Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 2 Shared Between The Brothers

“Give her to Marcellus first, he is the one who lost his mate. Let him steal away her everything first,” Ansel walked behind his sons to reach for his thrown on the end of the hall.

I had yet to grasp my hold onto reality. Maybe I was dreaming, maybe I’ll be shaken awake by Senior Albert now. Everything about earth was so different, their language was so absurd and lewd. Their words only would give me shivers and I would pull myself together. The way they looked at my body, especially at my chest and the parts that I could not even name without turning red was just shameful.

“What about us? I want to see if their vag*** are similar to the ones on earth,” Caspian’s other lewd remark made me close my eyes and turn my face the other way. How could he use that word in front of his father and brother? Is that what he was thinking about every time our eyes met? I felt like a sinner.

“You can mate with anyone from the lowest tiers of the pack, their life doesn’t matter anyway. I will make an announcement and a reward for those who will be ready to sacrifice their daughters to please the Alphas, Beta, and the Omega’s of the pack,” Ansel picked up a bottle of alcohol and chugged through it in front of an eighteen-year-old girl.

What was going on?

What kind of mannerisms were these?

Seeing how they lived had frightened me for my dignity and self-esteem even more now. They seemed to be capable of anything.

“You cannot use a girl as a subject of your lust and desires,” I didn’t want to but the goodness inside me forced me into raising a voice for my people, those innocent she-wolves, who would lose their lives by the hands of their lust.

They instantly looked my way and chuckled, “Goddess herself never thought of it before punishing and even hiding the curse from us? You want to talk about what’s appropriate and what’s inappropriate? How about we spread your legs before the whole pack and show them what golden pu*** the divine creature has.” Every time Caspian made eye contact with me, I felt leeches sucking onto my blood and leaving me helpless.

A young woman, probably his concubine approached him and sat by his side.

She had only her private areas covered while her skin was left open for the eyes of these beasts. My fear stuck in my throat when I saw her rubbing his manly area with her hand and letting him slide his hand inside her top to play with her.

I squeezed my legs close when the sight before my eyes shivered my body and filled my skin with goosebumps.

“That is so inappropriate,” My body shuddered before their eyes, pleasing them even more.

“She is a divine creature; we will get a good look at every part of her body but Marcellus will be the first. He will be the only one who can fill her pu*** with his spe*m, other’s will go if she doesn’t get pregnant and if she does, you can taste her in the meanwhile,” Ansel had no shame in using such words for a girl who was the daughter of the Moon Goddess.

I was left shocked at what their intentions were for me, they were going to impregnate me with their filth. I was not high headed but the mating process between a divine creature and a creature of the earth was highly forbidden and a sinful act.

“No!” A little whimper left my lips as I covered my chest with my arms.

“Throw her in Marcellus’s chamber,” Ansel waved his hand to dismiss us. The young girl by his side bent between his legs to plant pecks all over his manly area.

What was happening? How was this allowed?

Abner grabbed my arm and I shuddered again. The fact that every time my body reacted to their touch made me feel like a sinner and they enjoyed it.

“That is unfair, I think we should have f*** her first in the public,” Caspian was walking behind us, nonstop complaining about something so horrendous. Just the thought of me in front of everyone in a compromised condition would be a death of me.

“I know, at least strip her naked to disgrace her mother,” Abner agreed with his brother while he glared at me in hate and resentment.

I did not open my mouth to them anymore, I have no courage to listen to their lewd taunts and conversation. The more they spoke, the more indecent remarks they made.

Abner dragged me to one of the chambers that I assumed belonged to his youngest brother, the one who had lost his mate. Everything was in a similar fashion, the dark theme hallways and some décor that I have never seen in our land. The walls were covered with obscene paintings of women with no clothing on and in a very indecent pose.

My mind was going crazy being here on earth. The men wore those tight pants that were too vulgar to even look at.

He shoved me inside a room and then locked the door after me so that I could not dare to escape. It wasn’t entirely dark in this room; the lamps were lit on both sides of the bed which was then placed on a raised platform.

I dreaded to look around in search of him, was he going to be improper to me?

“Mother! If you can hear me, please help me!” I met my palms and raised my face to the ceiling, crying for help.

“She is a b****, she didn’t care about Cassedy, why would we let her take care of you?” The very deep and husky voice was an apparent notification of Marcellus’s presence. He came out from behind the wall with a picture in his hand. The way he mentioned the Royal Highness made my stomach sink in my chest, they did not care or respect us, which was going to be a very serious problem for me.

“You see this?” he showed it to me from afar, “That is my Cassedy,” he then turned it around for himself and his tone changed, “Your mother ruined everything for me, what was her fault?” Marcellus smashed the picture on the floor and rushed my way aggressively. I recoiled into the door and pulled my hands over my face to prevent looking at his beastly anger.

“Now you are afraid!” his words felt like a sword, slicking my eardrums menacingly, “It’s only the beginning. The disgrace you feel will shatter your mother’s heart like it had shattered mine when the dawn arrived and my Cassedy died in my arms,” He punched the door beside me in anger with his heavy breaths expressing his rage for my kind.

“But I am your Goddess’ divine d---aughter, your future Goddess,” I managed to utter after I slid my hands down from my face. I was in a shock to see how close he had gotten to my face in these few seconds. These earth creatures were beautiful but sadly, they had blackened hearts and rotten minds.

“And why are you wearing this dress to cover your body like you are some high grace creature, we all know your filthy mother laughs at our demises, we should laugh at you too,” He took a step back and grasped my collar to unbutton my high neck dress. His cold fingers touched my warm, soft body and my eyes began to form tears.

He rent my dress and it tore apart till my shining chest was available for him to see. He was raging and very aggressive before that, but once his eyes observed my cleavage and a little bit of my round boo** his eyes grew wide apart.

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