Yuniko! It's good that you're here-who are you?" I was greeted by a man as tall as I was, with long black hair up to his shoulders, narrow eyes, a sharp nose and red lips.

I grinned to myself. This one, smart but deceitful parents, the only sin I could smell in him was jealousy.

"Where is the former yuniko?" He asked again.

"My name is Ksara, my cousin has left and I have taken over as the new yuniko of the dear prince." I said, from behind him peeked another man who was also a bit narrow -eyed, just the right length of hair and gradually bigger than us.

"You're a woman, shouldn't the majesty's yuniko be a man?" It asked the man in front of me, it looked at me. "Did you attend the screening of the dear king and queen?" Question it. I nodded in response, his forehead furrowed.

"It’s a miracle, they took a unique woman." He whispered, this one is ignorant, but cunning in lying. I won't be surprised if I see it in my place when it's his time.

"All right, come on in." A man as tall as me said, the man behind him suddenly stopped and looked at my horn.

"You have a bad taste in the head band." He said then looked into my eyes.

"He's still in the bathroom, put his food down first and wait for him to come out of his bathroom." He said and then let me go, as he said, I put the food on a table then looked around the prince's room.

The ugly color, too painful to the eyes. Aren't these people tired of using bright colors?

"Hey, why are you upset? Just stand there and wait for the prince, why are you sitting on the prince's bed?" A man as tall as me asked.

"It's only now that he's seen you in such a big room." Said one.

"Neither." I said so they wrinkled their foreheads. "My room is bigger and more spacious compared to here." I said so they were surprised. "With so much breadth and size, you two still have room don." I said and smiled at them.

Obviously they don’t get what I said so I just laughed.

"What are you saying? You're just a lowly yuniko so it's impossible for your room to be bigger than the prince's room." A man said so I laughed then stood up and walked to tour around.

"Hey, you're crazy. Just stand up." Annoyed, said a man as tall as me.

"How many hours will it take before the prince finishes bathing? ' I asked them.

"What's that noise Bael?" We looked at the speaker from a door here in the room, from the don came out my target with a towel half his body while there were dripping drops of water on his body and wet hair.

My target, is already in front of me. Now I'm just going to think about what I'm going to teach him first to make him bad.

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